Chapter 15

Try me !
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At the airport, 

Myungsoo waits with Soojung. He doesn't want her to go but he don't have any choice. 
" Do you really need to go ?" He asked with a sigh
" Yes, Love ! It's for the company and also our future !" She told him lovely
They usually don't show any public display of affection and but today, Myungsoo can't stop it, he is very clinging. They don't want to attract the attention but as soon as they enter in the airport, everyone look at them like they are idols. Taking picture of them or screaming at every action they make.
" I hate when people are looking at us !" She frowned 
" Don't care about this ! Only look at me ! But I love when they look at us so I can show that you are mine !" He said arrogantly
" Yaaaah ! Am I one of your thing ?!" She replied by hitting him
" Nooo ! You are my babe !" He aswered with a big smile
She only shakes her head and hides her face on his shoulders. He smiles and gives her kisses on her head while waiting for her flight. 

When they announce the boarding of her flight, they separate from their hug and look at if Soojung has everything she needs.
" Do you have anything you need ?" He asked
" Yes, I do ! Don't worry !" She said
" Do you take warm clothes too ? In March, it can be cold in Tokyo !" He informed her
" Yes Sir ! And I know it ! Don't worry about me, everything will be alright ! Now, you just have to bid me goodbye and not nag me !" She replied with a frown
" I'm sorry, I can't help to be worry ! I love you Babe and be careful !" He hugged her tightly
" I love you too ! Take care of you and have fun with the boys ! Don't have any girls or I will be very mad !!" She told him with a serious look
" You know that you're the only one !! I love you !" He laughed and gave her a kiss
" I love you too ! Stop hugging me ! I'm going to miss my flight !" She broke their hug while giving him a sweet kiss and walking to the boarding gate

At the Kim Company,

After the departure of her flight, he goes to work. He is very g

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MyunggieStal #1
Chapter 18: How many times did they had...? O-o I knew it would happen xD
Chapter 28: Waaooww the story just so good >.< i love myungstal sooo hhaarrddd !! Hope they will become real couple ^^
Myungstal759 #3
Chapter 28: Please do a sequel pls pls pls..
Miki-tegoshi #4
Chapter 28: Wow I really like this story, it's so sweet and cute, I love the ending ❤️ Good job & Merci~
Christina_wolf #5
Chapter 28: Aww already I want to know who is the new baby
Can u make a prequel or something
Love the story
Christina_wolf #6
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Christina_wolf #7
Chapter 27: Wow just wow nice story pls update soon
I want to know who the baby is and all that what happens
Myungstal759 #8
Chapter 27: So sweet pls updat!!☺☺
simplykrystal #9
Chapter 27: This story is starting too wrap up really nicely and of course, Myungsoo can't prevent Soojung from doing whatever she wants.
Myungstal759 #10
Chapter 26: Yeeey the babyis alive please update more authornim!!:)