Failed Exams and Unwanted Thoughts

Love Letters & Lunch Boxes

Months after that event in The Stony Prince and The Cat


It wasn't that dating Lee Jihoon was difficult. 


That wasn't the case. 

Mingyu never really had any difficult problems when he was with Jihoon. He lets him kiss him, hold his hand, and even piggy back him on his way home. Yes, surprisingly Jihoon was fine with PDA. But not too much as the short boy was shier than he looks.

But here's the thing. 

Dating Lee Jihoon was SCARY. Well, he's already scary in general but it's a different matter when it comes to his lover. Especially with Mingyu's grades. The tall boy had already got a taste of Jihoon's wrath when he failed his Korean history class and would like to not experience that again. No one else will know the real horror of being chased by a guitar aside from Mingyu.

But frankly, Mingyu was convinced faith hates him. 

The tall boy let out a whine as he saw his exam results. "Jihoonie hyung's going to kill me." He murmured as he stared at his results. They were awful. Really awful. So awful that he could already hear Satan laughing as the gates of hell opened behind him. How could this be?! He studied really hard for these subjects and what's with his results?! Okay maybe he didn't really studied much but he listened to his teacher's lectures and stuffs. It should have been enough! 

"Oh my gosh!" 

Just what he needed.

"You're mistake?" 

Seungkwan took his exam papers and gasped dramatically. Mingyu resisted the urge to cringe at how the boy currently looked. He was wearing a freaking sunglasses inside the classroom and his lips was coated in deep red. Probably redder than Hyuna sunbae's lips (who had already graduated alongside Seongcheol and the others). Makes him wonder where on earth was he headed in this broad daylight. "What are you doing now?" He said in English. In his 'low quality English' as how Hansol calls it. "Are you kidding me? Kimbappi kidding?" 

Mingyu groaned and took the papers in his hands. "Give me that!" He hurriedly stuffed it in his bag before anyone else would see it. News runs really fast in this school. 

"Vice Pres' going to be really mad!" Seungkwan said as he followed him when Mingyu stood up from his seat then out of the classroom. He was pertaining to Jihoon who replaced Jeonghan when he graduated. 

The tall boy groaned and fastened his pace. "I know! No need to remind me!" He ruffled his hair in frustration as he thought of ways to break it to Jihoon without having him get too angry. And honestly? He couldn't think of any. 

Whenever he would look at it, it was a sure painful death for him.

He stopped in front of his locker and let out a loud sigh. Seungkwan was still beside him, completely ignoring the weirded looks their schoolmates was giving him. He was used to it as the boy was rather proud of his gayness. "Seungkwan..." He broke down and let a loud whine. "What should I do? He's going to skin me alive..." 

"Uh-huh." Was the response that he got from him. By this time the boy had started fiddling with his phone and didn't even bothered consoling Mingyu who was in the verge of crying. "And he's also gonna burn you alive without any remorse."

"You're not helping!" 

"Well I was merely stating a fact." The sassy boy flipped his nonexistent long hair before rolling his eyes under that sunglasses. "You should've studied hard instead of slacking." 

Mingyu could only sigh at the statement. Oh, if Seungkwan only knew. He tried. God knows how he tried but there were reasons to why he failed to do so. Just thinking of it made him blush but quickly shook it away before the boy beside him notices. "Why are you even here? Where's Hansol?" 

At that Seungkwan scoffed and rolled his eyes again. "I don't know and I don't care. I'm too pretty to even care about him." And another flip of his nonexistent long hair from the boy. "And why are you asking me about that loser? It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything." 


"He's not?" Mingyu asked innocently. "But you guys are always together."

Seungkwan made this disgusted look and even shuddered. "Of course not! He's not even my type." 

"Are you sure? I thought he was with you—"

"Look babe," Seungkwan started. "I'm beautiful and he's pitiful. I don't know what you're talking about boy. Besides, if there's someone here whom I'd love to bang, it's your friend Wonwoo." He slid his phone inside his pocket and turned around. Obviously not wanting to discuss anything that have to do with Hansol which was strange. From what Mingyu knows they grew up together and had been inseparable since. The entire school's probably even convinced that they were dating. "Bye bye Gyu ~ good luck with Vice Pres. May the odds be in your favor."

he didn't have to remind him that.


"So that's all," Jihyo smiled and bowed her head earning a relieved sigh from everyone inside the Student Council room. The girl could only giggle at how they eagerly got up from their seats, leaving the room after bidding her a quick goodbye in respect of the President. She understand what's the rush though. It was Friday. And Friday means rest. To some anyway.

