Chapter 5: Pink.

Sequel: LOVE DUMB.
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"Yeobosaeyo? I'm already outside Bulletproof Cafe." I said to my phone on the other line.

"Alright, I'm coming out now." Said the person from the other line.

I shrugged and sighed before putting my own phone into my jacket pocket as I took out the foreign phone that I found it at one of the bookshelves.

I was sorting out the books earlier that afternoon and the vibration to the metal shelf was hurting my ears, it was a phone left alone and there was an incoming call on it.

I picked up the phone and there, a guy picked up and asked me to meet him outside a cafe so that I could return his phone to him.

Why do I have to find him after work when the phone belongs to him and he should be the one finding me instead?

That guy must be weird and certainly not a gentleman.

His phone was pink by the way. Tell me about it, it was really rare for a guy to use pink.


I turned around and saw a stranger calling me.

He was tall and his eyes were big, I couldn't deny he actually look handsome as well.

More of a pretty boy I assumed.

I beamed at him and passed his phone with both of my hand to be polite to him, "Here's your phone."

He stared at me with his mouth slightly ajar with his big pretty eyes.

I frowned and wondered was there something on my face for him to look at me that way.

It was like he was out of Earth after seeing me.

I waved my hand in front of his face to snap back him into reality, "Hey, pink. Are you okay?" 

Yeah, I called him Pink since his phone was pink in color.

"Uh? Oh, thanks." He beamed back and took his phone over and check.

Come on, it wasn't like I have his password to access his phone to invade his privacy -.-

"This phone means a lot to me, that was very kind of you to return my phone. You know most of them would just sell the phone away after getting it?" He chuckled a little and rubbed the back of his neck.

"You're welcome." I shrugged with a smile, trying to look polite when I was already somehow cursing him inside me. "It wasn't like I was in need of money that I have to sell your phone away." I chuckled a little back.

"Erm.... Do you want to come in and have a drink? This cafe belongs to my mom, it's on the house as a gratitude of returning my phone." He pointed to the cafe behind him.

I looked at my watch.

I was still earlier for my dinner, so why not? It was on the house anyway.


I nodded with a beamed as he lead me into the cafe and I followed behind him.

"Annyeong- oh, hyung! You bring a girl to the cafe!" Another cute-looking guy greeted as soon as we entered the cafe.

Pink just smacked his head and frowned slightly, "Just get back to work or else I'll get my eomma to fire you." 

"Rude." The cute guy rolled his eyes and turned away to continue wiping the table awhile ago before we came in.

Pink brought me to the middle of the cafe to take a seat.

I looked around, it was a warm and cozy cafe filled full with pink.

Pastel pink, hot pink, electric pink, you name it. 

"You must like to pink a lot." I chuckled a little as I pulled and sat at the pink wooden chair while pink took the one across mine.

"Well, it's a family thing." he shrugged and laughed.

Hmm... he does have cute laughter, I admit.

"So... what do you want to have?" He asked and pressed his lips into a firm line.

"Erm... anything that's good here?" I shrugged, it was his mom's cafe anyway and it was his treat.

"Have you tried Dutch coffee before?" He asked and I shook my head, "It is the most expensive coffee in our cafe and you must try!" he insisted.

I nodded my head since it was on-the-house, why not?

He took his cue to leave as he went to prepare the dutch coffee he mentioned earlier on while I just sat there looking around the cafe wildly.

The cafe called 'Bulletproof Cafe' but it was filled with pink inside. 

It was like a strong name but a cute image, how interesting.

I noticed there were a few bunch of high school girls sitting around giggling to one another, probably was because of the cute staffs they have in this cafe.

Man... you guys should see all the staffs they have here, they were exactly like idols.

Did they come to this cafe by interview from experiences or from their face?

"Here." Pink came back with a cup which I assumed that it was Dutch coffee.

He pushed the cup towards me with a smile encouraging me to try, I picked up the cup and took a sip.


It was so different from all those regular coffee, seriously. The taste was like all kinds of fruity flavors combined with a chocolaty aftertaste that will trick your mind into thinking you just ate some great Belgium chocolate.

"Nice right?" Pink beamed at me and asked.


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Chapter 17: Waaa fluff fluff so cutee hehehe
HanAnna00 #2
I'm ready to read this for second time..ohh I love this
Chapter 17: The story is so beautiful I'm literally crying at the end XD I loved it... Both the sequel and the prequel <3
Chapter 17: This story need an epilogue! Their friends and bobby need to know she's already remembered! ^~^
Chapter 17: This was really cute, couple goals lol
Waaah this was really cute! Lol
I enjoyed reading this story too!
I wouldnt mind reading a story if it was Junhoe and Sujeong! I ship them too! Lol
Chapter 1: Chanwoo's last name is Jung not Lee... lol
ktroct #8
its end now :( i hope you will write hanbin x OC story again. thankyou for this beautiful story. i rrly enjoy it. keep writting. fighting !
Chapter 17: Can u make story about sujeong and junhoe? I kinda ship them !!! ;D ❤❤❤❤