New home, new clothes, new friends.

Unlikely Love

Namjoon woke up to the sound of his phone going off loudly on his bedside table. The ring tone was "Touch My Body" by Sistar, so he knew it was Hoseok who was calling. The older boy constantly singing and dancing to the sickingly catchy song. He slung his arm over the bedside table and grabbed his phone, hitting the answer button,

   "What do you want Hoseok?" He said in a drowsy tone.

"Yah, are you still asleep?! It's like noon! You should be up right now!" Hoseok scolded.

   "Listen, I was up late last night helping out Ji-" Namjoon cut himself off, realizing that he just told his nosy best friend about what he did once they parted ways last night.

"Helping out....who?" Hoseok asked with a smug tone. Namjoon could hear the smirk in his voice, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

   "Ugh. Seokjin. He didn't have anywhere to go last night. Some family stuff happened so for right now, he's staying with me." Namjoon explained with as little detail as possible.

"Ahh, Looks like Namjoonie really does have a heart. But anyways, that's not why I called you. I was wondering if you wanted to hang with me and Yoongi today." Hoseok asked.

    "I can't. Jin and I are going clothes shopping later-"

"Great! Me and Yoongi will meet you guys at the mall around one thirty. You better not be late this time!" And before Namjoon could reply, Hoseok hung up. Namjoon sighed, placing his phone back down on the table and looking at the blonde that was clinging onto him in his sleep. He smiled and ran his hand through the almost white locks. Jin snuggled deeper into Namjoon's hold.

    "Hey Jinnie...It's time to get up." The younger man said, watching Jin's eyes flutter open as he let out a sleepy sigh.

"Good morning." He said, stretching out his arms and letting out a yawn, "What time is it?" Namjoon looked at the clock.

   "12:17. Hoseok wants to meet us at the mall around 1:30 and it takes about twenty minutes to get there from here. So we should probably get ready soon." Namjoon replied, earning a nod from Jin. The older must've been too tired to comprehend much, the normal bottomless pit feeling in his stomach not present as Namjoon brought up unfamiliar names.

"You can use some of my clothes again for today if you want. I'll be right back after I shower." The younger said before walking out of the room. Jin got up out of the bed, stalking over to the closet. He looked through all of the clothes but one thing caught his eye. He swiftly pulled out the fuzzy grey sweater.

   "Cute." He thought, laying the article of clothing on the bed, but not planning to put it on. He pulled out a black long sleeve shirt and ripped white skinny jeans, putting the outfit on and walking over to the mirror in Namjoon's room.

"God, I should've brought my makeup with me. I look terrible." He muttered quietly before brushing his hair down with his hands. He heard the bathroom door open and out came Namjoon with nothing on but a towel around his waist. His hair was still damp and there were little water droplets moving down his tanned chest. Jin's breath hitched for a small moment but he managed regained his posture. He looked over at the bed and was reminded about the grey sweater he had laid out.

  "Hey Namjoon..." He started, only getting a hum back from the other. He looked at the tag on the cute cloth which indicated that it didn't get worn often if at all.

"How come you don't wear this? I mean, it's really adorable. It would look good on you..." Jin said, lifting up the grey sweater.

   "Oh, that old thing? I got it from my mother a while ago. But I never wore it because it seems too cute for my taste." Namjoon replied with a shrug, shamelessly removing the towel from his waist and slipping on a pair of boxers and black skinny jeans. Jin swallowed the lump in his throat before continuing,

"I think it would look nice on you. You should wear it today." Jin said with a killer smile that Namjoon just couldn't say no to. He grabbed the sweater pulling it over his head and settling into it before looking back up and Jin.

   "It looks nice." Jin commented honestly, earning a smile from the other.

"Oh, do you have any makeup? I left mine at my hou- well, my parents house." Jin corrected himself.

  "Um, I might...Let me check." Namjoon replied, heading into the bathroom and spotting a stick of eyeliner.

"Here, Jiminie left this here last time he came over. Use it if you want." Namjoon said. Jin felt a pang of jealousy in his gut when he heard of another person coming to Namjoon's house.

