Two Many.

소년, 소녀를 만나다 (Boy Meets Girl)

[ Jinki's POV ]


Ugh. You have GOT to be kidding me.
I turned and glared at the girl scurrying towards me.
"OH JINKI! I MISSED YOU SO!" She sighed dreamily, entwining her fingers with mine.
I didn't respond as I shoved my other hand into my pocket. I really didn't want to hold Jiyung's hand... I would've pushed her away if I could.... But I didn't have the heart to...

"So...?" She asked me.
I looked down at her, "So... what?"
"Aren't you going to kiss me now?"
"Kiss Me. Now?"
"Um.. Jiyung.. I don't think that's a good idea...."
"WHY NOTTT?" She whined, grabbing my shoulders and digging her nails into my back. I winced as I said, "Um.. My... My lips are dry!"
She gasped, and then said, "Oh, well then... I guess.... After-school!" And she kissed my cheek, winked, and skipped away.
I rubbed off her cheek-kiss with my sleeve.

"I hate skinship...." I muttered to myself as I turned around, ready to go to class.

Then I heard a "HEY! JINKI!" And I turned around, "Jonghyun?"
I seemed more confused than excited at what he said, "Erm... Died?"
"Yeah! Remember?" Jonghyun said obviously.
I was still confused.
"Band Practice." He said simply, giving me an Isn't-It-Obvious look.
I slapped my forehead, "OH NO..."
"Yeah, welcome to Earth." Jonghyun patted my back forgivingly, then he said, "Let's get to class... We're going to be late..."

Band Practice! Ugh.... Key's going to flip....


[ Elizabeth's POV ]

"No, Paige! NO!" I tried to step away but Paige grabbed me again, "ELIZABETH PARK! YOU WILL GO TO THAT CONCERT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!"
"I.. I have to study!" I whined, trying to find different excuses. But I wasn't much of a persuader.
"You're already getting grades that can send you to Harvard, missy." Paige glared at me. "Stop stressing yourself out and loosen up a little!"
"BUT PAIGE!" I said defiantly.
She stopped, raising one eyebrow at me, "Okay then, you get thirty seconds to say a con speech, GO!"
Paige was always trying to party and get me to "loosen up", but I honestly didn't have any time for that. I was fifteen years old, and I knew that competition was going to be tough if I wanted to get into American universities.
After all, I went to an itty bitty international school all the way in South Korea...
If anything, I knew I had to step up my game.

So there I was, standing there, saying every little thing I could, trying to worm out of going to that stupid "Rock Concert".... But Paige wasn't convinced.
She just grabbed my arm and dragged me into the room, "MISS PARK. YOU WILL GO."

And that was that.


[ Jinki's POV ]

By the time it was band practice, Key was already standing in the room.
He gave me a glare as I stepped inside with Jonghyun.
I braced myself for one of his epic speeches,
"LEE ONEW," Key started (people called me Onew because it was my stage name for the rock band; sort of like Key, because his real name was Kibum). "WHERE WERE YOU TODAY?!"
"I-" But Key's voice just overran me.
"Actually he was the only one that was 'freaking out'." Jonghyun murmured under his breath to me. I tried not to snicker.
"JONGHYUN, WE DO NOT NEED YOUR SIDE COMMENTS." Key thundered. Jonghyun held up his hands in defense as I let out my chuckle.
"ONEW." Key pointed to me. "PLEASE BE EARLY."
Everyone was silent as I nodded, slightly terrified.
Key had a way of getting to people... He was as scary as my mother. Which sort of made sense.... Sort of.

"Good." He relaxed his arm and sat down on the bench, "Now to wait for the others."

"Whoa, that was intense..." Jonghyun whispered to me as I furiously nodded.


[ Elizabeth's POV ]

I stepped into the room and bought the tickets for the concert.
The girls selling the tickets giggled as I paid them the money, "HAHA Oh-Em-Gee! Lizzy is going to a ROCK CONCERT? That's like, so like, LOL-ish!"
My eyebrows weaved together as I tried to interpret what they just said, but Paige grabbed my arm and stuck her tongue at them, "We'll see you there." And pushed me out the door.

