
Love Letters & Lunch Boxes

I dare you listen to Sam Smith’s Nirvana while reading this! I dare you! Please die with me. O<–<


Lee Jihoon’s a firm follower of rules.

After all, rules were meant to be followed. What’s the point of putting them up when you would just ignore them.

Same goes with their relationship.

He had set up a few for him and Mingyu to follow. Well, most of them were all for the latter as he definitely needed something to constrain himself.

One of them was no kissing in public.

DEFINITELY no kissing in public.

Be them on open spaces like the classroom, hallway, gymnasium or somewhere semi secluded areas like the school library and student council room, they should never ever kiss.

It was, after all, a not proper thing to do in public.

Even still, this was Kim Mingyu we were talking about. The Kim Mingyu who defy all rules and regulations even his own cousin has put up. The Kim Mingyu who seldom listens to Jihoon and most of the time ends up embarrassing and getting him flustered. It needs more than some petty rules to stop the tall boy.

Jihoon glared at the boy who had him trapped in between the bookshelves. He knew s like these were bound to happen when he was alone with Mingyu.

The sound of air-conditioning and soft steps of the students around was making him nervous. If someone were to caught them, especially the librarian, it would be bad.

Like really bad.

Mingyu merely smirked at him and leaned down, an action which Jihoon reciprocated by tilting his head to the side to not let him get a kiss.

The tall boy pouted at this.

“Jihoonie hyung.” He cooed, successfully giving him goosebumps. Jihoon had to close his eyes to stop himself from giving in. God, his voice was a sin. He should never have this much power over him.

It was ing frustrating.

Jihoon involuntary let out a shaky breath.

“Jihoonie hyung,” He called again, this time a lot softer and a lot huskier.

“Stop this.” He managed to choke out of his throat, although he still had his eyes tightly shut. “What did I told you?”

Mingyu hummed and kissed his forehead. “No one's around though.”

“Don’t.” Jihoon blushed with the gentle act. How he hates it when he knows just the right thing to do to make his knees go weak. How he hates how his hands unconsciously clenched on the fabric of the younger boy's uniform.

Jihoon took a deep breath when Mingyu’s lips fell from his forehead to his close eyelid and that’s all it took for him to give in.

He opened his eyes and glared at the grinning boy. 

Mingyu, feeling proud of managing to have Jihoon open his eyes, leaned again, ready to kiss him full on the lips. Something that he was not able to do when a thin book blocked his access to the older boy's lips.


… they were kissing.

Jihoon closed his eyes and so did he. Despite of the cover in between them, both could still feel the other’s lips and even when the younger pushed him further into the shelf, he didn’t resisted anymore. He simply just let out another weary sigh and listened to the soft sound of their breathing.

Mingyu was the first to part. He had his eyes half lidded and ever so slowly, he removed the book in between them. Before Jihoon could protest, he had already claimed him full on the lips.

Jihoon took a sharp in take of breath upon feeling Mingyu’s soft lips. All thoughts completely disappearing out of the window as he started to move against his. His heart rammed hard against his chest as the younger ran his hand from his arm to his waist, pulling him flush into him at the process. To think he’d allow him to do this much.

To think that he’d break the rule he himself had set.

It was maddening.

It was suffocating.

It was… exhilarating.

ing exhilarating.

The way Mingyu moved against his lips. The way he savored his taste, the way he tilted his head for better access, the way a breathy moan escaped their mouth… everything about it was exhilarating.

Jihoon couldn’t help but to gulp when they finally parted. Mingyu was catching his breath but so was he. He flush even redder when he saw the admiration flashed on the younger’s eyes. The way he would look at him like he was the most beautiful being in the entire world…

… even if he don’t admit it, it made him happy.

Mingyu makes him happy.

Jihoon hid his face on the younger’s chest out of embarrassment, wrapping his arms around him after. “You’re a jerk.” He murmured.

Mingyu’s chest rumbled when he chuckled and enveloped the older in a tight hug. He nuzzled his head and smiled happily with their close contact. “You’re cute.”

Jihoon could only snort in response.

“ you.”


Brain y u do dis? /drowns in feels. 

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Chapter 6: This is too soft my heart can't handledbsbdjjsakcksnxjxk o<--<
harujuku31 #2
Chapter 7: This was almost a !!!
Chapter 2: omg im rlly slow but
chap 2 that gna and brian reference tho xD still my fav line ever xD
sunnibreez #4
Chapter 7: Jigyu is one cute yet bizarre couple eue just look at them. ~
Jihoon be cringing at mingyu love for him but boi I know u love that shizz xD
fg #5
Chapter 7: Waaahh.. so cute. 'Wake me up like a sleeping beauty' hahaha.. jigyu all the way. I want more
Chapter 6: Uwooooo yeaaah im gonna dying with this jigyu fic and forget my final exam
This is sooooo cuteeee
sunnibreez #7
Chapter 6: I feel the love man the deep love for each other QwQ my hearteu
SamanthaH #8
Chapter 6: This is soo cute~ Thanks for the little update!