But as usual there was one who chooses to stay for a little longer. 

"Jihoon ah, you should go home too." The girl said to the pink haired boy who was still seated. Said Jihoon looked up from his papers and shook his head. 

"I'd be done, you can go first Pres." Jihoon said as he started scribbling something in the document. He failed to see how the girl pouted at his response. She gave him a disapproving look before marching and standing behind him. 

The short boy screamed a rather high pitched scream when a pair of hands slid under his armpits and pulled him to a standing position. "Jihoon ah! It's time to go home!"

Is this girl serious?!  

"Yah! What are you doing?!" Jihoon blushed. The reaction was instant and it took his all to not run out the room out of embarrasement. Jihoon was very ticklish and he nearly felt his soul left his body by this girl's action. The pink haired boy ran to a corner and he gave the girl a weirded look, arms wrapped around him protectively. "W-why'd you do that?! Aren't you even disgusted?!" 

Jihyo let out a laugh and shook her head. "Nope," she answered as she started packing Jihoon's things and documents despite his protest. "You can finish this some other day. But for now, you go home and get some rest. Don't overwork yourself, got that?" 

Jihoon was still gaping at her when she finished packing his belongings. The girl went to him, smiling as she slid one of his bag's strap on his shoulder. "There and you're ready to go." Jihyo said more to herself. "Wait for me, let's go home together. I have to make sure you go straight to your house. There's been a lot of mugging lately and I can't afford to let my lil bro get hurt." She said in a determined voice. 

'You're only a few months older than me though.'

Jihoon sighed and tiredly nodded. Like Soonyoung, he had known her since the first grade. She had always been strange as she prefers to be called Jihyo than her real name, much like the former Student Treasurer Jisoo (Seriously, what's their problem with their name?). Also despite her leadership skills, she tends to over think a lot and treated Jihoon like a little brother.

A gasp from the girl woke him from his slight trance. She faced him while cupping her face worriedly with one hand. Jihoon raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you by chance going to go home with Mingyu ah?" 

Jihoon frowned but thought anyway. Mingyu's been busy with basketball practice. He sometimes doesn't wait for the younger and goes home by himself. The team tends to practice late and Jihoon have a lot of documents and homework to take care of. "I guess? It depends, why?" 

"What's with that vague answer?" Jihyo frowned before shrugging. "Okay, I'll you to the gymnasium instead. You're going to go home with him!" 

"Ugh no, I think they're—" 

"Hush! Now let's go see that handsome boyfriend of yours."

Being dragged by his friends was not exactly new to the pink haired boy. Back in middle school, Soonyoung would drag him to the arcade 'to put a little color to his boring life' as he quoted. There he'd watch his friend play random games until Jihyo miraculously appears and drag him and Soonyoung by the ears, going off about how delinquency is bad and it might ruin their futures. 

When he got into high school, another figure added to the list of people who loves dragging him to God knows where. Seongcheol, highly in need of a secretary for his partylist, didn't thought twice when he randomly asked him for his name and registered him for the empty spot. He had to blame his pink hair for that as it made him stand out in the sea of students despite his short stature.

It wasn't even his decision to dye his naturally black hair pink. It was Soonyoung's, all because of a stupid bet.

So as Jihyo dragged him along the hallway, Jihoon didn't bothered resisting. Students greeted them as they went passed them. The pink haired boy struggled on reciprocating the greetings while Jihyo coolly did so. God, despite being accustomed to getting dragged, Jihoon wishes that people stop the stupid habit. 

The gymnasium was noisy as always. Some students were cheering for the team, mostly were girls. Jihyo pulled him towards an empty bench at the last row and sat first, patting the spot beside her for Jihoon to take. Which he did. The short boy let out a sigh as he drifted his eyes to the practicing team. Wonwoo was there but Mingyu wasn't. 

"Wonwoo sshi so handsome, don't you think?" Jihyo commented as she waved at the members who greeted them. 

"His jokes though." The short boy nonchalantly said.

"That's mean." Jihyo pouted which was only answered by an uninterested shrug.

Jihoon continued to roam his head, looking for a certain gray haired boy with an undercut. When he spotted him coming out of the locker's entrance, his facial expression lightened. Mingyu was wearing a white T-shirt and Jersey short's, bag slung on his shoulder. He looked handsome as always, and apparently it wasn't just him who thought so. 

A group of girls a few rows from them started screaming upon seeing Mingyu. 

