Baby Baby

Love Letters & Lunch Boxes

Certainly it was one big news.

To think that Mingyu would wake up one day, not really expecting much when his parents woke him up too early on a weekend, then suddenly he becomes something really great.

To what was that?

The answer was simple.

A big brother.

Yes, Kim Mingyu was going to be a big brother.

Which meant a bigger problem.

On Jihoon’s part anyway.





“Jihoonie hyung!”

Everyone jumped in surprise when the door slammed open. But whoever the intruder was, although it was pretty obvious just basing from the nickname, paid this no in mind as he went straight to the seat of the Vice President. Jihoon nearly let out a squeak when the shameless organism, he still couldn’t believe and is still flustered to call him as a boyfriend, took both of his hands while a stupid grin was etched onto his face.

“W-what are you doing?! Y-you can’t just barge in like that, stupid Minggu!” The older stuttered, face bright red.

Instead of answering, the grin on Mingyu’s face turned wider and he leaned closer. Totally a not proper stunt to pull while you’re inside the Student Council room. “Hyung!” He exclaimed again. “Let’s make babies!”

The silence that followed after that was deafening.

Jihyo cupped both of her cheeks out of habit, a ‘kyaa’ threatening to escape .

Minghao owlishly blinked at scene, trying to process what he’d just heard.

Seokmin gaping at his friend like he’d just grown another head.

The others wearing the same expression as the latter.

But above them all, there was one who’s mind took the time to comprehend everything, next to Minghao's of course. Jihoon had to blink a couple of time for him to process what Mingyu had just heard. A baby? No no no, more like babies for that matter.

Why would he want some babies?


… babies.


… baby…


Jihoon had never felt his blood rush to his face at that speed. His breath hitched and before everyone could move a muscle, his fist came in contact with the younger boy's face.





Everyone started gathering their belongings once the president announced that the meeting was over. They all respectfully bowed their heads to each other, marching towards the door after.

“Bye, Mingyu.” Minghao said before completely disappearing out of sight.

“Serves you right, idiot.” Seokmin snickered and followed where his friend had gone through.

Series of ‘Bye Mingyu’ filled the council room as the other members left, some even ruffled his perfectly styled hair which made the boy pout even further.

“Well, I guess I’m off too.” Jihyo stood up from her seat and slung her bag to her shoulder. She gave Jihoon, who had his arms crossed and has a pissed off expression on his face, an amused look before enveloping the boy in a hug. “Go easy on him, okay?” She said and skipped towards the exit. “Bye Mingyu!”

Nothing could be heard after that.

“Jihoonie hyung…” Mingyu called after a few moments of silence. “How long am I going to stay in this position?” he whined from his spot on the floor.

The tall boy was kneeling on the cold tiled floor, arms up and a bright red punch mark on his cheek, back facing the older boy. Something that Jihoon had made him do because of his earlier intrusion.

“You’re going to stay like that until you reflect on what you did.” Jihoon spat with venom, eyes squinting dangerously at the back of the others head.

“What’s so wrong about it?” Mingyu once again pouted.

“Do I look like I can ovulate to you?!” Jihoon snarled, feeling himself blush again upon remembering his proposal. Honestly, things like making babies and having , why on earth was he even thinking of those kind of things? Well, for his age, was pretty normal but BABIES?! WHAT KIND OF A SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD THINKS OF HAVING BABIES?!

Mingyu looked behind his shoulder and blinked. “Well…” he started. “Yes?”

“Are you an idiot?!” Jihoon stood up and marched to his direction. The older wasted no time when he pinched the younger boy's cheeks and stretching it as far as he could. “I’m a boy, you little ! I can’t ovulate or bear any children! What are you doing in your classes? Sleep?!”

“A-aw, o-ouch! T-that hu-rts!” Mingyu whined as Jihoon continued to stretch his face. “B-but you’re really pretty! Y-you look like a girl!”

Jihoon let go of his cheeks, slapping both of the sides after. Flustered was not even enough to describe what he felt. Mingyu whined even further at the burning sensation. His hands fell to his cheeks as he soothe the pain.

“Did I told you to put your hands down?!” Jihoon growled and glared at his pouting face.

Instead of answering, the tall boy merely rubbed his hands on his face, not even bothering on following his order. Jihoon felt his vein pop as Mingyu continued to pout at him. After for a few seconds, the younger sighed and strangely turned serious. Somehow, that made Jihoon nervous.

“Jihoonie hyung,” he breath out. “Don’t you want to build a family with me?”

Jihoon blushed.

