Chapter 7

The Unknown Future

     After a fifteen minute ride they arrived at the resturant. She didn't expect anything to happy. Boy will she be surprised. Ji asked her if it was ok to blindfold her and she said ok nervuosly. As he placed it over her eyes she could feel him turn her around and kiss her deeply. When he broke the kiss he said "I better stop now i want you so bad as it is and kissing you isn't helping." Lyssa giggles He said Don't laugh at me this kind of hurts." she couldn't help but laugh and she said "We will take care of that later." frustrated he took her hand and lead her inside and walked her over to the group which was Yuri, Taeyang, Daesung, TOP, Seungri and Mr Lee.

     People were staring at them wondering what was going on. When he got her to the table he took off her blindfold and all she could do is stare at the balloons, the cake and everyone that was there. She had never met Ji' friends but now she will. She looked nervous to the guys but all bowed to her and said its a pleasure to finally meet the woman that took Ji' heart." Suddenly Daesung walked up to her and huged her and smiled saying "Welcome to the family." she laughed and said thank you to him. then the others followed suit. Lyssa felt comfortable with these men and hoped they could be friends for a long time.

     They had dinner and laughed like crazy making Lyssa not so nervous. The cake came out after dinner and she started to cry when she saw what it said and notice Ji on one knee. She said "What are you doing right now?" and she laughed a little bit before he spoke up. "Lyssa i know its a bit soon but i love you with all my heart i can't imagine myself without you. Will you marry me?" what they didn't know was Kiko was watching and raging. Lyssa was crying and said "I love you to Ji and yes i will marry you." He put the ring on her finger and almost fainted. It was huge. He has got to be rich or something to get this. She doesn't care if he has money she just loved him.

     Taeyang saw Kiko coming towards the table and headed her off dragging her out the door saying to her "What the hell are you doing here? Why won't you leave Ji and Lyssa alone?" she replied cooly "He is mine whether he knows that or not. I will never let him marry her not while i live will he marry that trashy pig." while Taeyang and Kiko were fighting outside Lyssa wen to the bathroom and made sure no one was there and made herself throw up as usual. She didn't know Yuri came in to and that she heard what was going on. "Lyssa are you ok?" Lyssa said "I'm ok now just a little sick." Yuri asked "Are you pregnant?" an aswer came slowly "I can't get prgnant Yuri i had my tubes out years ago." Yuri said to that "I'm sorry i didn't know.Does Ji know this?" quietly Lyssa answered no he doesn't.

     After Yuri helped Lyssa clean up they went back to the table hand in hand noticing Ji wasn't there neither was Taeyang. Lyssa asked where they were and Daesung said "They had something to do real quick they will be right back." Everyone went back to the celebration waiting on Ji and Tae. Lyssa looked towards the door and saw Kiko with them they seemed to be fighting when Kiko grabbed Ji and kissed. Lyssa was bug eyed seeing this then she noticed him kissing her back the Tae seperated them. Yuri saw this to as did everyone else. Humiliated Lyssa headed for the back exit and left leaving the ring with Daesung. Yuri took her home and stayed with her for the night. Lyssa never answered Ji' calls or texts she just layed there crying.

     The next day Ji was knocking on the door at 9am Yuri answered it because Lyssa wouldn't she said in an angry voice "What the hell are you doing here. Haven't you hurt her enough? We all saw you kiss Kiko all of us. If you want out of this relationship say so don't cheat on her to her face. Was this all a game to you to make Kiko jealous? You are beyond cruel. GET OUT." He never got a chance to say anything he understood why she was so mad but he had to explain to her and Lyssa and everyone else. He hated Kiko for this. She did it on purpose to ruin everything.

     He kept calling Lyssa and texting her but se never replied. The guys came over all the time now trying to cheer her up which wasn't working. Lyssa was reverting back to her anti-social self the only people she saw was Mr. Lee, Yuri and the guys. She only left the house with Yuri or one of the guys to get food. One day Lyssa asked Tae "Can you deliver this to Ji please its the money he spent on me i don't want his money'" Tae replied "He hasn't seen anyone since you left the engagement party, but i will try, "Thank you Tae." he gave her a big hug then left. He was thinking all the way to Ji' house wondering what to say to him concidering he was still very angry.


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