    "Who's Jiminie?" Jin asked, trying not to sound too jealous. Namjoon however, noticed the ill tone in the older's voice and held back a chuckle,

"Jimin is Hoseok's younger brother." Namjoon shot Jin a smug grin, "and don't worry...Jimin has a hopeless crush on Yoongi. I promise there's nothing going on." Namjoon reassured and Jin let out a relieved sigh but then looked at Namjoon with wide eyes,

"W-why would I worry?" He asked, only to earn a small laugh from the other. Namjoon was getting more and more comfortable with the older boy by the minute. He was beginning to realize how awkward and shy Jin truly was. He found it absolutely adorable.

    "Well, I'm going to go to the living room and get my shoes on. So just come down soon." Namjoon said, heading to the door. Jin looked down at the eyeliner pencil in his hand,

"WAIT!" he said, stopping the male.

   "Come here, and give me your face." Jin said and the younger laughed at his choice of words. Namjoon came closer to the blonde and Jin brought the eyeliner up to Namjoon's face, applying it lightly to his eyes. When he was done, he stepped back to marvel at the beautiful work he had created.

"Looks good." Jin stated before looking in the mirror and doing his own eyeliner before looking up at Namjoon,

   "Okay, let's go!" He said before grabbing Namjoon's arm and leaving the room.
"Wow, you weren't late this time! That's shocking." Hoseok said playfully, dragging Yoongi by the arm to Namjoon and Jin. The grey haired man scowling slightly at Hoseok's fast pace.

   "Hoseok. You're killing my arm." Yoongi scolded, trying to pull his arm out of Hoseok's grasp, but failing miserably and eventually giving up. Namjoon sighed, internally praying that Hoseok wouldn't scare Jin off with his, well, embrasive manner.

"Ahh, you must be Seokjin, right?" Hoseok asked, tilting his head.

   "Yeah...But you can just call me Jin." He replied, receiving a bright smile from Hoseok.

"Ah, well I'm Jung Hoseok, if you want you can call me J-Hope because I am your hope." Hoseok said, making a heart shape with his arms. Namjoon snickered slightly. Hoseok had cherished the nickname Yoongi had given him in grade school, before the older boy had become introverted and worn out by Hoseok's constant hyperness.

   "And this right here..." Hoseok pulled Yoongi closer to him, "is Yoongi, my soon to be boyfriend."

"Keep telling yourself that." Yoongi replied, successfully pulling his arm away from Hoseok's hold. He held his hand out in front of Jin to shake,

   "Min Yoongi. Please excuse our friend here. He's extremely annoying and doesn't know how to take a hint about when someone doesn't like him." Yoongi said, earning a gasp from Hoseok.

"Okay, well enough with the introductio-"
    "GUYS!" there was a yell and all four of the men turned their heads towards the noise. Jin spotted a short, black haired boy, who was running towards them. He stopped right in front of them, trying to catch his breath.

"Sorry I was late guys, I couldn't find my car keys. Turns out they were in Hoseok's room. Almost as if he was trying to hide them from me. Oh! Hi Yoongi! Looking good as always." The young boy gave Hoseok a small smirk before hugging Yoongi

   "Yah, Jimin, I hid your keys specifically so you wouldn't come and hit on my man. So back off." Hoseok stated, pulling Yoongi away from Jimin. Namjoon cleared his throat loudly,

"Okay, well lets start shopping, shall we?" Namjoon asked, earning a nod from the rest of them. They all walked with each other to a clothing store that had alot of  sweaters and cute stuff like that. Jin had insisted that they go in there because "cute looked best on him." He dragged Namjoon to a rack of clothes and began going through them. Once they were done and out of the store, Namjoon had bought Jin a few oversized sweaters, some tee shirts and about five pairs of different colored skinny jeans. One pink pair, a yellow pair, a white pair, and two black pairs. Thank god for his inheritance. A normal college student would never be able to spend this much on clothes.

They all exited the store and headed to a shoe store. Yoongi had bought a pair of Jordans and Namjoon had bought Jin two pairs of shoes. He wanted him to have a variety. After that, they all just decided to walk around and go to any store they really liked. They happened to walk by a makeup store and Jin's face lit up. However, he tried to conceal it because Namjoon had already spent tons of money on him and didn't want to ask for a lot more. But Namjoon noticed the others reaction to the store.

   "Come on." He said, pulling Jin into the store.

"Oh no, we don't have to-"

     "I'm not taking no for an answer."
All five of the boys had finally settled down in the food court of the mall.

