Chapter 5

Blood and Blade

The three girls jumped as Irene and Wendy burst through the door. Wendy closed it shut and both girls ran towards the walls and felt around them. The others stared at the two who were acting particularly strange.

"What are they doing?" Yeri whispered to Joy

"I think they're playing charades" Seulgi replied. "Monkey! No? umm..Spiderman! uhh you're drowning?? Wow they're really good at this"

Joy rolled her eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Shh!" Irene shushed and touched the walls. She felt a small indent and smashed it with her hand.

"Wendy, got any?" Irene walked towards the rest of the girls.

"Got a few"

"What's that? What's going on?" Seulgi asked. She started to grab her knife from the table..

"Put that down Seulgi! Nothing's happening now" Irene grabbed the knife from her.

Seulgi frowned back in respond. 

"We have to tell you guys something about our mission and Simon. Did you tell them yet Yeri?" Wendy asked.

"Oh! I totally forgot, I'm sorry!" Yeri grinned sheepishly. 

"That's fine. It wouldn't be safe if you did anyway" Wendy sighed in relief. She zipped open her backpack and took out her laptop. She turned it on and clicked on the file 'Mission 3957'.

"About the mission, I feel that Simon is in on it."

"WHAT?! Joy and Seulgi screamed in unison.

"Shut up! Do you want the whole mansion to hear us?!" Irene glared. 

Joy whispered "How?! Is this true Wendy? But Simon-" 

"I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think he is" Wendy interrupted her. "I saw the district leader going through letters and I saw our assassin logo on one of them, THE Trinity Blade logo, " She clicked on a photo that showed a big, bald guy holding a few letters, she clicked on the zoom function till the logo onthe letter was clearly seen between the sheets of paper.

"No way. Are you saying Simon is working with the gang?" asked Joy. "But why?" 

"That's something we need to find out. We have to get that letter and find out what the plan is all about. I just hope Simon isn't involved and they just found that letter lying around and picked it up" Irene sighed.

"Why can't we just ask him directly?" Yeri suggested.

"And risk our lives? We need to investigate this by ourselves and see if any of this is true. If Simon really is working with them, we're gonna stop him." Irene stabbed the knife on the table. 

The girls felt betrayed and upset over the fact that the person who took them in and took care of them could actually be working with the  enemy.

"Let's get to work. Wouldn't want our precious boss to get away with things would we. 


It took the girls a couple more days to plan out the attack after finding out about the possibility of their boss backstabbing the entire organisation. They also had to do a little acting when Simon appeared now and then around the house. They couldn't help but feel different towards Simon after the news but they hoped that he wouldn't betray all of his assassins.

"Ready girls?" Irene swung over her backpack and tied her hair into a high ponytail. 

Everyone else nodded. The rest shoved in everything else they needed and carried their own bags. Seulgi who is in charge of the weapons, carried the weapon bag. Everyone put on their tactical boots and left through the door. Wendy grabbed the car keys and locked their dorm after everyone left. They all walked down the stairs leading to the garage when Simon appeared from his room. 

"Oh! You girls leaving already?" He smiled innocently.

"Yea. We're done packing up and just about to head off." Irene gestured the rest to go ahead of her. The rest of the girls innocently smiled back at Simon as they walked down to the flight of stairs.

"Well send my blessings to the team alright. Don't you die on me now" He laughed 

Irene faked a laugh "Oh no we would never!" 'bastard' 

She bid Simon goodbye and ran off to the garage. 

The girls were already in the car, waiting for their leader to arrive when the door opened and saw the blonde haired girl walk in. Her face full of anger and annoyance when she stepped in and the whole room started to feel dark. The girls shrunk back into their seats and made no sudden movements. 

Irene opened the boot of the car and dumped her bag in before closing it down harshly. She opened the passenger seat door and sat. While she was doing all that, the girls had been staring at her with frightened faces. 

"Ok, let's go." Irene buckled her seatbelt. She noticed that nobody was moving and looked at the girls who were shrinking in their seats. "What? C'mon guys really I'm not mad at y'all"

"Oh! Good, so what did he say?" Seulgi asked.

"He just wished us goodluck and told us not to die. I can feel so much support from him." she emphasised that last word.

The rest of the girls snickered and rolled their eyes. Wendy opened the garage door before stepping on the gas pedal to drive off. This mission wasn't just a simple 'threaten the target', it holds the fate of the entire organisation. 

Second update! Probably more update coming up this few weeks because im bored during the holidays. Do share and subscribe if you like the story! Byee!

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Chapter 9: this fic is so good. I love badass, Dark concept, Red velvet. Hope you're still considering continuing this.
Chapter 9: Too bad i came late for this fanfic :( this is so good tho :((((
Chapter 9: Yes author nim. Please continue this story.
Chapter 9: Yes Please finish this, I love stories like this
soeunbang #5
Chapter 5: Please keep updating, this is one of the best I've ever read, please author nim~~
Chapter 3: Keep going!!!!! Keep going, this is so good. I always likes imagining RV in an awesome, intense, adventure, or assassins lol
Kpop_fan21 #7
Chapter 2: I thought I have commented bad RV.. I can't wait to see how they planning to handle the gang update soon ^^