Chapter 4

Blood and Blade

"Yes. You probably wouldn't remember me but i visited you once in the hospital" He sat on the hood, beside Yeri. 

Yeri knew she had seen a man visit her along with her parents but couldn't quite make out who it was due to her blurred vision from all the drugs being pumped into her frail body. 

"I..I think i've seen you before. Was daddy always a good person?" Yeri asked. She wanted to know more about her parents but because of their death, she couldn't. She was planning to spend more time with them, she wanted to have walks in the parks, go to the nearest playground or just have a simple family dinner with them at home, but she couldn't. The thought brought tears to her eyes and Simon noticed it. 

"Your dad was a very smart and kind man. He helped me alot when we were both younger." Simon smiled. He gazed at the body of his best friend as it was being hauled into the ambulance. Simon knew this wasn't just any freak accident, it was murder. Figuring out who did it and why they did it was a mystery and he would get his revenge for this.

"Your dad told me that if anything happened to them, i would be taking care of you. Would you like that?" Simon looked down to the little girl. Her body was still shaken from the shock and her hands were glowing a light purple. 

"Y..yes please." 

Simon got off the hood and carried Yeri in his arms. "Whatever you do don't look back alright?"

He walked away from the incident to a black car, a driver sat behind a wheel, wearing a suit and tinted sunglasses. The driver had a big built and it frightened Yeri a little..

Yeri could hear the policeman shouting for her as they frantically searched for the little girl. She wanted to call out to them to tell them that she was here but remembered the man's words.

"Don't worry Yeri. I'll take good care of you. You can trust me." He opened the door and sat the girl down. He made sure the girl was seated comfortably before buckling her seatbelt. 

"What will happen to mommy and daddy? Will they wake up?" she grabbed Simon's hand. 

"They'll be fine. They just need a lot of rest alright? Be a good girl and sit there quietly. I'll bring you home to get cleaned up." Simon smiled and gently closed the door before going around to seat on the other side.

"Drive" he instructed. The driver stepped on the gas and started driving off.

Yeri watched as the car drove past the flaming incident. The damaged truck that hit the car was miles away from the incident, the burning car they were just in were being handled by firefighters that just arrived at the scene. The ambulance started leaving the area. She knew deep down she would never see them again and she was scared to be alone but she felt safe around Simon when she met him, so she trusted him. 

5 years passed and during that time, Yeri learned that she has powers and that Simon ran an underground assassins training system. Simon at first didn't want her to join but Yeri was very persuasive, or she just used her powers to destroy his office. Simon reluctantly set her up for a few physical training sessions and hired a specialist to train her mental powers. As Yeri was the only magic user existing, hiring a magician would be ridiculous. Simon thought that stabilising her mind would help her control her powers and hopefully use it to benefit the organisation. After assessing her for a few months, he saw potential in Yeri, especially when she's resourceful in using her powers to create a decoy and attack her opponents with non-lethal attacks, Yeri learned to create knives and guns from her magic and she created decoys that looked exactly like her to distract her opponents.

"You would be proud of your daughter if you were here, my friend" Simon chuckled as he watched Yeri knocked one of the students down with her purple vines. 


Irene smiled at Yeri's bright smile. She found out all about Yeri's past through Simon and was shocked at how fast Yeri moved on from her parents death. She promised to always make Yeri happy and would never try to upset the girl. Irene glanced over to Wendy and noticed that she hadn't been herself the whole time. Wendy has been spacing out and frowning the whole time they were there. 

"Alright girls, go back up and get back to work." she told them. "Wendy, you stay"

Irene waited for the rest of the girls to disappear before pulling Wendy to the side. 

"What's going on?" Irene asked.

"Something's not right Irene." 

"Something's not right about what?"

"The mission" Wendy whispered "I think Simon is in on it"

Irene froze. "Are you sure?" 

Wendy nodded. Irene looked around the room, aware that these walls were ears for Simon.

"Let's talk about it with the rest. Not here" the both of them quickly walked up the stairs but heard a door slam shut behind them. They jumped and turned around to see Simon at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Is everything alright girls?" he asked.

The calm, innocent voice sent shudders to Wendy. 

"Everything's fine Simon. Wendy and Yeri just came back and we were just about to start discussing" Irene put up a smile. 

"Oh! That's good. I know you guys wont disappoint me." He chuckled. 

The two girls continued walking up the stairs as Simon stared at them walking away.

Simon smirked. "Let the games begin"

Sorry I haven't been updating. I just have so much going on right now but i'll try my best to upload more often now. Since it's the holidays for me now, I'll upload around 2 more chapters. Thank you for supporting this story! :) Subscribe and share! 

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Chapter 9: this fic is so good. I love badass, Dark concept, Red velvet. Hope you're still considering continuing this.
Chapter 9: Too bad i came late for this fanfic :( this is so good tho :((((
Chapter 9: Yes author nim. Please continue this story.
Chapter 9: Yes Please finish this, I love stories like this
soeunbang #5
Chapter 5: Please keep updating, this is one of the best I've ever read, please author nim~~
Chapter 3: Keep going!!!!! Keep going, this is so good. I always likes imagining RV in an awesome, intense, adventure, or assassins lol
Kpop_fan21 #7
Chapter 2: I thought I have commented bad RV.. I can't wait to see how they planning to handle the gang update soon ^^