
Performance to His Heart

Seventeen occupies the meeting room and Seungcheol being the oldest in the room was chosen to lead their meeting. Seungcheol and the others discuss it througly and it was decided. Vocal Unit is composed of Jihoon as the leader, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Seungkwan and Seokmin. Performance unit is composed of Soonyoung as the leader, Chan, Jun and Minghao and lastly the Hiphop Unit is composed of Seungcheol as the leader, Mingyu, Vernon and Wonwoo.


Next topic is they discuss their stage names and they decided to think about it for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes they all sit again on the chairs but instead of randomly, they sit by unit. Vocal unit followed by Performance unit and Hiphop unit. 


Chan: so hyungdeul, how do we do this?

Jeonghan: let's do it like this, since Jihoon is infront he will start and it will end on Seungcheol.

Seungcheol: just make sure to state your stage name and the reason behind it while one member of each unit will write it.

Jisoo: I will write for the Vocal unit

Chan: I will write for Performance unit

Mingyu: I want to write for Hiphop unit

Seungcheol: ok....that was fast -hands Jisoo,Chan and Mingyu the sheet form and ballpens- now Jihoon please start.


Jihoon: so I pick the name Woozi because many people calls me by that nickname and I already grew fond of it so yeah.

Jeonghan: as for me, ill just use my name, Jeonghan since I couldn't think of any stage names

Jisoo: as for me, I will use my english name Joshua and I pick this name because its also one of the verse in the bible

Seokmin: I will choose Dokyeom because like what it means I do things in various aspects

Seungkwan: I will also choose my own name since I want people to know me by my name

Jun: same as Jeonghan ge and Seungkwan,I want to use my name as well

Minghao: I pick The8 because 8 is a lucky number in China and if you turn it side ways, it will become infinity symbol.

Chan: I want to conquer the stage with my dancing skills.... like a dinousaur... so I pick Dino as my stage name

Soonyoung: the President gave me this nickname because he said I have tiger gazes and it means star in Japanese since he believes we will shine so my stage name is Hoshi.

Wonwoo: I will use my real name as well

Mingyu: me too, I want to use my real name

Vernon: I want to use my real name too

Seungcheol: I will use the stage name S.Coups since S stands for my name and Seventeen and Coups because it means success.


Joshua,Dino and Mingyu pass the papers to S.Coups and went out for abit to give it to the President. Hoshi was sighing because he was abit sad that Samuel, Yoosang, Mingming, Doyoon and Dongjin left. Wonwoo who was worried silently puts his hand on top of Hoshi's and gently squeezes it as if he's saying everything will be alright which made Hoshi smiles and squeezes Wonwoo's hand back which sends shivers to Wonwoo as he slowly smiles because he got 1 point from Hoshi.


DoogiPD and S.Coups cames in with their food and let the kids eat knowing they would be hungry then wishes for them to do well. They were eating happily and Dino being the maknae, he was craving for attention and especiffically Hoshi's so he asked Hoshi if he could have a bite of his bread and Hoshi being kind feeds the maknae. Wonwoo being jealous also ask Hoshi to have a taste of his bread since each members have different bread flavors. Dino and Wonwoo was happily chewing Hoshi's bread while the other members are jealous.


S.Coups can't let this happened so he feeds Hoshi some of his pudding and Hoshi happily eats it then he grabs a spoonfull of his pudding and eats it like it was an indirect kiss from Hoshi causing the other members to chase him while Hoshi just blinks and chuckles at the sight making everyone stop and couldn't help but be mesmerized by his cute sparkling eyes smiles and his adorable laugh is music to their ears.


Happy Hoshi is like flowers that blooms in spring season. It brings life to their gloomy days and makes them also smile even though they are tired. It was like God's angels is sent here on earth and one of the angels is Hoshi. s.Coups took the opportunity to escape before he got smacked by the other members.






Happy 300th days with Seventeen my co-carats :3

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Hyrichi #1
Chapter 10: I am so torn between Mingyu and Wonwoo and Woozi and Vernon and Scoups and Seungkwan and DK and Dino and The8 and Jun. Its so hard
JongHJongDae #2
Chapter 8: The maknae being smart lol great chapter <333
Chapter 7: why the hell am i shipping soonyoung with everyone now.......helppppp
JongHJongDae #4
Chapter 7: This story is just everything I always wanted because I ship hoshi with all the members lol. This is so cute! Jun and seokmin jealous is so good! And the baby is sick :( I can't wait to read how everyone will take care of him ^^
jung_sung_hyo_1302 #5
Your story is very cuteeee >< More soonseok pleaseee <3 thank youuu ♡
JongHJongDae #6
Chapter 6: Minsoon! So cute, love it <3 mingyu kissed him!!! The others are going to kill him if they found out lol. I would like more mingyu x hoshi to be honest haha but soonseok or vernon x hoshi will be great too!
PossiblyS #7
Chapter 6: AHhh someone finally made a move!!