Chapter 26

Try me !
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At the hospital, 

It's been a hour since Soojung has been in the hands of doctors. Everyone are waiting outside the emergency room with Myungsoo who is very anxious. He paces up and down until the doctor is coming out.
" How is Soojung ? What happened to her ? Is she fine ?" Myungsoo asked without a breath
" Everything is going to be alright. She is out of danger. She needs to rest because it seems that she was under influence, someone injected her drug so she is very weak... but we can't help her with medecine." The doctor answered calmly
" Why ?" Mrs Kim required
" This is the good news that I'm going to inform you, Soojung is 10 week pregnant and ever with theses events, the baby is very strong to fight and holds on the mother ! So Congratulations !" The doctor announced with a reassuring smile to Myungsoo
Everyone jump for joy
" Thank you ! Thank you very much Doctor !!! Can I see her ?" Myungsoo held the doctor in his arms
" Yes ! We are going to transfer her to her room, the nurse will take you to her. But don't forget, she really needs to rest ! " The doctor told him and Myungsoo nodded
Everyone congratulate him and he hugs everyone. 

At Soojung's hospital room, 

Soojung is lying on the bed with a bandage at her head and she looks very pale. 
Everyone is reassured to see her alive and alright so they decide to leave Myungsoo alone with her. They will come back tomorrow to visit her.
When he is alone, he takes place next to her on a chair and holds her hand. He caresses her face and gives her a kiss on her forehead. He can only smile at her and thinks about their baby who is the most beautiful gift that he is receive. 
The hours of pain and stress are nothing to him now, he is just happy and has everything he needs which are Soojung and their future baby. 
He falls asleep with his head on her bed and holding her hand.

The next day, 

Soojung wakes up, sees that she is not anymore in the warehouse and feels someone holds her hand. She looks at her right and sees her husband sleeps. 
She knows that she is alive and feels secure. She smiles and begins to play with his hair. 
" Yaaah ! This is how you show that you miss your husband ?

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MyunggieStal #1
Chapter 18: How many times did they had...? O-o I knew it would happen xD
Chapter 28: Waaooww the story just so good >.< i love myungstal sooo hhaarrddd !! Hope they will become real couple ^^
Myungstal759 #3
Chapter 28: Please do a sequel pls pls pls..
Miki-tegoshi #4
Chapter 28: Wow I really like this story, it's so sweet and cute, I love the ending ❤️ Good job & Merci~
Christina_wolf #5
Chapter 28: Aww already I want to know who is the new baby
Can u make a prequel or something
Love the story
Christina_wolf #6
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Christina_wolf #7
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Myungstal759 #8
Chapter 27: So sweet pls updat!!☺☺
simplykrystal #9
Chapter 27: This story is starting too wrap up really nicely and of course, Myungsoo can't prevent Soojung from doing whatever she wants.
Myungstal759 #10
Chapter 26: Yeeey the babyis alive please update more authornim!!:)