Yearning of the Heart

Love Letters & Lunch Boxes

“Jihoonie hyung ~” Mingyu sang as he slid the door open.

Earlier, Junhui had announced that they should take a break from their practice and just go home early. Which basically meant that he can have a short date with his cute as a button boyfriend.

But don’t tell anyone he calls him that. Hell's going to rise if Jihoon learns about this.

He was half expecting that he would get a glare upon entering, and for being so damn noisy, so imagine how shocked he was when he was met with silence.

Instead of glaring, Jihoon had his face buried in his arms, sleeping soundly on top of his desk. The window was open, wind gently swaying the white curtains and petals, making them land on the older boy’s head. In addition, the sun was peeking in between the branches and gave the room the illusion of it glowing.

Mingyu had to pinch himself, which he regretted later on, to make sure that he didn’t just entered a different dimension.

He grinned when he realized he hasn’t. Of course, duh. Half of his mind said but he paid this no in mind as he made his way to where Jihoon was sleeping.

The older had his earphones plug, sound softly coming out of it and Mingyu contemplated if he would wake him up or be a damn creep.

Of course, we all know what he’ll chose.

He pulled the chair beside him and sat, lying his head on the table while facing Jihoon. “Jihoonie hyung…” he softly called and removed his earphones, not really expecting him to respond. Jihoon didn’t even moved a muscle and continued to sleep. Mingyu couldn’t help but to smile. 

The world continued to turn outside, the birds continued to sing, people continued with their lives, but inside this room, time seemed to stop as he admired the person before him.

He smiled.

He reached out for his pink hair and ran his hand in between them, loving how soft it felt, then to his face. His heart ached but not in a bad way. It ached with the fact of how he was so in love with the person sitting beside him.

Mingyu sat properly and leaned down, closing his eyes and kissing the top of Jihoon’s head. “God, I am so in love with you.” He breath out, not able to stop himself anymore, missing how the other boy blushed and took a sharp breath.

Jihoon wasn’t asleep.

Well, originally he was, but Mingyu’s loud voice woke him up that moment the boy entered. He was just pretending hoping that for once, he’d have a quiet time with him around.

Not freaking expecting to have a bloody confession from the tall boy.

He could still feel his lips on his head and he blushed even darker.

How could this guy be so damn honest? Mingyu was so going to kill him one day. Jihoon wasn’t use to this sort of affection. No one in their family was really that vocal with their feelings. Not even his own mother.

This was something that he wasn’t used to.

And voicing out his thoughts was something that he wasn’t good at.

So, to not disappoint Mingyu, he reached out underneath the table and intertwine their hand ever so slowly. The younger jumped, startled at the sudden act, but grinned upon seeing Jihoon’s red face and embarrassed frown, eyes still close.

He scooted closer, trying his hardest to not break their fused hand, and rested his head near the oldest.

He wasn’t really expecting for the older to say those words. No, he was perfectly fine with how Jihoon was.

Because, after all, to Mingyu what really matters was the fact that he feels the love.

That’s all that ever matter.





Asdfghjkl. I should be updating #prettyu but here I am, being a bum and writing drabbles.

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Chapter 6: This is too soft my heart can't handledbsbdjjsakcksnxjxk o<--<
harujuku31 #2
Chapter 7: This was almost a !!!
Chapter 2: omg im rlly slow but
chap 2 that gna and brian reference tho xD still my fav line ever xD
sunnibreez #4
Chapter 7: Jigyu is one cute yet bizarre couple eue just look at them. ~
Jihoon be cringing at mingyu love for him but boi I know u love that shizz xD
fg #5
Chapter 7: Waaahh.. so cute. 'Wake me up like a sleeping beauty' hahaha.. jigyu all the way. I want more
Chapter 6: Uwooooo yeaaah im gonna dying with this jigyu fic and forget my final exam
This is sooooo cuteeee
sunnibreez #7
Chapter 6: I feel the love man the deep love for each other QwQ my hearteu
SamanthaH #8
Chapter 6: This is soo cute~ Thanks for the little update!