Chapter 1

The Unknown Future

     She came to Korea alone leaving behind her family because they didn't want her there with them anymore. She came into a lot of money which was cool but it didn't matter because she was miserable. She is the kind of person people avoided because she was very shy and for the most part anti-social her only friends there were the owner of her favorite coffee shop where she goes everyday and her next door neighbour who gets coffee with her almost everyday. Today was no different but she went to the shop alone this time. Mr Lee greeted her at the door and showed her to her reserved table in the corner and got her order which was the same everyday.

     She was a people watcher. She would watch the people come and go from the shop and outside her window for hours wishing she could be one of the beautiful women she saw. She was an older woman, heavy and to her not so pretty not the type anyone would see. It was half past three when she went home which she dought two days after she got there. It was a three bedroom house all the rooms were big there was a large living room kitchen and office. She fell in love with it the moment she saw it. She didn't make many changes to it because she thought it was perfect. After looking around her house again for the tenth time she went to the office and started that weeks school work. 

     When she was almost done her naighbour Yuri called "Hello?" she said " Hey girl how are you?" she said she was fine just finishing her school work. Yuri then said "You need to get out how about going to a club with me tonight we can eat out and go dancing." Lyssa was the womans name. "Yuri you know i don't do well in crowds eatting out is fine but clubing? I don't know about that." Yuri kept asking Lyssa to go and finally she said ok. Yuri asked "Do you still have those leather pants and boots?" Lyssa said yes then was asked to wear them that night and loose top. Lyssa said "As you wish Yuri but you know how uncomfortable i am in those." Yuri said "I know but you look hot in them you may even meet a guy tonight. Oh do your make up to like you usually do ok?" Lyssa said ok and hung up. She had a few hours before she had to get ready so she took a long bath using her favorite vanilla body wash and bubble bath. She soaked there for an hour.

     When she finally got out she dried off and looked at herself in the mirror hating herself. She's been heavy all her life but wanted to change that so she ate once a day and little portionsYuri had no idea she wasn't eating right or hardly at all and Lyssa didn't want her to know. She exorsized all day after school and she noticed some body changes which she was starting to like. As the hours went by Lyssa took out her clothes and boots unwrinkling her top and gently cleaning her pants. She polished her boots which were her favorite accessory. 

     When seven o'clock came Lyssa was ready and waiting for Yuri who knocked on Lyssa's door a few minutes later. She said "Girl you look fabulous. I love everything." Lyssa blushed and said "Thank you." After Yuri freshened up her makeup they left. Yuri made reservations at La Categori which was new and very popular and also expensive. Yuri said dinner was on her tonight Lyssa said ok. Once they arrived the valet took the car and parked it while the women went inside. They were taken to their table and sat down. Instantly a waiter was there for the ladies drink order which they both got red wine.

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