Chapter 5

The Unknown Future

     Five days after removing the tube the doctors release Lyssa with strick orders to see a therapist. Yuri didn't come for her it was Jiyong and she still looked at him in fear. He said "Please Lyssa don't be scared of me i just want to help fix this. I just want you to know i broke up with Kiko for good after what she said to you. She will never bother you again." Lyssa relaxed a bit for the first time since the incident as he drove he talked to Lyssa about all kinds of thing sometimes she would answer but mostly not. He didn't see fear in her eyes anymore which was good now all he had to do was get her to talk.

     "Lyssa I. .I would like get to know you better. I don't know what it is about you but i really like you. Please give me a chance I'm not a bad guy i hope you know that." He quickly looked at her and noticed she was looking at him not in fear but in curiosity. she said quietly "I know you aren't a bad guy if you were you wouldn't have sat with me in the hospital." She looked down as if debating what to do or say next she then surprised Ji by putting her small hand on his. He took this chance to intertwine their fingers and he was so happy she did that, it felt good.  When they arrived home Ji helped Lyssa out of the car and walked her in the house. He took her coat off and hung it up then he turned to her slowly walking to her and gentally pulled her to him in a hug. She was a bit scared but she loved the feeling of his arms around her.

     She layed her head on his chest and closed her eyes then she felt him kiss the top of her head. She never felt this before because her past relationships were abusive or just onesided. She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes and saw kindness there. She took the chance and lightly kissed his soft lips. Shocked he deepened the kiss melting into her arms. They stood there in each others arms kissing for a few minutes when Ji backed up and ask Lyssa the big question "Lyssa will you ... will you go out with me?" She just looked at him for a minute then shook her head yes. That made him so happy he bent down and kissed her again and again.

     As the days went along Lyssa and Ji got ccloser and Yuri, Lyssa and Ji spent a lot of time togeter shopping helping Lysa brighten her all black waredrobe she loved all black but she needed a little colour so they were having her try on some red, blue and green clothes. Ji found his lovely red dress that was perfect for her because it was a dark red and the shape fit her so well. Yuri had Lyssa try it on. SHe went into the changing room and put it on and shyly came out to show them. Both of them were dumb struck looking at how beautiful she looked. Even the sales people looked at her and smiles giving her the thumbs up. She smiled at all of them. By the way smiling is something rare for Lyssa.  Anyway they kept shopping not just for Lyssa but for Ji and Yuri too. After they were done shopping Ji insisted he pay for everything then asked the ladies if they were hungry and they said yes.

     Ji asked Lyssa to wear one of her new outfits so she went back to the dressing room with Yuri and looked through everything until they found one they thought would look good for lunch. Yuri helped Lyssa change into some black leggings and a long flowing blue top and then sandles. When they came out Ji had a huge smile on his face. He walked up to Yuri and gave her a big hug then he kissed Lyssa Yuri just smile she was happy things were going well finally.

      They walked out of the shop and went on their way for lunch with Lyssa and Ji holding hands. They were almost at their destination when Ji saw Kiko. He told Yuri to take Lyssa to the resturant and wait for him then he walked up to Kiko who tried to kiss him. He backed away and said to her  "Don't touch me. Because of you Lyssa almost died." Kiko said evilly "Well that would be one less pig in the world wouldn't it." Then she looked at him closely and saw rage and said "OMG you like her? what the hell is wrong with you. You belong with the beautiful people not that trash." It took all he had in him not to slap her. he said "She is beautiful and kind now that she is coming out of her shell. You stay away from her. I'm warning you now if you or and of your friends bother her you will deal with me and i will not be nice." Kiko knew what he meant by the warning.

     He walked away from her without looking back. He got to the resturant and found the ladies at a table in the back and went to them and sat down. He leaned over giving Lyssa a sweet kiss. As they ate lunch Lyssa noticed Kiko had entered a look of fear crossed over her and Ji noticed it and looked where she was and saw Kiko. the ladies and he were done eating so they paid the bill and walked up to the front to leave when Kiko said "I hope your happy it won't last Ji gets bored easily." Ji said "Shut the up and get out of my life."



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