
소년, 소녀를 만나다 (Boy Meets Girl)

[ Jinki's POV ]

I didn't think "dating" Elizabeth would be THAT bad...

It was just an act. It didn't mean anything.

I was pretty happy as I walked through the school doors, everyone smiling and slapping my back.
"Great job, man. The concert was awesome."
"Make an album, pronto."
"You sing really well :)"
I was super happy about the comments. I knew that Kibum would be in an excellent mood today.

But of course, chaos followed....

I turned around to see Jonghyun, crossing his arms.
"..Ugh, yeah?"
"Why didn't you say that you were dating ELIZABETH PARK?!"
"Umm...." I felt my face turn a blush red. I knew he was going to find out eventually, but not THIS fast.... "I forgot?"
"Yeah. Great, just great." Jonghyun scoffed. "I'm your best friend and you decide not to tell me about your new girlfriend."
I didn't know what to say, "....She's cute?" My voice didn't sound convincing, but it was the truth.
She WAS cute....
Jonghyun only sighed in response. "Tell me, alright? I don't want to hear the news from a bunch of crying girls who worshipped the almighty 'Onew'." I felt a small smile tug at my lips, and smirked, "Jealous, huh?"
Jonghyun snorted in response, "Oh please, half of the student body is in love with me.... And not all of them are girls." I chuckled at that, and he put an arm around me, "But yeah. She's cute."


[ Elizabeth's POV ]

"Ohmygod. YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH JINKI?!?!!? AISH." Paige slapped my arm and I winced, "Ouch."
She didn't even apologize as she went off about how lucky I was.
"JIOEDKWLSAINDJKMS" was all I really processed as she continued to blabber about how my love life would be 'Oh-So-Perfect' from now on.

Yeah right.
I'm FAKE dating him!
This is going to be absolutely, positively terrible.
I'm sure of it.

"Well then?! What are you doing standing here?!! LET'S FIND HIM!!"

Ugh, what?!
"Excuse me?!"

"You're a couple, and frankly, you're supposed to BE with him. You know, getting all kissy-wissy and stuff."
I recoiled, "eww...."
"C'mon," She grabbed my arm and tugged. "Let's find your Prince Charming."
More like Chicken Baby, I smirked thinking back on Jiyung's AMAZING nickname.
I reluctantly followed her as she continued to pull on me.


[ Jinki's POV ]

"How should we punish you?" Kibum folded his hands in front of him.
"Punish me for what?!"
"For keeping a secret from your best friends."
Geez. This sophomore could be my mommy; I swear....

"Um. I don't know...." I ran my fingers through my hair. It grew pretty long, and I wasn't planning on cutting it anytime soon.
Besides, this look was for the band.

Everyone quietly sat as I was awkwardly squished in the middle.
These guys created the WORST punishments....

"Since what you did was not SO terribly bad," Kibum started, breaking the silence. "We'll let you off easy."
What was he going to do? Make me dance ?
Ew. Scratch that.
"Have you had your first date yet? With Elizabeth?" He asked me. I shook my head.
"Good." He smiled evilly.
?!?!!?!?!?!? WHAT WAS THAT SMILE FOR ?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
"Y-yah!! I'm your sunbae!!!!"
He rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, I'm not going to send you to a hotel on a rainy night-"
Kibum stopped, and said:
"Elizabeth chooses the date location. That's it."
That's it?
"Um... Okay...."

Then as if on cue, Paige and Elizabeth barged in.
"Hey, Paige. Liz." Minho nodded.
Paige grinned as she pushed Elizabeth towards me. She lightly bumped into me and quickly sat down.
"Ugh..." She muttered.
She looked up at him, obviously confused.
"This Saturday, you and Onew are going to go on a romantic first date!!"
"And YOU get to choose where!"


[ Elizabeth's POV ]




Jinki gave me a pleading look that said: Go Along With This!

I sighed and said, "Um.... I don't know.... I really like Downtown Seoul, I guess. Let's go there."
Kibum smiled, "Perfect. Jinki will pick you up at one."
He quickly stood up, grabbing his bag, "Well, I have to go now. Toodles!"


"Bye...." I responded rather quietly.


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gahhhh!! so sweet! i want Onew!!!<br />
<br />
this is one great fic *thumbs up*
chap 4: Five minutes. Jelizabeth. BURST OUT LAUGHING. HARD! ahaha u're good..<br />
<br />
*continue reading*
CarmenL #3
Omg, it's end already~>u<<br />
Finally they are together, dressing in formal and date in Hang River is quite newXDD I really like this song<3<3
xFlyHigh #4
Jonghyun.. What the ...<br />
Update soon OTL
angelic-banana #5
Well he'll end up loving her so take that JIYUNG.<br />
dububu #6
You have to update soon. I really curious what will happen next. Please..please update sooner.
update soon<br />
new reader here<333
dububu #8
Kyaaa...oh my jinki you being so nice.<br />
Love this chapter <br />
update soon please :)
CarmenL #9
It's very sweet~ >U<<br />
Don't tell me it is end already? 0.0<br />