Heart's Desire

Belle Rose
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~I left Jooheon's cave before he woke, since I wanted to be back with my family. The last thing I needed was for them to think that he'd eaten me or something else completely horrible before he had a chance to prove to them that he behaved much less monstrously than his appearance had led them to believe.

It was a blessed relief to breathe in fresh air again, and I basked in the light of the dawn that covered me in its warm glow as I walked back to the cottage. I had thought to bring my family to my rose in the pasture. After all, it was my father who'd plucked it in the first place, and I was certain that he would like to see how beautifully it grew against the tragedy of its death at his hands.

Once I'd returned, opening the door quietly so as not to wake anyone, I took some of the bread that had been left over from dinner the night before, As my family slept I toasted it next to the fire that was cheerfully burning in the hearth. The smell of the cooking bread drew them out of their slumber slowly, and by the time it was ready all of them were mostly coherent.

"I've got breakfast ready! Wake up!" I said feeling unbelievably happy that we all were together again.

"Since when were you an early riser?" Iris groaned. She was sharing a bed with Lily, and took that moment to roll up into all of the covers, leaving the younger with none for herself.

Lily, clearly feeling more than a little chilly practically growled in protest and shoved Iris out of the bed, claiming the blankets for herself again.

"Very ladylike," I chastised, placing the toast on a clay plate with a dish of butter and some sort of berry preserve that Talia had brought over before I'd been taken back to Fiore.

We all sat down to a leisurely meal, and I had to admit that it was quite nice spending such time with my family again.

"This jam is simply divine! I've never tasted such berries before!" My father exclaimed excitedly.

"That's because you've never had anything so fresh," I answered happily, helping myself to another slice of the toast before the rest of my family gobbled it all up. When I'd finished I cleaned the dishes using water I fetched from the lake, something that could never have been done in Fiore. All of the water we got came from deep underground, and was not safe to use without boiling first. It was apparently constantly filled from an underground spring which explained why it also tasted so much better than what we had to use in Fiore.

I could sense my father watching me as I worked, and eventually he spoke up a little wistfully.

"You seem quite at ease here Rose."

"Well I should be. I've lived here for a while now, though it wasn't as easy at first. I actually had to sleep in the middle of the pasture," I answered, recalling my first night in the wilds and how angry I'd been at Jooheon's treatment of me.

 It made me wonder what exactly had prompted us getting along better in the first place, and thinking back I figured it must have started when he'd saved me from the creatures in the wilds.

I must have had a strange look on my face while I reminisced, since my father chuckled a little.

"I was wondering if you'd all like to see what I've been working on since I starting living here?" I asked them, thinking that I could show them the rose while I went to check on it.

I'd hoped that it had been growing well in my absence and that it would be able to impress them. I had doubts that anything wild in nature would manage to appeal to my sisters, but if anything could I was certain that it would be a rose. So, with nothing better to do with their time my family agreed to accompany me to Kyungsoo's pasture.

The pasture was the same as I remembered, except of course for my rose, which had grown taller and stronger in the time that I'd been imprisoned.

My father, ever curious, bent down to examine it further, as well as the bud that had formed at its top. I could see then that it would be as crimson as the one he'd picked so long ago, and it was almost like he recognized the flower as being of the same stock.

"Tell me, did this grow from the one I plucked child?" he asked, bewildered.

"Yes father. I didn't know such a thing was possible but it seems to have worked quite splendidly. It looks like it will bloom any day now!" My father beamed at the news.

"Then that means that you will be free to return home to us at last," he exclaimed happily. I admit I'd barely remembered Jooheon's words from so long ago, that when my rose finally bloomed I would be allowed to leave the wilds are return to Fiore with my family.

"Would that not make you happy,Rose? I'm certain once all of the trouble with the Duke blows over Taehyung will let us go back to our old home again," Iris said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I slumped on the grass, keeping my gaze fixed on the flower so I didn't have to face any of them with my next words.

"I've been thinking that I might wish to stay here," I muttered quietly. My sisters could hardly contain their shock at my words, and my father looked positively distraught.

"Why in Stone's name would you want to do that?" Lily said, and I wasn't sure how to make them understand. I wasn't exactly sure I knew all of the reasons I'd made such a decision either, so explaining my choice was going to be difficult.