   "I have to use the bathroom. Be right back." Namjoon said before getting up and leaving. The remaining boys continued eating, not wanting their food to get cold.

"So Jin..." Hoseok started, placing his hands in his lap.

   "Yes?" Jin replied, wondering what the loud boy was going to say to him.

"I'm guessing you've taken a liking to Namjoonie." He said, giving Jin a stern look. 

    "Um, yes, Namjoon is very nice and kind. I couldn't ever repay him enough for everything he's done for me." Jin said in all honesty.

"Well I just want to make sure that you know...if you hurt my Namjoonie, you will be hurt. By me and Yoongi. So take care of him. He's been through so much heartbreak in his life and I don't want some stranger to make it worse. So don't hurt him and we will be fine. Okay?" Hoseok stated in a serious tone that kind of made Jin nervous. He was about to reply but Yoongi spoke first.

    "Don't scare the poor guy, Hoseok." He said.

"Look, I promise I have no intention of hurting Namjoon. So don't worry." Jin said,  finishing off his food. Hoseok nodded and regained his signature smile.

    "Okay, I'm back. What did I miss?" Namjoon asked, sitting back down.

"Nothing." They all replied in unison. Jin smiled to himself, feeling as if he was finally welcomed after the small confrontation.

  "Well I think me and Yoongi will be going now." Hoseok said, grabbing Yoongi's arm and waving to the rest of them. Jimin frowned, watching Yoongi as the two men stood up.

"Yeah, we will be off too." Namjoon replied, also standing up. They all said their goodbyes and left the mall.

   "So, did you have a good time?" Namjoon asked Jin as they drove to the apartment. Jin nodded,

"Yeah, you're friends are nice." Jin replied with a genuine smile.

   "Well they seem to like you too. So my friends are your friends." Namjoon said, not taking his eyes off the road. Jin's smile brightened,

"Maybe things really will work out." He thought to himself as the slow music on the radio continued. He had never felt more welcomed than he had today. He was more than grateful for everything Namjoon had done for him and he had every intention of repaying him sometime soon.
It is currently 3:30am and I am dying. Its a school night but here I am.

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StrangeJooni #1
Chapter 9: Please please update, this story is so good *^*
Chapter 9: I can't wait for the next chapter....Fighting!!!!
Chapter 9: Yaaasssss!!!
ashkhen #4
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Finally Yoongi did something towards Hoseok. I feel like Jin is like both of their moms lol. They both asked advice from Jin and that was cute.
ellinaannisa #5
Chapter 9: cant wait for the next chapter!!!
Styng22 #6
Chapter 8: Im a major namjin trash so i love ur story so much
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 8: i would really like it if yoongi made hoseok upset (like really upset) and hoseok is just too tired of yoongi continously shrugging him off (not admitting his feelings) and hoseok just needed a break from all of's just a suggestion though
ashkhen #8
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Well you have more NamJin moments hanging out to go to places just like what @Afrogenuis said. Maybe it does really get ruined by Jin's ex and Namjoon feels sad about it. Namjoon probably sees through that Jin isn't happy if the ex shows up. Yoongi and Hoseok should go to places and be lovey dovey. Vkook will still have to hide their relationship from the father and be cute when they go to places without the parents nearby. Jimin would tag along and run into Vkook along the way.
Deansbabymomma #9
Chapter 8: Omg I have a bunch of useless ideas , but, knowing how much of a comment you are I will tell you anyway xD It would be cute if namjin went on a date or something and it's all cute and fluffy -maybe like a beach or skating or idk all you can eat buffet- and idk maybe it gets ruined by Jin's ex BF trying to come back into the picture ( lol lets face it we are sadistic as , we r in the world of fiction where nothing happy lasts forever LOL) and like tries to mess things up. And idk Maybe we can feature yoongi and hoseok more ? Maybe Hoseok gets into a car acci- OHGOD IM SO CRUEL LOL. Kay that maybe hoseok gets distracted by something and has no time to contact yoongi and maybe yoongi gets sad and shiz and IDK LOL. Omg it would be so cute if they all went out on triple dates even if only one of them is official. OH I FORGOT ABOUT CHIM CHIM. LOL LETS DO YOONMINSEOK LOL . Jk I'm such Yoonseok trash haha . Anyway yea. OMG LOL