My Home Is Your Home.

Unlikely Love

"Kim Namjoon. And you are?" Namjoon said, holding out his hand for the other male to shake. The blonde hesitantly took the taller man's hand,

   "Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you, Namjoon." Jin replied quietly. They stood in silence awkwardly for a few minutes. The silence was suffocating.

"So what are you doing out here in the cold rain? Don't you have a place to go?" Namjoon asked, the question causing Jin to go stiff, which didn't go unnoticed by the younger.

   "Umm, I-I have nowhere to go. Hence why I was sleeping in a dirty alley..." Jin chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. Namjoon thought long and hard about his next words. He wanted to help the man out. But at the same time he didn't want to let in some creepy guy to his house that could have ill intentions. However, Namjoon felt something clench in his heart when he looked Jin in the eyes. The boy looked so hurt, lost, almost as If the whole world had turned it's back on him. It reminded Namjoon of the tough times he had when his parents died. He knew how hard it was to get by and he didn't want anyone else going through that. Especially someone like Jin. Namjoon didn't know what it was about this boy, but everytime he looked at his beautiful eyes, his heart would skip a beat.

"Do you...need a place to stay? Because I have a whole apartment to myself and some company wouldn't be bad. Also, you are soaked and I wouldn't want you getting sick. It's supposed to be like twenty degrees tonight." Namjoon said, ready for rejection. It was silent for a second,

   "I mean...I suppose one night wouldn't hurt. That is if you really don't mind me staying." Jin said hesitantly. He normal wouldn't except a stranger's offer to stay in their home, but there was something about Namjoon. He felt safe with him. Also, the man seemed truly lonely, and the least he could do for the man that just saved him is give him some company. On another note, a warm apartment seemed a lot nicer than sleeping on the ground in an alley next to bug infested trashcans. Namjoon's face brightened up as the boy accepted his offer.

"Really?! O-okay. My car is parked not too far away from here. Can you walk?" Namjoon asked, remembering that Jin was injured not too long ago.

  "I-I think I can." Jin replied, standing up straight and proceeding to walk. There was a slight limp in his step but even when Namjoon asked to help, he refused, insisting he could do it himself. When they finally made it to the car, Namjoon helped Jin into the car and drove off in the direction of his small apartment.


   "We're here." Namjoon said, shaking Jin awake gently. The older had fallen asleep because of how late it was and because of the stressful day he had. His eyes fluttered open, stretching slightly but wincing when the pain of his stomach hit him. Namjoon got out of the car, walking over to Jin's side of the car and helping him out. They both walked up to Namjoon's door, Jin having help of course due to his injuries of course. Namjoon unlocked the door and entered the apartment, closing the door behind him and Jin.

   "Welcome to my place. It's not much but-" He was cut off when Jin spoke up, his voice laced with gratitude. Namjoon thought of all the poetry he could write about the boy's aura alone as he spoke. He was beautiful, guarded but needing of something, someone. 

"Thank you, Namjoon. This is more than I need. It's very sweet of you to let me, a person you don't even know into your home. I can't thank you enough." Jin said, voice wavering due to his heavy shivering. Namjoon looked down at Jin and realization hit him.

"Oh, you're still soaked. Here, come with me." Namjoon ushered Jin to his room and opened up his closet.

   "Pick anything you want. I'll work on washing up your clothes. You can take a warm shower and all that. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." The blue haired man said with a smile before walking out of the room. Jin sighed before walking to the closet and picking out an oversized black sweatshirt and grey sweat pants. He walked to the bathroom, stripping out of his wet clothes and stepping into the shower.


Namjoon turned around at the sound of someone clearing their throat. When he turned around, his breath hitched. In front of him was a still wet haired, barefaced Jin. Namjoon didn't think the older could get any better looking until he had washed the makeup from his pale face.

  "God he looks beautiful." Namjoon thought to himself but shook off the thought and walked over to Jin.

"Are you feeling a little better?" He asked, putting a hand on Jin's shoulder.

   "Yeah. Your clothes are really comfortable." Jin mumbled with a red tint appearing on his face, causing Namjoon to chuckle lightly. His sweatshirt fit perfectly on the other man. By perfectly, he meant he couldn't stop bringing his eyes to stare at the oversized shirt slipping off Jin's left shoulder slightly, the sleeves well past his hands, giving him cute little sweater paws.

"No need to be so shy. My home is your home till you decide to leave. So make yourself comfortable and don't be nervous to ask me for anything." Namjoon reassured before hugging Jin again. The older winced a bit as they made contact. Namjoon let go of Jin and grabbed the end of his shirt lightly,

  "Can I?" He asked, earning a nod from Jin. Namjoon lifted up Jin's shirt and gasped when he saw the huge bruise on his abdomen.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" Namjoon asked and Jin nodded,

   "My leg is killing me and I have some pretty nasty looking bruises on my arms." Jin said in a small voice.

"Okay, well are you hungry? I made some ramen for you because I can't really cook worth a crap." Namjoon chuckled awkwardly.

    "Thank you. The small sandwich I had really wasn't much." Jin replied with a smile. His nerves from the events that happened earlier that night made it hard for him to want anything more to eat, but he didn't have the heart to turn down food the younger had tried hard to make just for him. They both sat at the table and ate their ramen quietly. The awkward silence was back, but the two men really had nothing to talk about in such an awkward situation. When they were done, Namjoon put both bowls in the sink before helping Jin out of the chair.