"It's just I feel more comfortable here than I do in Fiore. I fit in better than I ever have among your parties and ball gowns sisters. You know I've always been so awkward in such social situations, but here I'd never have to feel that way!"


"And what of us? You'll just abandon us?" Iris demanded, eyes narrowed.

"With the problem between Fiore and the wilds solved I'm certain we could still see each other all of the time," I reasoned, fair

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OMG I can't believe this story is almost done....I'm going to miss it.


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Chapter 11: I wish I would have found this story sooner. It's extremely well written and interesting
ichigoYuu #2
Chapter 24: I'm ,surprisingly, not crying for this chapter lol
Ahhh it's over...
they are all happy! Hooray for happy endings :')
Taehyung is a great King, Jooheon is still a wolf king. Amazing.
Rose and Jooheon learning how to kiss aww
You are such a great writer. Thank you for this story and I hope we can read more of your stories soon! I can't wait for the new one~
Is it Cinderella? Is it the Little Mermaid? We will know~~~ soon xD
Chapter 24: This was, with no shame can I proclaim, the most beautiful story I have read in a really long time. It was so well written and descriptive, portraying su much in only one chapter at a go. It kept me captivated the whole time I read and now that it's finished, I simply cannot wait for the sequel. I just have a feeling it's gonna be frigging lit. Oh~, the excitement~!!
Well done. Can't wait for moar~~
ichigoYuu #4
Chapter 23: I was thinking that the Duke surrended to easilly...
Jooheon must live TTTTTT where is the stone table (idk if its called like that, I saw the Narnia movies on Spanish lol) when you need one?!
Be strong Rose!
Chapter 23: nice one! :)
ichigoYuu #6
Chapter 20: jc those two. Holdong each other the greatest steem lmao who r u two kidding kids :eyes-emoji:
At this point everyone in Fiore and the wilds can see their love from 35725227 miles away like wth Rose, Jooheon, p l e a s e. It's hilarious but the story is a few chapters away from the end plspls

Now with the questions:
1. I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT HURTS :'U it's so well writen and it feels real (i've been reading some fantasy lately and yours just- it's super good srsly i have cried before haha...yeah thats embarassing to say but it's good I'm good :') )
2. If you have read my comments before I think it's pretty obvious which is my favorite pairing lol ievenstartedthiscommentwiththemso...
3. Rose! I liked her from the start but seeing her growing with each chapter made me like her even more. The way she talks is delightful haha
4. I'm not good at names but I think I could try :Uc first I'd like to know at least a little of her personality ~
Chapter 15: Readers there has been a confusion with chapter 14 and 15. Yes. Taehyung did go back to Fiore in chapter 14 but he can comeback to the Aryan's whenever he wants to because he knows the pathway.
Chapter 19: Waaah, this is intense, please tell me it doesn't stop there D:
If it does: It mustn't! Continue this, I don't allow any other outcome! xD
If it doesn't: I'll be waiting!
(Just one question, could it be that chapter 14 and 15 are in the wrong order? bc it ends with Rose finding the white rose in 12, then it continues with the forest hunting "after Taehyung had left" and then in 15 Taehyung's still there...? I was just a bit confused, that's all xD)
ichigoYuu #9
Chapter 18: "I was simply dreaming of returning home"
I like how everyone see that Rose and Jooheon are basically the same now(?)
Even her father knows how much the company of Jooheonie has influenced on her (even on her dreams lol)

It's ending isn't it?
I loved every single line of it. The way you write is lovely and I've seen myself pushing my reading of other stories to read your updates hehe
Chapter 2: OMG, I know I should wait until I've read everything, but I just have to comment on your writing RIGHT NOW.
It's rare for me to be this blown away by the way someone describes things, but your choice of words is so medieval and old fashioned, I can imagine it play out in my mind as if I was there with them! I wonder why you don't have more subscribers, this is a beautiful story (though I'm not very far with the plot, but who cares) and you deserve much more recognition!
Sorry, I was just so amazed with it I had to tell you right away, I'll probably comment again once I caught on with the latest chapter. Honey, you do a great job, don't ever stop writing, I love you ;^;