Chapter 18

Try me !
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At Myungsoo's penthouse in Jeju,

" Waouuuh ! You never tell me that you have this splendid penthouse here !" She said while exploring the house 
" You don't know everything about me ! And this penthouse is indeed mine but it's also yours now ! You will be my wife and everything I have is yours too !" He announced by giving her a backhug
" You are crazy !" She sighed and stayed in his hug with a beautiful landscape in front of them
" Yeeah, crazy about you !" He gave her a kiss on her neck
" So what do you want to do today ?" He asked 
" I'm tired, can we stay at home today ? I need to sleep..." She answered calmly
" No problem ! You look pale ! Come on I'm taking you to our room !" He said by holding her hand
" Here ! Lay down, if you need anything, call me, I will be downstairs !" He kissed her on her forehead
" Huum ! I love you !" She gaves him a kiss
" Love you too !" He replied

While Soojung sleeps, Myungsoo is very worried because he prepared a surprise with their friends, his family and Secretary Park. He is afraid that she is going to be sick so he calls Sungkyu.
" Hi Myungsoo ! Are you arrived at Jeju ?" Sungkyu asked 
" Yes, we are at my penthouse ! When will you arrive ?" He replied
" Tomorrow, in the morning ! Don't worry everything is ready ! You are going to have the most beautiful private wedding of the century !" Sungkyu said
" I know but I'm afraid ! Soojung is very tired, it's look like she is going to be sick !" He sighed
" Yaaah ! We tell you to control you !" Sungkyu yelled
" Yaaaah ! We didn't do it ! She was very tired since last night !" He defended himself
" Aaah ! Sorry ! Maybe it is her week in Japan ! You know that when she has a deal to make, she doesn't take a break until she gets it ! And you make her fly to Jeju the following day she arrived home !" Sungkyu tried to persuade his friend
" Maybe ! You're right ! So I leave everything in your hands ! See you tomorrow !" He told 
" Yes ! Don't worry ! It's going to be perfect ! Bye !" Sungkyu hang up
Yes, that's right ! Myungsoo's surprise is their wedding on his birthday. 

Indeed, they already talk about their wedding but they never set a date because they are very busy. Soojung said that she wants a private wedding, not a big wedding like everyone in the elite world and it has to take place in a very special place. She needs nobody else just the people she loves. 
Moreover, she said to him she wants to visit Jeju because it's the place where her parents met each other. She never has the chance to visit this place. 

While she sleeps, Myungsoo asks to the housekeeper, Mrs Choi, to prepare lunch for them. He just plays video games and listens music. 
Soojung wakes up and she feels better. She goes downstairs to join Myungsoo.
" Oh ! Do you have a good sleep ? Do you feel better ?" He asked 
" Yes ! I feel great !" She answered while sitting on his laps
" Now that I feel better ! What do you want to do ?" She said 
" We need to eat before go out ! Do you want to explore Jeju ? Then after we can have dinner outside." He proposed with a big smile
" Why not ! I will follow you everywhere you go ! Waaaah I'm so excited !!!" She exclamed 
" Ok let's eat ! Mrs Choi make us lunch !" He said
They visit the island, they feel relaxed, far away from the stress of Seoul. They have dinner and come back home. 

In their bedroom, 

Myungsoo is very tired and he is waiting for Soojung on their bed. He checks his phone and sends his last recommendations to their friends, his family and Secretary Park. When he sees Soojung's coming out from the bathroom, he puts away his phone. She jumps on the bed like a little girl.
" Jeju is so fantastic !!! I have so much fun here !" She said 
" It's a magical island and a fantastic place for lovers but maintly newlyweds !" He added 
" I understand why ! When we will got married, I want to celebrate it here ! It's so beautiful !" She declared lovely
" A

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MyunggieStal #1
Chapter 18: How many times did they had...? O-o I knew it would happen xD
Chapter 28: Waaooww the story just so good >.< i love myungstal sooo hhaarrddd !! Hope they will become real couple ^^
Myungstal759 #3
Chapter 28: Please do a sequel pls pls pls..
Miki-tegoshi #4
Chapter 28: Wow I really like this story, it's so sweet and cute, I love the ending ❤️ Good job & Merci~
Christina_wolf #5
Chapter 28: Aww already I want to know who is the new baby
Can u make a prequel or something
Love the story
Christina_wolf #6
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Christina_wolf #7
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Myungstal759 #8
Chapter 27: So sweet pls updat!!☺☺
simplykrystal #9
Chapter 27: This story is starting too wrap up really nicely and of course, Myungsoo can't prevent Soojung from doing whatever she wants.
Myungstal759 #10
Chapter 26: Yeeey the babyis alive please update more authornim!!:)