"Is it really that big of a deal if I go to a Rock Concert?" I asked her worriedly.
"Nah," She shrugged. "It's just a School Concert..." She assured me.
"But I mean... Those girls..."
"Let them drown in their own giggle-fits..." Paige rolled her eyes.
"Well.. Okay.." I said, looking down at the ticket I held in my hand.

Lead Singer(s): Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin
Rapper(s): Minho, Key
Bass: Eunhyuk
Guitar(s): Donghae, Yesung
Drummer: Siwon

My eyes widened, "There's rappers in Rock Bands?"
Paige leaned over to look at my ticket, "Yeah.... I guess so!"
I looked down at the names.


Wasn't that the nickname of that really nice Junior? He was a year older than me....
What was his name again?
I looked down at the name.
He was really nice to everyone, I smiled to myself thinking about him.


[ Jinki's POV ]

"Alright boys," Key said. "We have only three more hours till the show starts, so let's make the most of it!"
Donghae rolled his eyes as he said, "You know, for a Sophomore you're very demanding..."
"And for a Senior you're very easy to boss around." Key shot back with a glare.
Donghae rolled his eyes in response as he got up to grab his guitar.

I was always amused by Key; not only was he able to scare the crap out of you, but he was also headstrong and super confident.
If only I was him... Then breaking things off with Jiyung would be so much easier....

"Okay! FROM THE TOP!" Key yelled.

Siwon positioned himself in front of the drums and started off the beat.

I started to sing, smiling my head off and excited for the concert in the hours to come.
I really loved to sing... It was something I loved to do ever since I was really little.
Being in a Rock Band like this - surrounded by a caring group of high schoolers of all different ages and backgrounds - really brought me a diverse cluster of friends, and I couldn't have been happier.

I was truly blessed.


[ Elizabeth's POV ]

I sort of prayed that Paige had forgotten me and already headed towards the concert, but I figured she didn't when I heard the doorbell ring.
"Gah..." I muttered to myself as I opened the door.
"Hey!" Paige greeted, grabbing my arm. "Let's go!"

And I was dragged away to the Rock Band concert.


[ Jinki's POV ]

This is going to be epic.
This is going to be the best night of my life...

NOTHING can ruin this day-

Well... Except that....

I sighed as I turned around, "Hey... Jiyung..."
"My gosh, Jinki! You're so out of it today!"
I didn't look at her as I continued to play with my fingers. "Jinki!" She slapped them. "You promised me a kiss!!"
My eyes widened as I looked up at her, "B-but..You were serious?!"
"Of course I was, silly!" She giggled, already puckering her lips.
I recoiled from them and sort of pushed her away, "Jiyung... Jiyung! Stop!"
She seemed surprised by my reaction, "W-what?"
"I said stop.." I told her honestly.
"B..But...You promised!.."
"Jiyung, can we not do this now?" I told her, slightly irritated. "I..I really need to catch up with my band... I'll see you later."
And I walked away.

But I didn't turn around.
Probably the meanest thing I've ever done in my life....

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gahhhh!! so sweet! i want Onew!!!<br />
<br />
this is one great fic *thumbs up*
chap 4: Five minutes. Jelizabeth. BURST OUT LAUGHING. HARD! ahaha u're good..<br />
<br />
*continue reading*
CarmenL #3
Omg, it's end already~>u<<br />
Finally they are together, dressing in formal and date in Hang River is quite newXDD I really like this song<3<3
xFlyHigh #4
Jonghyun.. What the ...<br />
Update soon OTL
angelic-banana #5
Well he'll end up loving her so take that JIYUNG.<br />
dububu #6
You have to update soon. I really curious what will happen next. Please..please update sooner.
update soon<br />
new reader here<333
dububu #8
Kyaaa...oh my jinki you being so nice.<br />
Love this chapter <br />
update soon please :)
CarmenL #9
It's very sweet~ >U<<br />
Don't tell me it is end already? 0.0<br />