Help Me!!

Dreamy Oneshot Collection

Jonghyun, Key, Onew, Taemin, Minho, and I were out camping in the woods.  We built a few tents and a fire.  We ate hotdogs and hamburgers then began tells scary stories as we ate smores.

“I heard that the woods is named No Man’s Land because of a legend.  Wanna hear?” Jonghyun said leaning closer to the fire.  “Sure.”  We agreed as I cuddled Key’s arm trying to stay warm.

“They say that No Man’s Land is named so because there are savages that live here and let no one come to claim this land.  Anyone who dares to stay on this land will suffer the consequences.  No one knows of what the savages will do but there have been quite a few people who came here and disappeared, never to be seen again.  Not even their bodies were found.”  Jonghyun looked around and smirked.

“I’ve heard that before.  The lady that lent us the tents told me that story.  She also told me to spend only the day there and leave before night fall.  She also warned me about how dangerous it is here.  I thought she was trying to scare me so I didn’t say anything.”  Taemin said before stuffing a marshmallow in his mouth.

“Guys, it’s almost 2 am.  I’m going to bed.  Plus I think someone here is nearing dreamland.”  Key smiled at me as a nodded my head trying to stay awake. 

Key scooped me up and carried me bridal style to the tent where Key, Jonghyun, and I would be sleeping.  He placed me in my sleeping bag then went into his.  He put his hand on my stomach and fell asleep.  A few minutes later Jonghyun came in and went to sleep.


“We up!  Hurry up!”  Someone shook the tent.

I looked at the time.  “It’s only 3am go to sleep.”

“No, wake up now!  There’s trouble!”

Jonghyun, Key, and I walked outside to see Taemin, Onew, and Minho right outside our tent.

“What the hell?”  Key grabbed the flashlight Minho offered him.

“Look.”  Minho pointed out into the woods.

Shadows of savage people surrounded us.  Some had bows and arrows, while others had spears.

“When I count to three we all make a run to the car.”  Onew ordered.  “1… 2… 3.  GO!!!!”

We all dashed towards the car as the savages started chasing us.  Minho and Taemin had made it quickly as started the car.  “Hurry.”

I was the slowest runner and Key, who already was at the car, ran back to help me.  He pulled my hand and ran to the car.  One of the savages threw a rope at us and it tangled around Key’s leg.

“Key!!” I yelled trying to untangle the rope. 

“Just go, I’ll be fine.  Minho just drive.”  Key pushed me into the car, closed the door and smiled.  “~~~~~, please be alright.”


Minho drove towards the exit of the woods, but stopped and made a U-turn back to the location where we camping.  We stayed in the car and looked at the camp site was which a mess.  Key and the savages were nowhere to be seen.

“It’s 5am right now, and it gets light around 6.  We would wait in the car until its light then go look for him.”  Onew said staring at the camp site.

I closed my eyes and leaned on Jonghyun.  I silently let tears fall and prayed that Key would be fine.  No one dared to speak after Onew and stayed silently awake until light.

“It’s time let’s go.”  Onew broke the silence at 6:30am.

We got out of the car and followed foot prints and dragging marks to an empty tribal campsite.  We cautiously searched for Key, but our search had to stop three fourths through the campsite, when we heard the savages returning.  We quickly left the site.


“Mmmm!”  Key yelled when he saw us at the campsite, but was muffled by the cloth rag that was tied across his mouth.  He tried to untie his hands that were tied to a post.  Key tried to kick something but was restricted by the ropes tied to his ankles.  Key silently let a tear fall when he saw us leaving the campsite.  The tear went down his dirty, bruised face on to the dirt ground.

The savages noticed someone had been through their camp and went to check their prisoner.  Seeing that Key was still there they kicked and beat down on Key, releasing their anger.  After they finished beating up their prisoner they left.

Key lay motionless on the ground in pain.  “Help me.  ~~~~~, please save me.”  He silently cried on the floor.


The next day we came back to the tribal campsite, but they had relocated.  We called the police and looked for Key but we couldn’t find him.  After a month nearly everyone gave up except for Jonghyun, Minho, Taemin, Onew, and I. 

One day we all gathered at my house to discuss Key’s search.

“Let’s try camping again.  Maybe they’ll come back.”  Taemin suggested.

“Why not, let’s try.”  I got up and grabbed my camping gear.  “Let’s go.”

We picked up the boy’s gears then went to the woods.  At the campsite we split up into two groups.  One group, Onew and Taemin, was the decoy while the other, Jonghyun, Minho, and I, was waiting to go look for Key.  We waited all night and soon the savages came again.  They all chase Onew and Taemin and eventually caught Onew and Taemin. 


The savages brought Onew and Taemin to their new campsite and tied them up next to a prisoner then left.

