
소년, 소녀를 만나다 (Boy Meets Girl)

[ Elizabeth's POV ]

"Wear something nice, at least." Paige frowned, grabbing her brush (which she carried around EVERYWHERE) and combing through my hair. I rolled my eyes as I lightly pushed her away, "Really, Paige..."
But she ignored me.


"Okay, done!"

I looked EXACTLY the same as before. -_______-

"Yeah, thanks. I look gorgeous." I said in an obviously forced monotone. She didn't seem to notice as she clapped her hands in excitement, "YAY! I SHOULD BECOME A BEAUTICIAN!"

She immediately ran out of the room.

Sometimes, I didn't understand her.
But whatever.



Today was Saturday. It was eight in the morning, and Jinki wasn't supposed to pick me up till one.

So then WHY was I up so early?

Paige found it necessary to "prepare", but all she did was fuss over my breakfast. My BREAKFAST!
As if I was going to starve myself!

I sighed as I stood up from my chair, praying that time would go a LITTLE faster... Just a little. Enough to get Paige off my back for the next few hours.


[ Jinki's POV ]

"HAHA," Jonghyun laughed. "You should really cut your hair, you're looking like an ajumma."
"Shut up." I frowned, gelling my hair. I really hated gel, but it was what kept my hair from going crazy.
"Yeah, yeah," He rolled his eyes. "You better make this first date worth it."
"Because if she breaks up with you, you won't be popular with the sophomores anymore ;D"
"ARGH, JUST BE QUIET WILL YOU?" I snapped. "Okay. I'm gonna go. You stay put and don't stalk me, alright?"
"I wasn't gonna stalk you...." He muttered.
I smirked, "You're a great liar." And shut the door behind me.


One o' clock. Where was she?
I checked my watch.
I was really into promptness, call it a pet peeve - but it really annoyed me when things weren't punctual.
I turned around, "Hi..."
"Elizabeth's inside," Paige grinned, holding a brush with a fistful of hair tangled in it. My eyes widened.
"Oh don't worry," She laughed. "That's not my hair."

"...Oh....." Yeah, I wasn't thinking that either.

Poor Elizabeth.


[ Elizabeth's POV ]

Paige was yanking ALL OF MY HAIR OUT.

"Wait - LAST.....ONE!!!"
"OWWWWW" I harshly shoved her away, frantically checking the clock, "AISHH!! It's ONE O' CLOCK!!!" I ran into the bathroom and said, "IF HE'S WAITING OUTSIDE, YOU'RE DEAD!!!"
"Okay!" She cheerily responded, obviously happy with what she accomplished.

I groaned and checked myself in the mirror.
Okay. Not that bad.

But the unnecessary torture was really going to make me give it to her someday.

"You're so dead, Paige Lee." I muttered as I stomped to the living room.


[ Jinki's POV ]

I couldn't take my eyes off that brush.
Can't she just put it away?! It looks absolutely terrifying ㅠㅠ

Suddenly, Elizabeth came in and said, "Hey Jinki."
I waved back at her, mostly paying attention to the brush in Paige's hand.
"GAH! PUT THAT AWAY!" Elizabeth screeched, lunging for the brush and dumping it in the trash.
"Trust me," She scoffed in response. "After what you did, don't expect anything."
She stuck her tongue out before dragging me out the door.



"Sorry about that." Elizabeth apologized.
"Did you... Lose any hair?"
. What kind of question was that?!?!
"Um... Yeah I think I did."
I chuckled at that, "Greeaat."
"I know right.... Well look at your hair!" She glanced up at me and her eyes widened.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Oh..Oh it's nothing... I just didn't...."
"Huh? What?"
"I just.... I never knew your hair was so long O.O"
Eh. How nice....
"Oh, um... Yeah, it's for the band...." I responded, rubbing the back of my neck.
She nodded her head slowly, not really satisfied with my answer.
"So, um... What do you want to do?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Suddenly, her face lit up.
"We're going to Downton, right?" She asked excitedly.
?!?! WHHHHAT?!?!?!?
"You need a haircut!! And after all, I choose what to do on this date, remember?"


Great. Just great.

A haircut -.-

Damn you Key.


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gahhhh!! so sweet! i want Onew!!!<br />
<br />
this is one great fic *thumbs up*
chap 4: Five minutes. Jelizabeth. BURST OUT LAUGHING. HARD! ahaha u're good..<br />
<br />
*continue reading*
CarmenL #3
Omg, it's end already~>u<<br />
Finally they are together, dressing in formal and date in Hang River is quite newXDD I really like this song<3<3
xFlyHigh #4
Jonghyun.. What the ...<br />
Update soon OTL
angelic-banana #5
Well he'll end up loving her so take that JIYUNG.<br />
dububu #6
You have to update soon. I really curious what will happen next. Please..please update sooner.
update soon<br />
new reader here<333
dububu #8
Kyaaa...oh my jinki you being so nice.<br />
Love this chapter <br />
update soon please :)
CarmenL #9
It's very sweet~ >U<<br />
Don't tell me it is end already? 0.0<br />