Chapter 7

Try me !
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At a bar in Seoul,

Hyuna sits at the bar and drinks a cocktail. She is very depressed and everytime that Secretary Park calls her to tell her that Soojung would like to meet her, she says that she doesn't feel good and will call back when she is better.
It's look like that she is waiting for someone. Indeed she is waiting for Mr Zhang, a chinese business man who wants to conquer the Korean business. When he arrives, he smirks and says to her that her beautiful sister is not so easy to take care right now so they discuss about a new plan which is that Hyuna needs to become the best sister ever and pushes slowly her sister to give her the company. 
When Mr Zhang leaves, Hyuna is alone and continues to drink, she drinks more when she hears people speaks about how beautiful and fantastic is her little sister. She hates more and more her. 

At Soojung's apartment,

After their dinner to the Kim's house, they arrive at Soojung's parking lot, she goes out from the car and doesn't ever care to help him. Myungsoo groans, takes his stuffs and follows Soojung. 
In front of the door, Soojung opens it with a code which she gives to him, she says him to remember because she won't say it again and enters the apartment. 
He follows her and puts his stuffs in the living room. Soojung collapses on the couch, doesn't show him the apartment and lets him to explore it himself. Like a boss, on the couch, she indicates with her finger where is her room. She also says that he isn't allowed to enter to her office which is in front of her bedroom where she is hiding her plan to destroy Hyuna. She adds that he can chose any bedroom he wants. Every bedroom have a personnal bathroom and wardrobe. She takes a water bottle in the fridge and says to him goodnight before going to her bedroom. 

Myungsoo only shakes his head and visits the apartment before choosing the bedroom next to Soojung to set up his stuffs. He is fascinated that a little girl lives in a big apartment alone. He opens the fridge, sees that there are everything, it seems that Secretary Park takes care of everything, he takes a beer and sits on the couch. To

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MyunggieStal #1
Chapter 18: How many times did they had...? O-o I knew it would happen xD
Chapter 28: Waaooww the story just so good >.< i love myungstal sooo hhaarrddd !! Hope they will become real couple ^^
Myungstal759 #3
Chapter 28: Please do a sequel pls pls pls..
Miki-tegoshi #4
Chapter 28: Wow I really like this story, it's so sweet and cute, I love the ending ❤️ Good job & Merci~
Christina_wolf #5
Chapter 28: Aww already I want to know who is the new baby
Can u make a prequel or something
Love the story
Christina_wolf #6
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Christina_wolf #7
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Myungstal759 #8
Chapter 27: So sweet pls updat!!☺☺
simplykrystal #9
Chapter 27: This story is starting too wrap up really nicely and of course, Myungsoo can't prevent Soojung from doing whatever she wants.
Myungstal759 #10
Chapter 26: Yeeey the babyis alive please update more authornim!!:)