Chapter 2

Blood and Blade

The 5 girls came out from different directions and met up at the entrance of the meeting room.

"Irene, you got beat up pretty bad!" Seulgi examined the bruises on her arms.
"Thanks to you guys for suggesting that we all go on holidays and I partially forgot my basics" Irene glared at the girls.
"That's your fault isn't it?" Wendy scoffed.
Irene stared blankly at Wendy.

Yeri snickered and received a hit on the head by their leader. Yeri rubbed the bruise on her head and moved away from Irene.

"C'mon guys" Joy opened the huge double doors to the meeting room and the girls entered.

They noticed a petite lady sitting on one of the chairs. She looked pretty old and weathered but what gave it away was her youthful figure. 'The power of makeup?' Joy shrugged. Next to her was the leader of the assassin organisation, Simon. He was seated at the very end of the table,wearing a suit and tie, looking mighty proud and intimidating. Simon always had an aura of power surrounding him. His suit looked like it was about to rip apart from his built figure. The girls wondered why he wouldn't get new clothes if he was so rich but pushed it aside as they thought he wanted to look menacing.

"What's the issue here?" Irene grabbed a chair and took a seat, propping her feet on the table.
"Dear dear, put your feet down we have a guest" Simon waved his hands.
"I-it's ok m-mister" the lady stuttered, obviously nervous because she was facing the notorious Red Velvet assassins, feared by many.
"Alright miss, state your problem" Simon beckoned the client.

"W-well, my son has been getting harrassed by a gang non-stop for a couple of months. I've been very worried about him because he hasn't been eating or sleeping well. Please, could you help us?" The lady pleaded.

"Why didn't you go to the police to settle this?" Wendy asked.
"The police wouldn't help. I've tried multiple times" her voice shook.
"Why is that?" Wendy cocked her brows.
"Because they're The Hounds. The police are afraid of them"
"The Hounds?" Yeri asked.
"I know them. They're the infamous gang running the streets. Theyre too powerful. We can't possibly attack them!" Joy shook her head.
The lady's eyes started watering. "Please! I beg you! At least give them a warning or something! Please help me and my son!" the lady stood and kneeled on the floor.

The girls looked at each other and looked at Simon. He gave them a sweet smile but they could sense something cunning behind it.

"Fine, we'll do it. But be warned of the consequences, they may or may not hunt you down for it.. and the pay better be good, lady" Irene glared at the client, she was afraid of risking her friends' lives during the mission.
"Give us a few days to plan and prepare ma'am" Wendy nodded her heads towards her.
"Thank you so much!" The old lady stopped crying and smiled brightly. The sudden change in emotions shocked the girls.
"Please leave us now" Simon told the client. The elderly lady was escorted out by one of Simon's bodyguard.

After the old lady left, Irene slammed her fist on the table causing the girls to jump.

"Simon! We can't accept this mission! I will not put my girls' lives in danger! This is ridiculous!" Irene flarred up.

She knew her members were capable of handling anybody but to deal with one of the most dangerous gangs is just too much for them to handle. Many top assassins either got injured really badly or died handling them.

"C'mon girls. It's probably gonna pay very well didn't you see the amount of jewelry she's wearing? She's ballin! And it's gonna be a learning experience too" Simon snickered.
"There won't be much learning done if we're all dead!" Irene brushed her hair from her face in frustration.
"Well i guess you guys need to start planning now don't you?" Simon got his feet off the desk and shooed the girls out the room.

"Are you guys sure you wanna do this?" Irene asked.
"Yeah! Why not? It could be something new and refreshing for a start" Seulgi smiled.

The rest nodded. They were always going on easy missions like killing stalkers and serial killers and hardly ever assassinating socialites and gangs. Irene gave an uneasy smile.

"Let's get to work"

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Chapter 9: this fic is so good. I love badass, Dark concept, Red velvet. Hope you're still considering continuing this.
Chapter 9: Too bad i came late for this fanfic :( this is so good tho :((((
Chapter 9: Yes author nim. Please continue this story.
Chapter 9: Yes Please finish this, I love stories like this
soeunbang #5
Chapter 5: Please keep updating, this is one of the best I've ever read, please author nim~~
Chapter 3: Keep going!!!!! Keep going, this is so good. I always likes imagining RV in an awesome, intense, adventure, or assassins lol
Kpop_fan21 #7
Chapter 2: I thought I have commented bad RV.. I can't wait to see how they planning to handle the gang update soon ^^