The Dark Forest

Belle Rose
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          ~I didn't sleep very well, despite the fact that I was utterly exhausted. Noises from deeper within the forest disturbed me each time I began to nod off into the oblivion I so desired.

Odd chirps and howls echoed from every corner, and I was frightened that whatever creatures that were making those sounds would eventually find me.

 But even though I was afraid of them, they never did.

 Perhaps they sensed an even more frightening animal nearby and so they kept their distance.

 Frankly though, I was surprised that they didn't make an effort to attack and eat the sheep that were all sleeping in the pasture alongside me.

Although it was fenced in, any creature that was determined enough would have had no problems either breaking or slipping through the wooden planks.

I was also colder than I had anticipated. I tossed and turned, and my discomfort was only amplified by the knowledge that I was being spied on the whole time.

My fatigue coupled with the fact that I just plain didn't like him had made me braver than was probably safe, and with a small outcry of frustration I threw Talia's blankets off of me and walked past my small fire to where I knew he was laying.

He seemed quite surprised to see me, whether it was because he took it for granted that I hadn't known he was there, or because he didn't think I'd have the courage I wasn't certain- and I didn't much care either.

He was lounging comfortably, his enormous head resting on his great paws while his back legs were gracefully tucked behind him.

The moon shone on his white coat, making it look silver in hue. He almost looked like some sort of creature from legend, and I could understand why Talia had said that the Aryan's revered him a little.

In fact, I would have tempted to do the same if I didn't know him. The problem was that I knew all I cared to, and his personality was far from worthy enough to worship.

"I'm surprised you would wish to speak with me after our earlier encounter," he drawled lazily.

"I can sleep, and since I blame you for my current situation I figured you shouldn't be allowed to sleep either."

"Is that so?" He said, his voice dripping with annoyance.

"It is. You must realize that you've put me in an odd bind. First you won't let me leave your village, and now I can't enter it. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this new Stone-Dweller harassment policy of yours, but if you're trying to intimidate me it isn't going to work," I insisted, trying to seem imposing.

Granted even while laying down, he was as tall as I was, and so I doubted I was very successful on all accounts. Besides, he did intimidate me, even if I didn't want to admit it.

Jooheon yawned, the echo of a roar rang out in the sound, and I could clearly see his sharp teeth with his mouth open as wide as it was. I figured he'd probably done it on purpose, and so I made sure not to flinch.

"You think I'm trying to intimidate you?" he asked.

"Well I don't know what else you would be trying to accomplish. It's evident that you've taken an instant dislike to me despite the fact that you don't know anything about me. And I know all I'll ever care to know about you," I answered, though that wasn't particularly true.

Jooheon's origins were still a mystery to me, and clearly to the rest of the Aryan's themselves. I wondered if he himself was even aware of where he'd come from. But these were things I wouldn't ask. If he hadn't even shared the information with his sister it was highly unlikely that he'd share it with me given our mutual loathing of one another.

"It isn't you that I dislike, it's what you are. Stone Dwellers are a cruel and selfish people who care about nothing but themselves. I see no reason why you would be any different,"

"Then you are being disingenuous. You haven't met all of us have you? In fact, I'd be surprised if you'd even met one considering we're all walled in."

His glowing eyes narrowed dangerously, though when he spoke next, there was a clear tone of amusement in his voice.

"You are more naive than I thought. Stone Dwellers rarely come to our village, that is true. But do you honestly think you're the first one to brave it through the walls of Fiore alone? Or that Fiore is the only city in the world that your kind live in? Typical attitude for a Stone Dweller, thinking that you are at the center of the universe."

I supposed I hadn't really given it much thought. If I could manage to escape I was sure that others had been able to as well.

I'd always taken it for granted that nobody was foolish enough to risk it. People from other cities might not even know of the plight of the wilds, and could have stumbled here without realizing.

"I take it that it didn't end well, or I'd probably have heard of them."

He grinned, his sharp teeth bearing together dangerously, and I wasn't sure if the expression was amused or angry.

"I suppose they must have, though I've never given those fools any particular attention."

"Of course not. I imagine helping them return home would have been too large a burden for someone as important as yourself." I had no idea why I felt the need to attack him so personally, but there was something about his tone that I felt was completely disrespectful, especially since only a day ago I had been one of 'those fools' myself.

"Why are you out here anyway? Are you keeping an eye on me, to make sure I don't run away?" I asked after not having elicited a response from him after my last statement.

"I admit, the thought had crossed my mind. However, whether you believe it or not I often come here at night. It's the only place in the village where the canopy is thin enough to see the stars."