"Mingyu!" One screamed and waved her hand frantically. "Good luck, Mingyu!" 

"We love you, Kim Mingyu!" The other two shrieked in unison. 

"Please marry me!"

Mingyu, upon hearing his name, searched for the source of the voices. His face broke into a wide grin as his eyes went passed the group of girls to someone from behind them. He raised his hand and started waving to that person who merely gave him a small smile. A small feat which made his heart skip a beat. And succesfully made him want to run to Jihoon's side and kiss him till they both ran out of breath.

That's until he remembered that he was in trouble.

Jihoon frowned when he noticed how Mingyu abruptly stopped waving. The tall boy bit his lips before he ran to where his teammates were. 

"Wow, he's really popular." Jihyo said and crossed her arms on her chest. "Are you not worried?" A question which the pink haired boy failed to hear.

Jihoon squinted his eyes suspiciously at the back of Mingyu's head, ignoring Jihyo who continued to talk about how he should be worried. 

He should've disregarded it but when Mingyu tripped countless times during practice, Jihoon understood that something was wrong. Mingyu was clumsy, but he was clumsier when his mind was clouded by something else. In addition, the tall boy was playing basketball. He never trips whenever he's playing basketball.


Mingyu was quiet. 

Which was scarier than Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers combined. 

Being quiet was never part of Mingyu's character. And it sure as hell was making him think that the world was going to end. Jihyo had already went home earlier because he insisted which meant that he don't have anyone to talk to about this guy's current behavior.

Jihoon nervously followed his lover as they made their way to the school's front gate. He was a few steps far behind, which was yet again odd as it was mostly Mingyu who whines with the distance between them. Jihoon irritatedly ruffled his hair and sighed. 

"Minggu..." He called. At which the tall boy strangely went rigid. Mingyu visibly gulped, preparing himself for the worst. Jihoon took a few steps until he was now facing the tall boy. Though he had to crain his neck up because of the height difference. "Is there a problem?"

"P-problem?!" The tall boy squeaked, nearly choking on his own spit. Oh my God had Jihoon already found out?! "What problem? There's no problem..." Mingyu nervously chuckled as his eyes shifted anywhere but Jihoon's.

"You had been acting strange, and you're not looking at me in the eyes." Jihoon frowned. "There's obviously a problem..." 

Oh God, was this it? 

Was Mingyu going to die tragically in the arms of his beloved just like in those sappy tragic romance?! He guess it was fine as long as it's his Jihoon who will take it. The Jihoon that he had fallen for the first sight. The Jihoon whom he could safely call as his first love. This very Jihoon who looked like he couldn't harm a fly but could kill you with his pinky.

Mingyu inwardly sobbed. 

Jihoon on the other hand solemnly looked down, pulling his gray sweater's sleeves until it fully hid his pale fingers. This was it, he had always thought one day it was going to happen. But it's too soon. Was Mingyu's feelings this easy to fade? Jihoon bit his lips. "Minggu..." The short boy softly murmured. "Are... are you getting tired of me?" 

Mingyu snapped out of his senses at that. He stared at the boy with wide eyes and he didn't even thought twice when he cupped his face with his large hands, making the short boy look at him. "W-what?! Of course not!" 

"Then why are you acting like this?" 

"T-that's because..." Mingyu shifted his eyes yet again and thought of the possible things that he could say. It seemed like he was still safe. Thank heavens. "Because practice! Yes, yes. P-practice. I've just been really tired lately. Dont think of it too much."

Although Jihoon was still suspicious, he obviously noted how Mingyu doesn't seemed to talk about this matter so he let it off with a sigh. Mingyu turned him around, back hugging him in the process as they exited the school premises. The night had fallen and majority of the students had already gone home, making them appear like the only people in the streets.

Five minutes into the walk, Jihoon remembered something. 

"Yah," he patted the arms on his torso. "Where are your test papers? Minghao told me that you got them today."

Xu ing Minghao! 

"U-umm... Test papers?" 

Jihoon untangled his arms around him and faced the tall boy, who by now was sweating profusely. 

"Yes, test papers." He rolled his eyes and opened his palms, motioning for Mingyu to give him the papers. "Where are they? Give them to me." 

"I-i... actually I... Jihoonie hyung!" The tall boy suddenly exclaimed which made the pink haired boy jump. "Do you want some ice cream? Let's go get some ice cream! Ice cream is good! Come on, my treat!" Mingyu pulled his hand only for him to be yanked back. 

Suddenly, Jihoon was having an idea to why he was acting to strange. 

