Chapter 8

The Unknown Future

     Six months has gone by since Lyssa saw Jiyong she was a shell of her former self everyone saw this especially Taeyang he found out some how that she wasn't eating because he saw how fast she was ltoosing weight. Now she was a skeleton he was oh so worried about her. He feared she would try and kill herself again and that she would succed this time. Ji kept calling and texting her but she had no strength to life the phone so Tae did. :Hello?" "Tae is that you? Why are you answering Lyssa' phone?" Tae didn't know what to tell him so he told him the truth "She isn't able to answer it, she is to weak. Jiyong you are killing her. Did you even know she stoped eating months ago? I didn't think so. She refuses to go to the hospital we can't force her. You screwed up bad this time you son of a ." Ji said "I had no idea she wasn't eating she always ate around me. I know i screwed up I want and need to fix this but i don't know how." "The only way is to tell her the truth before its to late."

     Jiyong got in his car and sped away he had to get to her fast she was dying and he had to fix this before she did. He didn't care how fast he was going he just drove until he got to her house. He got out and ran to the doof where Tae was waiting for him. "You better fix this if she dies i will NEVER forgive you. We all will never forgive you." Slowly Ji walked to Lyssa' room and opened the door only to see his love had lost so much weight that she didn't even look like herself. He sat down next to her and gently took her hand in his and started talking to her "Lyssa baby please wake up. I know i screwed up and hurt you and i'm so sorry. Please baby wake up." He started crying but he still spoke. 

     Baby i never meant to kiss her it just happened i wish it never had but i can't change what happened all i can do is beg for forgiveness. I love you with all my heart i really do i can't lose you now not after all this time you are my life." He gently shook her but she still didn't wake up. He continued "You have to live baby please let me tak you to the hospital." Lyssa woke long enough to say no. "Lyssa please look at me i beg you please look at me." She did as he asked but barely and asked "What do you want? Why are you doing this to me?" he said " I love you baby please believe that because it is true. What i did was unforgiveable but i ask for it. Kiko set me up she knew we all were there. She saw me ask you to marry me it drove her crazy so she did this and i fell for it."

     Lyssa spoke to him softly "I loved you. For the first time in my life i felt love then when i saw you with her it killed everything in me. I believed we would last forever but i was wrong. You love her more and i know this. Go to her and leave me be. Let me go i can't do this anymore. I don't want to do it anymore." he said still crying " Please don't give up on us. I love you so much i can't live without you. Please take me back i won't hurt you again i swear it on my grave." Lyssa said "Why should i trust you again when it comes to her you always give in. You don't see me you see her. I can't compete with that nor will i try." Lyssa started coughing and Tae and Yuri ran in to check on her.  Ji called an ambulacne which rushed her to the hospital. Once she was there IV;s were put in her arms . Everyone was rushing around her when the Doctor said "I don't know if we can save her she is so far gone now. All we can do is keep giving her iv fluids and pray." Everyone was there now and crying TOP got up and slapped Ji on the face saying "Why? I don't understand why you hurt her like this she loved you so much now she may die for it. I hate you so much Ji. If she dies i will hate you forever. Ji said to this "If she dies i will hate myself for life."

     All they could do is wait and they did just that. They waited in shifts so someone was always was there with her. She slowly had colour returning to her face and subtle movements. They were encouraging signs. Days went by as they waited. She was slowly recovering. She was awake now and talking she asked where Ji was and was told he was in the waiting room. Then she said "I would like to see him please." Tae said "Are you sure?" Lyssa shook her head yes. Tae went and got him. When Ji saw her awake he started crying again. "Baby are you ok? I'm so happy you are awake i was so worried. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

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