His answer was strange to me, not only because he seemed the least likely creature to stargaze, but also because his words were spoken with sincerity, instead of sarcasm or anger, for the first time since I'd met him at the cave. I had no idea of how to respond to such a thing.

 I could hardly berate or mock him for it, since I'd thought the same thing only a little while ago, and the similarity of our thinking gave me some small comfort.

Perhaps he could sense my hackles raise somehow, or he saw it, since I was certain he could see much better in the dark than I could.

 But whatever his method, Jooheon was certainly aware that the small corner of common ground that we'd briefly shared was ebbing away again, and though I knew little of him, I was certain he wasn't one to be outdone in anger.

"I will not need to remain your jail-keeper for much longer I hope, though I can't say the thought of you leaving isn't an appealing one, I can't have you leaving here until you've restored the balance you've upset."

And with that, our conversation returned to the normal pace for us and I was furious again.

"If you have such a problem with me then why f

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OMG I can't believe this story is almost done....I'm going to miss it.


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Chapter 11: I wish I would have found this story sooner. It's extremely well written and interesting
ichigoYuu #2
Chapter 24: I'm ,surprisingly, not crying for this chapter lol
Ahhh it's over...
they are all happy! Hooray for happy endings :')
Taehyung is a great King, Jooheon is still a wolf king. Amazing.
Rose and Jooheon learning how to kiss aww
You are such a great writer. Thank you for this story and I hope we can read more of your stories soon! I can't wait for the new one~
Is it Cinderella? Is it the Little Mermaid? We will know~~~ soon xD
Chapter 24: This was, with no shame can I proclaim, the most beautiful story I have read in a really long time. It was so well written and descriptive, portraying su much in only one chapter at a go. It kept me captivated the whole time I read and now that it's finished, I simply cannot wait for the sequel. I just have a feeling it's gonna be frigging lit. Oh~, the excitement~!!
Well done. Can't wait for moar~~
ichigoYuu #4
Chapter 23: I was thinking that the Duke surrended to easilly...
Jooheon must live TTTTTT where is the stone table (idk if its called like that, I saw the Narnia movies on Spanish lol) when you need one?!
Be strong Rose!
Chapter 23: nice one! :)
ichigoYuu #6
Chapter 20: jc those two. Holdong each other the greatest steem lmao who r u two kidding kids :eyes-emoji:
At this point everyone in Fiore and the wilds can see their love from 35725227 miles away like wth Rose, Jooheon, p l e a s e. It's hilarious but the story is a few chapters away from the end plspls

Now with the questions:
1. I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT HURTS :'U it's so well writen and it feels real (i've been reading some fantasy lately and yours just- it's super good srsly i have cried before haha...yeah thats embarassing to say but it's good I'm good :') )
2. If you have read my comments before I think it's pretty obvious which is my favorite pairing lol ievenstartedthiscommentwiththemso...
3. Rose! I liked her from the start but seeing her growing with each chapter made me like her even more. The way she talks is delightful haha
4. I'm not good at names but I think I could try :Uc first I'd like to know at least a little of her personality ~
Chapter 15: Readers there has been a confusion with chapter 14 and 15. Yes. Taehyung did go back to Fiore in chapter 14 but he can comeback to the Aryan's whenever he wants to because he knows the pathway.
Chapter 19: Waaah, this is intense, please tell me it doesn't stop there D:
If it does: It mustn't! Continue this, I don't allow any other outcome! xD
If it doesn't: I'll be waiting!
(Just one question, could it be that chapter 14 and 15 are in the wrong order? bc it ends with Rose finding the white rose in 12, then it continues with the forest hunting "after Taehyung had left" and then in 15 Taehyung's still there...? I was just a bit confused, that's all xD)
ichigoYuu #9
Chapter 18: "I was simply dreaming of returning home"
I like how everyone see that Rose and Jooheon are basically the same now(?)
Even her father knows how much the company of Jooheonie has influenced on her (even on her dreams lol)

It's ending isn't it?
I loved every single line of it. The way you write is lovely and I've seen myself pushing my reading of other stories to read your updates hehe
Chapter 2: OMG, I know I should wait until I've read everything, but I just have to comment on your writing RIGHT NOW.
It's rare for me to be this blown away by the way someone describes things, but your choice of words is so medieval and old fashioned, I can imagine it play out in my mind as if I was there with them! I wonder why you don't have more subscribers, this is a beautiful story (though I'm not very far with the plot, but who cares) and you deserve much more recognition!
Sorry, I was just so amazed with it I had to tell you right away, I'll probably comment again once I caught on with the latest chapter. Honey, you do a great job, don't ever stop writing, I love you ;^;