“W-what’s with you?” he stuttered due to embarrassment. Mingyu gave him a look, obviously waiting for a response from him. Jihoon blushed even further and diverted his eyes anywhere but the boy’s. Asking him that sort of question so suddenly. How many times has he been asking that?

Jihoon sighed, face still flushed. He wordlessly stood up from his crouching position and went to the vending machine, something the student council bought for themselves. He inserted a few coins inside the coin slot, ordering two cans of Coke after.

Mingyu followed his every move with his eyes.

Jihoon returned back to his position and put the two cold cans on both of Mingyu’s cheek, making the younger boy shiver with the temperature.

“You kept asking me that…” he murmured. “why are you so insistent on getting married anyway? You're still young…” Jihoon looked down solemnly. “You might still find someone bett—“

“I don’t want them.” Mingyu interrupted.

“Mingyu,” he sighed. “You know I…”

“I said I don’t want them.” He sternly declared. “If they’re not you then I don’t want them.”

If he was blushing earlier, it must have worsened with Mingyu’s response. “B-but! Why me?” He couldn’t help but to ask. It was a question that had been haunting him from the very beginning. Why, someone as handsome and charming as Mingyu, would even chase him? Him who was probably feared by ninety percent of the student body. Him who was never been good with people. Him who would rather blend within the crowd than shinning and be someone great unlike everyone.

Why was it him?

Mingyu tilted his head to the side, and ever so slowly, he grinned that grin that seemed to light up everything. “Why you? Because you’re the only one who made my heart beat go crazy.” He confessed. “And you’re the only one who managed to give me this so called butterflies in my stomach.”

“Oh, and also, I love you! Shouldn’t that be enough?”


The instant, Mingyu was down on the floor, groaning in pain as Jihoon pushed the cans on his face rather forcefully. “G-geez! I get it! I get it! D-don’t say that again!” the older exclaimed and covered his face with his hands. His heart was palpitating inside his chest, making breathing quite a hard feat. And the fact that his face had gone really warm was not helping.

“That hurts!” Mingyu whined as he gathered his self from the floor. “I was just being honest. I really do love you!”

“I get it! Just stop!”

“Say what? That I love you?”

Jihoon screamed.

And Jihoon never screams, especially something as high pitched and girly as that (well, on some occasions he do but let’s not get to that). The short boy stood up from the floor and sprinted towards the exit, a poor attempt of saving his heart and body from dying. Which of course failed when Mingyu yanked him back to his chest.

“I love you Jihoonie.” He whispered to his ear which made Jihoon squeak and squirm under his grasp.

“F-fine! I'll ing build a family with you, you little !” He screamed. “Why the were you suddenly asking for a kid anyway?!”

Mingyu blinked at that. “Oh,” He nuzzled the older boy's cheek and grinned. “I was looking for you earlier but you were nowhere to be found. To be honest,” he trailed off. “I'm going to be a big brother soon! I thought that we should have a kid of our own so that my sibling would get a playmate or something.”

Jihoon groaned upon hearing that. He elbowed the boy behind him in annoyance, who in turn coughed. “You’re doing this to me because of that? You’re not even employed, still in high school, and moreover not even in the legal age to adopt a human! Stupid Minggu!”

Mingyu pouted and hugged his lover even tighter. “It's the thought that counts!”

“Your thoughts' not gonna feed your kid’s hungry mouth!”

“So mean,” He whined, resting his head on Jihoon’s shoulder after.

“Fine. Let’s not have babies yet.” He said while rubbing his face on the older boy’s blazer. “But can we plan though? It's better to plan everything ahead, right?”

Jihoon groaned and slumped on the tall boy's chest. “You’re crazy.”

Mingyu hummed a response, grin turning wider as he kissed his pale nape. “Crazy for you, hyung.”





O<—< /bathes self with holy water/

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Chapter 6: This is too soft my heart can't handledbsbdjjsakcksnxjxk o<--<
harujuku31 #2
Chapter 7: This was almost a !!!
Chapter 2: omg im rlly slow but
chap 2 that gna and brian reference tho xD still my fav line ever xD
sunnibreez #4
Chapter 7: Jigyu is one cute yet bizarre couple eue just look at them. ~
Jihoon be cringing at mingyu love for him but boi I know u love that shizz xD
fg #5
Chapter 7: Waaahh.. so cute. 'Wake me up like a sleeping beauty' hahaha.. jigyu all the way. I want more
Chapter 6: Uwooooo yeaaah im gonna dying with this jigyu fic and forget my final exam
This is sooooo cuteeee
sunnibreez #7
Chapter 6: I feel the love man the deep love for each other QwQ my hearteu
SamanthaH #8
Chapter 6: This is soo cute~ Thanks for the little update!