Chapter 10: Jin & Hanbin.

Sequel: LOVE DUMB.
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“Annyeong- Oh, Jin!” I waved excitedly when Jin entered the café with a bright smile looking at me. 

“Hey, there!” I greeted with a beamed on my face.

“Hey! How’s your second day of work?” he asked as he approached me.

It seemed like he just ended school since he still has his backpack and laptop with him on his arms.

“Pretty good.” I shrugged with a smile.

Yeah, I finally decided to take the part-time job as a barista offered by Jin after much debate with iKON.

They finally decided to approve me working in Bulletproof café and always make sure I always reply them when they call or text me.

It was a hard time convincing them since I told them that Jin’s mom was the one who owned Bulletproof cafe and the ironic was, iKON and Jin’s gang were a rivalry.

They were called ‘Bangtan Boys’ a.k.a ‘Bangtan Sonyeondan’.

I know, what a name HAHA.

No offense, I felt that iKON’s name was a little ridiculous too when I confronted them if they were a gang over the weekend but seriously, why do gang require to name themselves and yet with such funny names?

Excuse me, I need to laugh. HAHAHAHAH

“I hope the job isn’t too hard for you.” Jin smiled and shrugged.

“Nope, it isn’t. Your mom was patience at me as well.” I smiled back.

To be real honest, his mom was damn nice but what brought Jin up to a gangster? His mom was exactly like a replica angel a.k.a my mom.

“My mom said you were a fast learner and she likes you very much. If you have any friends looking for a part-time job, do let my mom knows.” Jin commented and chuckled a little.

“Yeah, of course!” I nodded my head and chipped. 

“Anyway, are you alright that day at the amusement park?” Jin suddenly asked in concern about that day.

I almost forgot that I left him dumbfounded that day, I was such a bad person and no doubt that I was feeling guilty right at the moment when he mentioned about it.

“Oh yeah….”I nodded my head with my eyes looking at the ground for feeling sorry, “Sorry that I just left you dumbfounded that day.” I apologized.

“It’s okay.” He shook his head with a smile. “Is everything alright? You look really pale that day….what happened?”

“Well, just I gained some of my memory back and my head hurts a lot. “ I shrugged and explained.

“I hope you’re feeling alright now.” Jin said.

“Yeah, thanks for your concern.” I beamed back.

“So… how are you related to B.I?” Jin carefully asked as he placed his bag and his laptop down on a nearby table just beside us.

Yeah… how was I related to B.I, I wanted to know that too. I don’t even know are we couple or just very close friends.

“I told you I lost my memory, right?” I chuckled and rolled my eyes jokingly, “For now, all I know is that we are a really good friend.” I said, unsure if I said the right thing or not.

“So does that mean I have a chance?” He mumbled to himself but I wasn’t able to hear it carefully since there was music in the café.

Jin and his mumbling need to go, to be very honest.

“Huh?” I asked and raised my brow at him for his weird behavior on talking to himself.

“Nothing.” He shook his head. “Are you free during the weekends? My mom put you off for saturday....” he looked at me and asked.

“Erm… I guess so?” I shrugged, not aware of his motive on asking me.

“Want to watch a movie together?” Jin asked me with his big round eyes looking at me, trying to allure me in nodding my head with his cuteness.

I stared at him blankly, like for what reason I have to watch a movie with him? That was too sudden, wasn’t it? 

Maybe I was just thinking too much....

“As an apology for leaving me dumbfounded as well as getting this job for you, I want to watch that movie but the guys don’t want to watch it with me.” I could see Jin flustered face as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Oh….so that was his reason. What was I thinking, LOL.

“Sure, why not? My trea

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Chapter 17: Waaa fluff fluff so cutee hehehe
HanAnna00 #2
I'm ready to read this for second time..ohh I love this
Chapter 17: The story is so beautiful I'm literally crying at the end XD I loved it... Both the sequel and the prequel <3
Chapter 17: This story need an epilogue! Their friends and bobby need to know she's already remembered! ^~^
Chapter 17: This was really cute, couple goals lol
Waaah this was really cute! Lol
I enjoyed reading this story too!
I wouldnt mind reading a story if it was Junhoe and Sujeong! I ship them too! Lol
Chapter 1: Chanwoo's last name is Jung not Lee... lol
ktroct #8
its end now :( i hope you will write hanbin x OC story again. thankyou for this beautiful story. i rrly enjoy it. keep writting. fighting !
Chapter 17: Can u make story about sujeong and junhoe? I kinda ship them !!! ;D ❤❤❤❤