Chapter 3

Blood and Blade

It didn't take long for Joy to find the hideout and the information about the district gang leader's information. She is the intel specialist of the group after all. She told Wendy about what she knew and Wendy set off to the hideout to figure out how they were going to break into the place. Yeri followed along so she could better analyse the situation to take it into her advantage with her magic. Wendy and Yeri would take a couple days off just to assess the behaviour of their target so they aren't at the base for the time being. Irene and Seulgi checked their weapons stash and stacked up on ammo and sharpened the knives. This was always the routine for 5 professional assassins to get their job done right. It would be a rookie mistake to just head into battle without knowing your enemies.

"They're back" Joy said through the intercom. Irene and Seulgi were done packing the gear needed in the other room and headed into the main hall. 

Wendy and Yeri both entered through the front door to see the three girls eagerly waiting for the report.

"Guys! I learned a new magic spell! Look!" Yeri whispered a few incantations as she placed her hands in front of her with her palms faced down. A small magic circle became visible and what appeared from it was a small rock-like creature. The cracks surrounding the body and its eyes were giving off a weak purple light. it was no smaller than a chihuahua.

"Isn't he cute?" Yeri squealed as she rushed over and hugged it. The creatured made a rough purring sound as it was getting hugged by the little girl. 

"Umm.. What is it?" Seulgi asked. She didn't look all to pleased with it.

"It's a rock golem! I can do summoning now!" Yeri placed the creature on the ground. "Attack that lamp!" Yeri pointed towards the nearest lamp in the room.

The golem's body crackled and broke off as a new layer of rock formed, making the golem 10 times as big, over towering the girls. The golem walked towards the lamp and in one swing, the lamp flew across the room and out the window.

Seulgi's eyes widened. "Cool.. Looks like we have another addition to the group. Unless you could summon a few more" 

Yeri shook her head. "I'm still learning" She waved her hands and the golem reverted back to its original size and disappeared back into the magic circle.

The girls were amazed with Yeri's gift, she was the only one in the world to have gotten the gift of magic.


Yeri was born with an incurable illness and she had only a few years left to live. As Yeri's parents were scientists, they decided to research on an antidote that could cure the illness. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, months turned to years. Three years passed and Yeri stayed in the hospital since the day she was born and her conditioned worsened. Feeling devastated and desperate,Yeri's parent finally seeked help from Mr Gufold, the famous witch doctor that is said to have lived for a hundred years. Mr Gufold was known to create an antidote that can cure most illnesses. Without any other choices, Yeri's parent gave in and prepared themselves for any consequences that might occur to them. Everything comes at a price.

As Yeri lay on the hospital bed, breathing her last few breaths.

"Drink up Yeri. You'll be fine." Her mother tilted Yeri's head back and slowly poured the substance between the pale lips of the little girl. 

What they didn't know was that the antidote would cause a drastic change into Yeri's life, forever. 

A few years has passed and Yeri's conditioned slowly got better but it wouldn't last very long and she would feel like death was her very soul again. The antidote extended her lifespan than expected.

Yeri's 6th birthday came and her parents decided to bring her home as her birthday present. Being locked up in the hospital for 6 years and not knowing the outside world was suffocating for the curious little girl. 

It was a long drive back home from the hospital and Yeri looked out the window in awe at her surroundings. She gasped as trees of green and yellow passed her. she would laugh as the birds flew around one another. She would smile as the sunshine touched her skin.

"Someone is a little excited about the world" Her dad said over his shoulder. 

"Who wouldn't be dear. being locked up in that stuffy old hospital, anybody would be glad to get out of there" Yeri's mom smiled. 

Both of them laughed. 

"I'm just so happy to finally see our daughter with us again. My only wish is to see our daughter happy forever". Yeri's mother wipe her tears and touch her husband's left palm gently.

From the peripheral view of the father, he noticed a truck was headed straight towards them. He quickly swerved away from the oncoming truck but was too late when they got hit and the vehicle toppled over a couple of times before hitting a tree.

As they were rolling downhill, the amount of sustained injuries increased  and that was when Yeri landed on a muddy puddle. She didn't know how she got out of the car but she figured that she was flung out of the window during turmoil. She noticed the damaged car a few feet away from her and saw her parents lying in the wreckage, unconscious. She staggered up and tried to take a few steps. As she took each step, she noticed that her wounds were healing quickly. Yeri didn't think much about it but continued walking towards her parents.

"Mommy? Daddy? Wake up" She nudged their arms but received no reaction from them. "Mommy? Daddy?? I'm scared! Please wake up!" She screamed, and as she did that streams of purple light exploded from her hands and split the car into half. The split between the car caused the trapped bodies of her parents to be freed. A few people nearby came up to the wreckage and pulled the bodies free. One of them called an ambulance. 

Yeri walked up to her parents and held their cold bloodied hands. Tears welled up her eyes, bluring her vision. She wiped them away but more tears came after.

The sirens from the ambulance were heard from a distance and paramedics rushed out of the vehicle. 

"Come on dear, let the doctors help mommy and daddy" a lady wrapped her arms around the little girls' shoulder. Yeri didn't want to leave but she staggered up and hugged the lady. She didn't care who it was but she just needed someone to hold her. 

A cop took over from the lady and sat Yeri up on the hood of the car, they brought towels and wrapped her up, examined her for injuries but was surprised to see none but a few dirt patches. 

Yeri spaced out as she stared at the bodies of her parents, the last words said by her mother rung in her ears. All she wanted was to hear their voices for the very last time. A shadow loomed over her and she stared up at the tall figure. 

"Hello Yeri. You alright there?" a deep voice resonated in her ears. "My name is Simon. I'm a friend of your father." Simon bent on his knees to face Yeri.

"Dad's friend?"

To be continued

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Chapter 9: this fic is so good. I love badass, Dark concept, Red velvet. Hope you're still considering continuing this.
Chapter 9: Too bad i came late for this fanfic :( this is so good tho :((((
Chapter 9: Yes author nim. Please continue this story.
Chapter 9: Yes Please finish this, I love stories like this
soeunbang #5
Chapter 5: Please keep updating, this is one of the best I've ever read, please author nim~~
Chapter 3: Keep going!!!!! Keep going, this is so good. I always likes imagining RV in an awesome, intense, adventure, or assassins lol
Kpop_fan21 #7
Chapter 2: I thought I have commented bad RV.. I can't wait to see how they planning to handle the gang update soon ^^