Something Completely Unexpected

Life as an Idol’s Sister is Never Boring [BEING RE-WRITTEN]


Taemin’s P.O.V.

I was exhausted after a long flight from Paris, we had just completed our SM tour successfully and were finally back home in Seoul. It was always so much fun working with all the sunbaenims, but I was ready for a break. The monthly auditions for SMent were in a few days and I was looking forward to sitting in on them. I hope we get some really hot chicks.

What!? I’m a boy in my prime I’m allowed to look right?

I really should’ve packed lighter, my bag was way too heavy. I moved to shift it to my other shoulder, but before I could switch it Minho-hyung grabbed it and slung it over his own shoulder.

“Hyung I can carry it, I’m not a baby anymore. I’m 18 already. That’s considered an adult in the states.” I protested.

“Okay Taeminieeeee… I acknowledge that you would be an adult in the states, but unfortunately for you we are currently in Korea so tough luck. Besides everyone can tell you are exhausted, you danced harder than anyone so just accept your hyung’s help. Ok?”  Minho stated reasonably.

I hated when he called me that, but I had to admit Minho-hyung did make a valid point. I turned back around and continued to walk through the airport letting Minho-hyung carry my bag. Screams erupted as soon as we walked through the automatic doors leading to the waiting area. I never really got used to it, but of course I still loved being able to see the fans up close like this. Key-hyung walked on the outside next to the raging sea of fans placing me safely in the middle.

Key-hyung seriously resembled an overprotective mother at times like this and it never failed to amuse me. However before we could reach the safety of our van something unexpected happened.

The crowd suddenly surged forward as a gap in the security fence opened up. Chaos reigned as fans sprinted towards us. I was a little scared, not for myself, but for all the fans. I prayed no one got trampled and seriously injured. That’s when what I feared most happened. A girl in a baseball cap tripped and fell hard to the floor.

I reacted without thinking and immediately strode forward to help her. I stepped out from behind our ring of security guards and I could feel the other members following close behind me. The crowd immediately hushed as I reached out my hand. She didn’t hesitate to grab onto it and her strong grip surprised me.

Her eyes slowly took in my arms and continued to move up until they finally reached my face. I ran through the scenarios of what would happen next.

1.       She would act shyly, drop my hand and blush a beautiful shade of pink.

2.       She would be in shock and stare blankly at me. This was the most boring scenario in my opinion.

3.       She would scream like she won the lottery and take the opportunity to ambush me for a hug.

I was personally hoping for option number three. None of us were allowed to date, so I would take whatever experience I could get. Plus it never hurt to give a fan the rare opportunity to touch us. I mean they do wait hours for us, rain or shine, just to catch a glimpse of us.

However what happened next was not even close to one of my predicted scenarios.  Instead I was startled by the look in her eyes, she looked downright pissed. I don’t think I could ever forget those eyes. They were captivating and a little intimidating. She then proceeded to rip her hand from my grasp with enough force to almost topple her over.

As it was she ended up having to take a few steps back to steady herself. I tried to get a better look at her but before I could see her face completely she surprised me by making a mad dash for the exit leaving behind a completely stunned crowd.

I found myself in a similar state to the fans trying to recover from the whiplash caused by the whole situation. I could see my members were also struggling to recover.

Minho-hyung was the first to speak out.“Well that was unexpected.”

Leave it to Minho-hyung for the straight forward sarcastic comments.

Key-hyung on the other hand had a completely different response. “Wow that was rude, what a completely inelegant girl” he exclaimed going into diva mode.

Before I could say anything the crowd united through their new desire to capture the mystery girl and ran after her like a pack of wild wolves. One brave fan came up to me and made a promise. “Don’t worry oppa, we’ll catch your molester she won’t get far.”

I couldn’t stop laughing until we were well on our way back to the dorm. “Taemin-oppa’s mystery molester huh?” Wow today certainly was interesting. That night as I lay in bed I couldn’t help but think back the strange girl from the airport. Her eyes kept haunting me as I tried to recall any other detail that might help me identify her.

As I was just falling asleep I suddenly sat up remembering her necklace, I’d seen one somewhere else before. Dang it why can’t I remember where I saw it?

That night I dreamt of a mysterious girl in a black baseball cap with mesmerizing eyes and a unique necklace that remained just out of reach.



*edited 2/14/12

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By the way I'm currently in the process of editing all my previous chapters so don't be surprised if they are slightly changed.


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Chapter 93: when will the revamped version come out??
Denisaur #2
Chapter 93: I hope you find the motivation to continue the story since I'm so curious about there date.
Denisaur #3
Chapter 93: Wahh I remember reading this before but forgot the title. Im so glad that I stumbled across it again. It brings back memories
Chapter 93:'s a supperbbbb......storyyy...
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 93: Finished re-reading this story again and it's still so awesome!!!
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 93: Omg this is so good!!!!
butterfly555 #7
Chapter 93: This is my third time re reading this story can't get enough of it can't wait for ur next update fighting
Chapter 93: Hi! I honestly love this story so frickin may not know how much it means for me for you to continue this story! I love how you can make the chemistry between Taemin and Melody seem s real. I love this so much, I read it all in less than 24 hours! I honestly can't find a fanfic like this. The story plot is defiently on the more unique side while it still is really fluffy and comedic!!!! I love this so much! FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Chapter 1: Is the poster supposed to say crowded ?
AmyDick #10
Chapter 93: Hello there authornim... I've read from the first chap 'till this announcement. I like this story, besides i like how u describe melody's strong character. The chemistry of yoochun and mel is awesome.. Good luck with ur rewriting project and update the story soon.. Fighting!!