his Christmas

what in the world where love comes from?????


Chapter 6

Today is Christmas Eve. Kris  and other idols are busy to entertain their fans. He tries few times to see if the girl comes or not. The party is half  over, but he does not see anyone at the seats for her. Many people will pay ant prize to be these seats, but it is sad that no one is there at all. Then, there is a handsome man accompanying a young and beautiful girl. They are looked good together. He guesses that his friend has sold the tickets for good money anyway. He is kind of disappointed even though he knows this can happens. The party almost over when he comes closed to greet the couple. The young woman is glad to see him. She asks for his autograph and shakes his hand with so much enthusiastic that makes him feel happy for such great fan.

He asks them just like any fan, “ oh, I am glad you here. What is your name and career?”

The girl says with happy face, “ my name is Sunny, and this is  Lay. He is a chef at Korean traditional restaurant. I am a waitress there. We are lucky to have friend to give us the tickets because she knows that I am such a big fan of your. She gave us at the last minute after going through a lot of thinking because her friend gave those tickets for her. She was just so kind to give the ticket to us.”

Kris asks with surprised tone, “ Can I ask what your friend’s name because she was such good person to miss her chance and let you have it?”

The girl says with smiling face, “ her name is Yuri. She is such a great gal. She is kind of cute. She is short and little plumy. She does not talk much, but when she talks, she is very funny.”

The man tries to stop her because she talk about their friend too much that mind bore Kris. Then, Kris thanks them and moves to other fans.

Now, Kris knows a little bit about her friend. She is funny. That is just unbelievable. Every time he comes; the mood is always bad and tense. Then, one thing he is sure now; she will not marry the neighbor’s grandson because he actually has a girlfriend. He feels bad for her, but he is relieved somehow. He does not want to give his friend away yet. He is confused with his feeling for her now. He wonders what she will do today when she does not have her so-called-future-husband today. She even had to give up her tickets for them to have fun with each other. He feels bad for her now. Yeah it is sad in such day without any person want to stay by your side. He plans to come to his girlfriend after the party, but he spends a lot of time with her. He spends all special events with her too. Maybe this year, he comes to see how his friend celebrates her Christmas.

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