He should have noticed from the start! Heck! He'd seen Mingyu act like this before! And that was when...

"Kim Mingyu." Jihoon's voice turned a few octaves lower, successfully making the tall boy's fine hair stand up. "Your test papers... give. Them. To. Me."

Said Mingyu whimpered as he shakily took the now crumpled papers in his bag. Jihoon snatched them up, his eyes skimmed over the red ink that had determined Mingyu's fate. Then without any warnings, Jihoon's eyes turned into slits. God he was so dead. 

"J-jihoonie hyung! I can explain!" 

Jihoon took a step forward. 

Mingyu took a step backwards.

"Hyung please have mercy on me—" and a loud shriek left his mouth before the tall boy sprinted away with Jihoon hot on his trail. 

"Kim Mingyu! Come back here!" 

"Please don't kill me hyung!" 

"Come back here I said!"

"No! You'll kill me!" 

The sound of Mingyu's screaming echoed throughout the streets. It garnered them some unwanted attention. It's not everyday that you'll see a really tall boy getting chased by someone who barely looked like he's reached thirteen. But he put that aside because his life was far too precious than their weirded looks. 

Jihoon huffed a breath as he glared at Mingyu. A single bench only keeping them apart. 

"What's with these results?!" The short boy snapped. "You know what will happen if you fail your classes! They're going to kick you out of the team and it's not going to be good for your college recommendation!" 

"I-I know that!" Mingyu stammered. "I tried studying b-but I couldn't properly do so!" 

"That's not an excuse!" Jihoon irrritatedly ruffled his hair, he tried reaching out for Mingyu but the tall boy leaned back much to his displeasure. "And why couldn't you properly do so? Don't tell me you were wasting your time watching s again?" 

"J-jihoonie hyung!" Mingyu turned fifty shades of red at the accusation. Of course he wasn't watching those. Not anymore anyway. "I wasn't watching those! I-I was..." 

"You was what?" Jihoon snarled again. "Give me a good reason before I kill you." 

Mingyu gulped. Can he even say it?

"I was..." 

Jihoon's not going to hate him if he'd say it right?


It was bound to happen sooner or later, he thinks. Although he hoped it was sooner.

Because damn Jihoon and those thighs. 

"I was..." 


"I was having wet dreams about you! And it was so hard for me to concentrate every time I remember them!" Mingyu confessed which made a couple not so far from them stop on their tracks. Jihoon felt his face go warm and no words came out of his mouth when Mingy blushed and pouted, poking his index fingers together. "I didn't mean it, hyung. It's just that whenever I'm with you I couldn't stop my urges. Like... roses are red, grass is greener. When I'm with you, I play with my junior. Wait that didn't sound right." Mingyu let out a load groan. "You're driving me crazy!" 

If it was possible, Jihoon wanted the earth to swallow him up and erase his entire existence. He was blushing really hard and he wish he wasn't aware of the couples who was now obviously whispering about him. "Y-you..." he stuttered. "You erted underclassman!" Then ran while hiding his face with his hands. 

"Wait! Jihoonie hyung!" Mingyu hurriedly followed the blushing boy. How amazing was it for the tables to turn the instant. Like five minutes ago it was Jihoon who was chasing Mingyu and now it's the other way around.

"Don't come near me!" 

"Hyung! I'm willing to wait until after marriage!" 

Kim ing Mingyu!

"Shut up!" 


Da fuq am I writing lately? www. Sorry if I took so long in updating. okay I don't have anything more to say so see ya next chapter! Bye!

Please excuse the huge amount of grammatical errors. English is not my mother tongue. www

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Chapter 6: This is too soft my heart can't handledbsbdjjsakcksnxjxk o<--<
harujuku31 #2
Chapter 7: This was almost a !!!
Chapter 2: omg im rlly slow but
chap 2 that gna and brian reference tho xD still my fav line ever xD
sunnibreez #4
Chapter 7: Jigyu is one cute yet bizarre couple eue just look at them. ~
Jihoon be cringing at mingyu love for him but boi I know u love that shizz xD
fg #5
Chapter 7: Waaahh.. so cute. 'Wake me up like a sleeping beauty' hahaha.. jigyu all the way. I want more
Chapter 6: Uwooooo yeaaah im gonna dying with this jigyu fic and forget my final exam
This is sooooo cuteeee
sunnibreez #7
Chapter 6: I feel the love man the deep love for each other QwQ my hearteu
SamanthaH #8
Chapter 6: This is soo cute~ Thanks for the little update!