"There is a TV in my room if you want to go watch it and talk a little bit maybe." Namjoon suggested and earned a nod from the older. Once they got to the room, Jin crawled onto the bed and Namjoon followed, turning on the TV, which was playing some variety show. He tucked Jin into the blanket and made sure he was comfortable before joining him. After a few minutes of them both staring at the tv, Namjoon spoke up,

   "So um, my friend Hoseok said something about you being the heir of Kim Enterprise. I was just wondering why you would be out in the cold rain sleeping in the alley if you had such a nice home to go back to." Namjoon said, hoping that the way he worded his sentences wouldn't offend the older or anything. Jin took a few seconds to debate on if he should really tell this person whom he had just met a few hours ago about what had happened. He decided that since Namjoon invited him into his home and took care of him, he could at least explain how all of this happened.

" I was going to tell my parents about my boyfriend. But they didn't take it very well. They kicked me out of the house and so I had no where to go. So I called my boyfriend, Hyosang. I thought he could help me through this. But he shamelessly told me that he was just using me for my money and that he had moved on now that I was poor and homeless. So I was all alone...Well, until you came and saved me." Jin explained. Jin's story broke Namjoon's heart. No one deserved to be completely disowned just because of their uality. Namjoon embraced Jin in a silent hug.

   "I'm so sorry that happened to you Jin. But you have a home now. I already told you, if you decide to leave, I will respect your decision. But if you want to stay, I will gladly make space for you to be with me everyday." Namjoon said.

"Those are some really cheesy words. Are you sure they're safe to use on someone you just met?" Jin asked, wondering how in the world Namjoon could be this sweet to him when they had just met a few hours ago.

    "Yeah, well you deserve all of the cheesy and sweet words I can think of." Namjoon said with a cheeky grin. He was always confident in his way with words. Well at least when he could be. Every musician has a bad vocal day. Namjoon just had times when he would have speaker's block. He made up that term for himself. Writer's block was never a problem. Poetry, lyrics, could all be done in a few hours with the right mood and thinking. It took a real poet to use his words vocally in a way he would on paper. Namjoon wished to one day be able to express emotions as well vocally as he could write them down.

"Stop it. You're making me blush." Jin said, playfully hitting Namjoon's chest. The said boy chuckled,

   "So are you planning on staying for a while?" Namjoon asked with a look of hope in his eyes that Jin just could not say no to.

"Yeah, I guess I will." Jin replied with a bright smile.

    "Well tomorrow we can go shopping for some new clothes because you only have three outfits with you. I'm guessing thats all you could fit in your bag." The blue haired male stated.

"Oh, I don't want you spending money on me. You've already let me use your home. I couldn't also ask for your money." Jin declined, earning a sigh from the other.

   "I insist. But we will talk about this tomorrow, Jinnie. For now, we should sleep. It's really late and I know you're getting tired. You've had a long day." Namjoon said, getting up out of the bed and covering Jin back up before heading to the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Jin asked from underneath the blanket.

   "I'm going to sleep on the couch. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Namjoon replied.

"Please don't leave." The older muttered barely loud enough for the other to hear. Jin couldn't imagine being alone in such a low point of his life. A room away seemed much too far for his liking. Namjoon let out a sigh and walked to the bed, pulling up the blanket and settling down under it.

   "Better?" He asked, only to earn a nod as he felt two skinny arms wrap around his torso and a head lay on his chest.
Chapter 3 revamp done. Like I said, I'm not doing much to already written chapters. So they will be shorter and probably less detailed. But once I begin where I left off years ago, there will be longer and better chapters!

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StrangeJooni #1
Chapter 9: Please please update, this story is so good *^*
Chapter 9: I can't wait for the next chapter....Fighting!!!!
Chapter 9: Yaaasssss!!!
ashkhen #4
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Finally Yoongi did something towards Hoseok. I feel like Jin is like both of their moms lol. They both asked advice from Jin and that was cute.
ellinaannisa #5
Chapter 9: cant wait for the next chapter!!!
Styng22 #6
Chapter 8: Im a major namjin trash so i love ur story so much
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 8: i would really like it if yoongi made hoseok upset (like really upset) and hoseok is just too tired of yoongi continously shrugging him off (not admitting his feelings) and hoseok just needed a break from all of's just a suggestion though
ashkhen #8
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Well you have more NamJin moments hanging out to go to places just like what @Afrogenuis said. Maybe it does really get ruined by Jin's ex and Namjoon feels sad about it. Namjoon probably sees through that Jin isn't happy if the ex shows up. Yoongi and Hoseok should go to places and be lovey dovey. Vkook will still have to hide their relationship from the father and be cute when they go to places without the parents nearby. Jimin would tag along and run into Vkook along the way.
Deansbabymomma #9
Chapter 8: Omg I have a bunch of useless ideas , but, knowing how much of a comment you are I will tell you anyway xD It would be cute if namjin went on a date or something and it's all cute and fluffy -maybe like a beach or skating or idk all you can eat buffet- and idk maybe it gets ruined by Jin's ex BF trying to come back into the picture ( lol lets face it we are sadistic as , we r in the world of fiction where nothing happy lasts forever LOL) and like tries to mess things up. And idk Maybe we can feature yoongi and hoseok more ? Maybe Hoseok gets into a car acci- OHGOD IM SO CRUEL LOL. Kay that maybe hoseok gets distracted by something and has no time to contact yoongi and maybe yoongi gets sad and shiz and IDK LOL. Omg it would be so cute if they all went out on triple dates even if only one of them is official. OH I FORGOT ABOUT CHIM CHIM. LOL LETS DO YOONMINSEOK LOL . Jk I'm such Yoonseok trash haha . Anyway yea. OMG LOL