Intro pt.2 (Kim Namjoon)

Unlikely Love

"Yeah, okay Hoseok. I'll be there. Now please leave me alone so I can finish up my project that is due when I get back to the university from break. I want to get it done so I won't have to do it later. Don't want to be worrying about college during the entire break." Namjoon said through the phone, tapping his pencil against the desk harshly.

   "M'kay Namjoonie. You better be at the café by eight though. Me and my Yoongi will be waiting." Hoseok replied in a sickeningly sweet tone. There was a disgusted scoff on the other end of the line that almost made Namjoon chuckle.

"I'm not YOUR Yoongi. You don't own me Hoseok." Namjoon heard his good friend in the back ground, scolding Hoseok. His signature annoyed tone even more prominent than usual.

  "Okay, bye." Namjoon said, hanging up the phone before his hyper friend could respond. After about thirty minutes of working on his school project, he checked the clock.

", I only have like twenty minutes to get there!" He stood up, throwing on a pair of black jeans and a white tee shirt, not wanting to hear the nagging from Hoseok if he was to be late. The light brown haired man always had a particularly annoying way of holding grudges. Specifically holding them until he had an opportunity to use it against you. He remembered once when Hoseok refused to forgive him for something stupid until Namjoon agreed to see the sappiest, saddest movie in the world with him so he didn't have to go alone. 

     "Yeah, I can not be late."
As he was driving down the street, he noticed on the side of the road, a bright blonde guy in somewhat nice clothes, with a bag slung over his back. Namjoon couldn't really see very well, but it looked like the unknown man had been crying. He decided to shake of the bad feeling he had in the pit of his stomach, driving faster due to the fact that he knew he was already late.

   "KIM NAMJOON, I TOLD YOU TO BE HERE AT EIGHT O'CLOCK! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!" Namjoon heard as soon as he walked through the door of the small café that he was supposed to meet his friends at.

"Sit down you idiot, everyone is staring!" Yoongi scolded, giving Hoseok a glare and pulling him down into his seat. Namjoon shook his head and sat down on the opposite side of the booth as Hoseok and Yoongi. The older boy seemed to finally calm down once Namjoon explained how important this project was to his final grade for the semester. Once they ordered their meals, Hoseok gave Namjoon a stern look, ruining the happy, care free mood that finally surrounded the three men.

   "So Namjoon, got a boyfriend yet?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Um, no." Namjoon replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

    "Well why not?! I even signed you up for that website. I was sure you would've met someone by now." Hoseok said with a small frown presenting itself on his face. He was way too good at being pitiful. Namjoon almost felt bad for a split second.

"Look, I'm not going to go on a dating website and search for someone like a desperate person. When I find the right person, I'll know, and I will act on it. But until then leave me alone about my love life." Namjoon stated all in one breath. Hoseok's frown got even bigger, causing Yoongi to chuckle.

   "Yah! Don't laugh at me, stupid! I was just trying to help a friend out and this is what I get in return." Hoseok pouted. Yoongi sighed and wrapped his arms around Hoseok,

"It's okay, Hobi. Joon just doesn't want to date. He will find someone soon enough." The eldest of the three said, patting Hoseok's head. The clingy, too hyper for his own good man closed his eyes, pulling Yoongi closer,

    "Please don't ever let me go." He said in a dreamy tone, causing Yoongi to unwrap his arms from Hoseok. The oldest never was a touchy feely kind of guy. Namjoon was surprised he had hugged Hoseok in the first place. He had had an unbreakable infatuation with Yoongi for years. Namjoon really didn't understand why. Yoongi was a grumpy, always annoyed hermit. The absolute and utter opposite of their loud friend. Guess the saying was true, opposites do attract.

"It's not like I don't want to date. I just haven't found the right person." Namjoon said, turning his attention to Yoongi as the one who initially started this conversation had finally gotten his attention off Namjoon to fawn over Yoongi.

   "Well maybe if you would try-" Namjoon tuned Yoongi out the moment their waitress came back with their food. It took them about fifteen minutes to eat their food and so now they were just passing time by talking to each other.

"So how is Jiminie doing?" Namjoon asked, trying to start a new conversation since the one about how Hoseok was the one that needed relationship counseling since he was hopelessly in love with Yoongi but the feelings weren't returned had gotten old really quick. Especially since all Hoseok had to say was that 'Yoongi was in love with him. He just doesn't know how to admit it'. This was a constant conversation from grade school till now. Namjoon really didn't understand why nothing had changed about the two in front of him even as they entered college. It was now their senior year, well he and Hoseok's at least. Yoongi didn't see the point in college. He'd make it big without the student debt and pointless papers. At least that's what he told himself and his friends. They had no doubt he was serious either. Yoongi had been passionate about his music since birth practically. He learned piano in elementary school, showed interest in a more intense hip-hop style while entering middle school. Eventually he turned his passion into a dream. A dream he had been working towards since sophomore year of highschool. Namjoon had to admit the older was talented. He envied Yoongi's way of turning a simple concept into a beautiful work of art with just a pen and paper. He was truly a musical genius.

  "Well, he still has the hots for Yoongi. But I already told him that Yoongi wasn't interested in him. Especially since he's just a little sophomore." Hoseok responded. 

"How do you know I don't like Jimin back?" Yoongi said with a teasing grin on his face. Hoseok's face immediately dropped, looking straight at Yoongi with worry and fear in his eyes,

   "D-do you like him back?" Hoseok asked, obviously getting upset. Yoongi realized that his small and innocent joke had really worked up the younger. He wrapped Hoseok in a tight embrace,

"Aww baby, I didn't mean it." Yoongi said, trying to calm the other down.

