Chapter 5

Try me !
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At the Soojung's office,

Soojung knows if she says that she isn't interesting in him, he is going to accept her offer. She studies him when she observes and reads his informations. She figures him out and she is going to use this to control him. She also know that she needs to trust him as her grandpa asked her but she is not really sure about this because he seems very close with Hyuna.  
They decide to not sign a contract because they know that it's a deal between their families and nobody is going to be hurt and they help each other. 

It is very late when they finish to discuss about this matter and they begin to hunger. 

"Yaah ! Let's go to eat and you pay because you are the boss !" Myungsoo said
"Bhow ! Who speak to their boss like this ? Jerk !" Soojung replied
They always need to be in competition with each other. These hours together prove it. They only know to argue but when it comes to work, they become very serious.
"Weo ! We are friends now and you are the same age as me so I can call like I want !" He pointed out 
Soojung wants to create a good relationship between them so she decides to become a little nice with him.
"Arasso ! But when we are with other people, you have to call me Soojung sshi !" She said
"What ? Why aren't you angry ?" He asked 
"If we have to be always together and trust each other, we need to make concession ! I am hunger too but I'm afraid that the press is waiting to have picture of me. I don't want it. This is one of the reason why I abandonned this world." She explained seriously
"Oh ! You asks me to avoid journalist ? I'm your personnal assistant and Kim Myungsoo ! I'm a pro to avoid them ! Follow me !" He claimed

She decides to follow him and calls Secretary Park to say him that she is going to eat with Myungsoo. He doesn't have to wait for her and go back to his h

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MyunggieStal #1
Chapter 18: How many times did they had...? O-o I knew it would happen xD
Chapter 28: Waaooww the story just so good >.< i love myungstal sooo hhaarrddd !! Hope they will become real couple ^^
Myungstal759 #3
Chapter 28: Please do a sequel pls pls pls..
Miki-tegoshi #4
Chapter 28: Wow I really like this story, it's so sweet and cute, I love the ending ❤️ Good job & Merci~
Christina_wolf #5
Chapter 28: Aww already I want to know who is the new baby
Can u make a prequel or something
Love the story
Christina_wolf #6
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Christina_wolf #7
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Myungstal759 #8
Chapter 27: So sweet pls updat!!☺☺
simplykrystal #9
Chapter 27: This story is starting too wrap up really nicely and of course, Myungsoo can't prevent Soojung from doing whatever she wants.
Myungstal759 #10
Chapter 26: Yeeey the babyis alive please update more authornim!!:)