
Dreamy Oneshot Collection

yourlesslove Application

Name: yourlesslove
Female Lead: Yu Nanhee (fiction)
Male Lead: Kyuhyun , Super Junior
Plot: its up to you dear ^^
Rated or Not: PG-17

**AN Sorry I was already writing a story for Kyuhyun so I stuck your name in there that's why it is not rated.
I hope you understand.
Please comment and apply for another oneshot.


“Get into the shelter, quickly!!” People shouted.
Nanhee gripped the shot gun in hands and ran into her bomb shelter behind her house, which was now rubble.

Nanhee sat on her bed that was made of a small mattress, a pillow, and a blanket.
She looked at her small shelter filled with a small refrigerator, clothes, a first aid kit, a radio, and weapons she had picked up from dead soldiers.
She sighed and the radio. “Enemy soldiers have invaded the city. We encourage people to stay hidden and out of harm’s way.”

Nanhee rolled her eyes. “Now there’s not only going to have bombing, buts also going to have gunshots. Great.”

Nahee sighed as she turned off the radio and went to sleep.


A few days later Nanhee’s food supply had run out, so she went outside to get some.
While she was outside a loud collapsing sound was heard and the ground shook.
Nanhee followed the sound to a collapsed building.

“Hello, anyone alive?” She said looking through the rubble.
She heard a groaning sound and removed the debris.
She gasped as she saw a hand.
Nanhee moved the building pieces faster.

Nanhee removed the last piece to find a young, handsome enemy soldier under the rubble.
He had flawless skin, except for the gash on his side and a scratch on his head.
Nanhee was attracted to him, but she knew he was an enemy so pushed her feelings aside.

Nanhee turned around to leave the enemy soldier there, but her conscience told her to turn around.
She hesitated until she heard a plane coming.
Nanhee quickly dragged him over to her bomb shelter.


That night while Nanhee left to find food the soldier woke up.
He looked around to see where he was.
He tried to sit up, but was stopped by a sharp pain on his side.

“Don’t sit up. Stay laying down.” Nanhee said as she entered the shelter.
“Where am I?” The soldier asked.
“My place. You were buried under a building so I brought you here and bandaged you up.” Nanhee smiled trying to act nice to the enemy soldier, who might have killed her friends or destroyed her house.
“You must be hungry. Here.” Nanhee gave him some water and an apple she found outside.
The soldier looked at the apple as if it was poisoned.
“Don’t worry it’s safe.” Nanhee took the apple from him and took a bit out of it then handed it back to him.
The soldier hesitantly ate the apple as Nanhee put the rest of her scavenged food away.

After he finished eating the apple Nanhee went up to him. “I need to change your bandage. It’s bleeding through.”
The soldier looked at the bleeding bandage and hesitantly let Nanhee fix him up.
Nanhee removed the bandage and saw his abs for the second time that day.
“It’s dirty, so I have to clean it.” Nanhee took a bucket and small towel and wiped his body getting rid of the dirt and blood.
The soldier stared at a focused Nanhee as she gently wiped his body down trying not to hurt him.
Nanhee noticed his stare and quickly finished up cleaning and bandaging hoping he didn’t see her blushing.

Nanhee turned to leave when the soldier gently grabbed her wrist. “What’s your name?”
“Nanhee.” She replied.
“Nanhee, hmm. Sit.” The soldier patted a spot next to him.
Nanhee sat down next to him.
“I’m Kyuhyun.” The soldier said. “I want to ask. Why did you save me? I’m the enemy.”
“I don’t know.” Nanhee replied.


For the next few weeks Kyuhyun stayed inside the shelter with Nanhee.
Nanhee started to grow feelings for Kyuhyun, but she knew that he was the enemy, so she reserved herself.

“You’re all healed now you can go back.” Nanhee said to Kyuhyun and headed for the exit.
“Wait-” Kyuhyun called, but was late as she already left the shelter.

Nanhee ran away to a hill, which used to be beautiful and grassy, but was now a dump.
Nanhee let tears fall.
She didn’t know why she was crying, but she couldn’t help it.