“Key?”  Onew looked at the prisoner.

“Onew.  Taemin.  Is that you?” Key asked.

“Yeah.  It’s us.”  Taemin smiled.

“What are you doing here?”  Key asked.

“We’re looking for you.  We’re going to get you out of here as soon as they leave.”  Onew smiled.

“Thank you.”  Key let out a breath of relief.  “I thought you guys left me and I would die out here.”

“That’ll never happen.”


Jonghyun, Minho, and I waited until the savages left to invade the campsite.  The savages left at 5 in the morning and we crept to the place where they put Onew, Taemin, and Key.

“Let’s go.”  Jonghyun said untying Key. 

“Put him on my back.”  We put Key on Minho’s back then ran back to the car.

Inside the car Key leaned on my shoulder and fell asleep.  We took him to the hospital, where they examined him.  He had to stay in the hospital for two weeks.


“Hey there.”  I peeked in Key’s room at the hospital.

“Hey.”  Key replied smiling.

“So, how are you?”  I asked.

“Fine, thanks to you.”  Key smiled at me.  “Come in.”

I walked in and hugged Key.  Key hugged me back but didn’t let me go.

“You want to know who I thought about while I was there?”  He buried his head into my neck.  “You.  ~~~~~, I thought about you.  I didn’t know how much I liked you until I almost died.”  Key looked into my eyes.  “Will you go out with me?”

I nodded my head.  He lifted my chin up.  “Silence means yes, so I’ll take that as a yes.”  He kissed my lips.



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ohh~ these are good ;3
ChemicalLuvs #2
Request Form <br />
<br />
Name: akatri_889<br />
Female Lead: ~~~~~~<br />
Male Lead: Jonghyun - SHINee<br />
Plot: Yeon and Jonghyun has been really close since they sit together for 2 years in high school.Its valentine and Yeon want to give chocolate for him but the problem is she can burn her house even if she's cooking eggs<br />
Komawo if you doing this.Miane~ I know valentine is not near yet but i just want to ask a valentine fic an please make it a happy ending ^^ Hwaiting in your other one shot =)
Name: SuJuLoverr<br />
Female Lead:~~~~~<br />
Male Lead: Eunhyuk, Super Junior<br />
<br />
Plot: ~~~~~ was a nerd at her school.. People would go to her and beg her to do their homework and plus she was pretty too... She was in the same classes as Eunhyuk. She was at the top of the class and he was down at the bottom. The teacher told Eunhyuk to get a tutor and the teacher recommended ~~~~~. She obviously denied the offer. Eunhyuk tried to seduce her but gave up. She felt sorry for him and accepted the offer. After a few weeks of tutoring Eunhyuk, ~~~~~ started to have feelings for Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk had the same feelings towards ~~~~~ but was to afraid to show it. Eunhyuk started to make his way to the top of the class after a few moths of tutoring. So one day he decided to return ~~~~~ the favour.<br />
Rated or Not: R<br />
<br />
I hope you grant my request.. <br />
I lovee your one-shots...<br />
update soon..<br />
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Name: minka_ichigo911211<br />
Female Lead: ~~~~~<br />
Male Lead: Woo Taewoon, Co.Ed School <br />
Plot: Taewoon was a kingka in Seoul High. He's also the head of student. He's smart, cool, just like your type of prince charming. ~~~~ was the secretary of student body. She had been in love with Taewoon since freshmen year. She's beautiful and smart. She always showed her love towards Taewoon, but it seemed like Taewoon<br />
didn't care of it. One day, she confessed her feeling to Taewoon and unluckily Taewoon rejected her. After that she got heartbroken and decided to quit from student body. She also avoided Taewoon. Taewoon felt something missing from his life. He realised ~~~~ was her love. Then he tried to get her back, but it's not easy cause she had closed her heart for Taewoon.<br />
Rated or Not: R<br />
<br />
i hope u can consider my request. Thx b4 n hwaiting!^o^/<br />
Name: Pataco_95<br />
Female Lead: ~~~~~<br />
Male Lead: L.Joe TeenTop<br />
Plot: L.Joe and ~~~~~ used to be really close friends but due to other girls and popularity, they slowly drifted away from each other. At a party that ~~~~~ attended, she runs into L.Joe. Little did ~~~~~ know that L.Joe wasn't over her and that he never told her real feelings to her. ~~~~~ tries to walk away but L.Joe is not willing to loose her. L.Joe shows her and confesses his true feelings to her that night.<br />
Rated or Not: R <br />
<br />
thank you~!<br />
i'm looking forward to reading this~!<br />
^____________________________^<br />
frangible #6
okkk :D<br />
You want to request? Go for it. >^.^<
frangible #8
can I request one? HEHEHE :DD