  'They should just date. It's obvious Hoseok likes Yoongi. And I can tell that old grandpa feels the same. He's just too stubborn to admit it.' Namjoon thought. However, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard the bell on the door of the café ring, signaling a new customer had walked in. Namjoon looked up and instantly recognized the male as the cute blonde he had seen walking down the street a while ago. The male was soaked and shivering. He had on decent clothes, a pink sweater that almost reached his knees, and black skinny jeans with black converse. Namjoon guessed he wasn't poor or homeless or anything like that, and if he was, he hadn't been for long. Yoongi and Hoseok had stopped their love fest to see what their best friend was staring at.

   "Ahh, I see our Namjoonie has his eye on someone." Yoongi said.

"And not just anyone...If I'm not mistaken, that's Kim Seokjin, heir of the Kim enterprise. His parents are one of the richest couples in South Korea." Hoseok added. Namjoon and Yoongi gave him a weird look,

  "Ugh, I'm not a stalker. I know all of this because Jimin's old friend Jungkook, Heck I think they used to even date. But that was a while ago. Anyways, I think Jimin told me something about Jungkookie having an older brother and showing me a few pictures of him. Once you see someone like that, you can't forget what they look like. Because to be honest, Kim Seokjin IS quite handsome." Hoseok explained. Namjoon looked back up and saw the young male ordering his food.

  "If he's so rich, why isn't he at his home instead of out in the rain...Or he could've at least driven a car." Namjoon thought. He watched as the blonde took his food from the cashier and walked out of the café.

"Guys I need to go. It's getting late." Namjoon said, standing up and putting his jacket on.

  "Awh, leaving already?" Hoseok asked with a frown. The three best friends hadn't been able to have meetings like this often in forever. Namjoon was always too focused on school. Writing was his passion, and nothing could distract him from that.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you guys later. Okay?" Namjoon said with a small smile, earning a nod from the other two.

   "Bye Namjoonie!" He heard as he walked out of the café. He stood under the awning of the café, looking in every direction, trying to spot the handsome guy he saw a few minutes ago. When he looked over, he saw three middle aged, poor looking men.

"Aye, theres a cute little  in the alley. He's in our spot, real pretty too. We could get some action tonight boys." One of them said, causing Namjoon's ears to perk up. The three men high fived, walking away from the café and back to the dark alley way. Namjoon hesitantly followed the three men quietly, making sure to not get noticed. He watched in silence as the three men stalked over to the male who was sitting on the ground sleeping. Namjoon immediately recognized the man as the one he was looking for. He covered up his loud gasp as he witnessed one of the men kick Jin's stomach. The said boy instantly sat up, swollen eyes and red cheeks.

   "He looks so exhausted and sick. What if he catches a cold. What if- god, Namjoon! Concentrate on what's important right now!" Namjoon thought before stalking over to the three men who were giving Jin punches and kicks left and right. He got their attention with a yell, all of the men letting their attention go to the blue haired man. He sent a kick to one of the men's chest, causing him to fall back. The other two men looked up with wide eyes before grabbing the injured male and running out of the alley. Namjoon helped Jin up. When the injured boy looked up, he held back a gasp as best as he could. Namjoon had to suppress a giggle. A manly giggle that is. The first thing he noticed about the other person was that he was beyond beautiful.

  "Kim Namjoon. And you are?"
Not too bad I suppose?

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StrangeJooni #1
Chapter 9: Please please update, this story is so good *^*
Chapter 9: I can't wait for the next chapter....Fighting!!!!
Chapter 9: Yaaasssss!!!
ashkhen #4
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Finally Yoongi did something towards Hoseok. I feel like Jin is like both of their moms lol. They both asked advice from Jin and that was cute.
ellinaannisa #5
Chapter 9: cant wait for the next chapter!!!
Styng22 #6
Chapter 8: Im a major namjin trash so i love ur story so much
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 8: i would really like it if yoongi made hoseok upset (like really upset) and hoseok is just too tired of yoongi continously shrugging him off (not admitting his feelings) and hoseok just needed a break from all of's just a suggestion though
ashkhen #8
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Well you have more NamJin moments hanging out to go to places just like what @Afrogenuis said. Maybe it does really get ruined by Jin's ex and Namjoon feels sad about it. Namjoon probably sees through that Jin isn't happy if the ex shows up. Yoongi and Hoseok should go to places and be lovey dovey. Vkook will still have to hide their relationship from the father and be cute when they go to places without the parents nearby. Jimin would tag along and run into Vkook along the way.
Deansbabymomma #9
Chapter 8: Omg I have a bunch of useless ideas , but, knowing how much of a comment you are I will tell you anyway xD It would be cute if namjin went on a date or something and it's all cute and fluffy -maybe like a beach or skating or idk all you can eat buffet- and idk maybe it gets ruined by Jin's ex BF trying to come back into the picture ( lol lets face it we are sadistic as , we r in the world of fiction where nothing happy lasts forever LOL) and like tries to mess things up. And idk Maybe we can feature yoongi and hoseok more ? Maybe Hoseok gets into a car acci- OHGOD IM SO CRUEL LOL. Kay that maybe hoseok gets distracted by something and has no time to contact yoongi and maybe yoongi gets sad and shiz and IDK LOL. Omg it would be so cute if they all went out on triple dates even if only one of them is official. OH I FORGOT ABOUT CHIM CHIM. LOL LETS DO YOONMINSEOK LOL . Jk I'm such Yoonseok trash haha . Anyway yea. OMG LOL