“Nanhee!!” Kyuhyun ran up from behind.
Nanhee quickly wiped her tears.
“What’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asked.
“Nothing.” Nanhee lied.
Kyuhyun saw through Nanhee’s lie. “Please. What’s wrong?”
Nanhee took a deep breath. “Just go back where you belong.”
“I can’t.” Kyuhyun replied. “If I’m missing for more than a week I’m considered dead, so why go back. Plus… I like you.”
“What?” Nanhee said.
“I can’t go back, plus I don’t want to go back, so can I stay with you?” Kyuhyun asked.
A smile formed on Nanhee’s face.
On impulse she turned around and hugged him.
“Of course.” Nanhee replied and kissed his cheek.
Kyuhyun looked shocked.
“Oops. Sorry I-”
Kyuhyun kissed Nanhee’s lips.
“I fell in love with my enemy.” Nanhee whispered when they broke apart..
“So did I.” Kyuhyun kissed Nanhee again.

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ohh~ these are good ;3
ChemicalLuvs #2
Request Form <br />
<br />
Name: akatri_889<br />
Female Lead: ~~~~~~<br />
Male Lead: Jonghyun - SHINee<br />
Plot: Yeon and Jonghyun has been really close since they sit together for 2 years in high school.Its valentine and Yeon want to give chocolate for him but the problem is she can burn her house even if she's cooking eggs<br />
Komawo if you doing this.Miane~ I know valentine is not near yet but i just want to ask a valentine fic an please make it a happy ending ^^ Hwaiting in your other one shot =)
Name: SuJuLoverr<br />
Female Lead:~~~~~<br />
Male Lead: Eunhyuk, Super Junior<br />
<br />
Plot: ~~~~~ was a nerd at her school.. People would go to her and beg her to do their homework and plus she was pretty too... She was in the same classes as Eunhyuk. She was at the top of the class and he was down at the bottom. The teacher told Eunhyuk to get a tutor and the teacher recommended ~~~~~. She obviously denied the offer. Eunhyuk tried to seduce her but gave up. She felt sorry for him and accepted the offer. After a few weeks of tutoring Eunhyuk, ~~~~~ started to have feelings for Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk had the same feelings towards ~~~~~ but was to afraid to show it. Eunhyuk started to make his way to the top of the class after a few moths of tutoring. So one day he decided to return ~~~~~ the favour.<br />
Rated or Not: R<br />
<br />
I hope you grant my request.. <br />
I lovee your one-shots...<br />
update soon..<br />
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Name: minka_ichigo911211<br />
Female Lead: ~~~~~<br />
Male Lead: Woo Taewoon, Co.Ed School <br />
Plot: Taewoon was a kingka in Seoul High. He's also the head of student. He's smart, cool, just like your type of prince charming. ~~~~ was the secretary of student body. She had been in love with Taewoon since freshmen year. She's beautiful and smart. She always showed her love towards Taewoon, but it seemed like Taewoon<br />
didn't care of it. One day, she confessed her feeling to Taewoon and unluckily Taewoon rejected her. After that she got heartbroken and decided to quit from student body. She also avoided Taewoon. Taewoon felt something missing from his life. He realised ~~~~ was her love. Then he tried to get her back, but it's not easy cause she had closed her heart for Taewoon.<br />
Rated or Not: R<br />
<br />
i hope u can consider my request. Thx b4 n hwaiting!^o^/<br />
Name: Pataco_95<br />
Female Lead: ~~~~~<br />
Male Lead: L.Joe TeenTop<br />
Plot: L.Joe and ~~~~~ used to be really close friends but due to other girls and popularity, they slowly drifted away from each other. At a party that ~~~~~ attended, she runs into L.Joe. Little did ~~~~~ know that L.Joe wasn't over her and that he never told her real feelings to her. ~~~~~ tries to walk away but L.Joe is not willing to loose her. L.Joe shows her and confesses his true feelings to her that night.<br />
Rated or Not: R <br />
<br />
thank you~!<br />
i'm looking forward to reading this~!<br />
^____________________________^<br />
frangible #6
okkk :D<br />
You want to request? Go for it. >^.^<
frangible #8
can I request one? HEHEHE :DD