Breaking News

Forbidden Ways

The next day Piyoon woke up to a text from Shownu, telling her to check the news. She got up without waking up Suga who was sleeping on the floor and tip-toed into the washroom before heading into the living room to turn on the news channel. It was showing the weather forecast but what was shown on the screen made her jaw drop.

It read: "BREAKING NEWS: Sapphire caught on camera handling a gun."

Hurriedly, she picked up her phone and got on the search engine. She clicked on the number one most searched and watched the video. It showed a female Sapphire in her mid 40's, shooting her male human before dropped down, dead. Piyoon scrolled down to the comments and it was exploding with rage, anger and confusion. 

She was feeling numb; she couldn't believe it. How was that even possible? How was it that a Sapphire would kill its own human? It must've been a prank! 

"Piyoon." Tearing her eyes from the comments, she turned around to see Jimin. "Did you see this?!" she asked, pointing to the TV which was now on the Breaking News.

He looked on the TV. "Yeah. Your parents left as soon as they got the call."

"Why didn't you go with them? What about Riley?"

"Riley followed your parents. I decided to stay."

"We're in the middle of nowhere, away from all that...chaos. Why would she tell you to stay? I already have Suga. She might need you with her in case it gets dangerous."

"Hey, don't make me regret choosing to stay here. Also, she's just going into the city for an emergency meeting. She's safe."

"...wait, what?" She didn't think she heard him correctly. Did he just say he chose to stay with her? "You mean...Mom didn't tell you to stay?"

"Yeah, I told her I wanted to stay and she agreed it would best." This was surprising news. First, he never decided anything on his own and second, he would never leave his human with something as potentially dangerous as this. Obviously with this kind of news, there would be riots outside the government building.

"I're malfunctioning," said Piyoon.

Jimin frowned. "Seriously, don't make me regret it. Your mom agreed, too. So it was basically an order."

"An order you suggested... Anyway, I have Suga. No matter what, he'll protect me whether he's Registered or not. There's also Jin and his parents and the other families. Why are you even here? Are you...are you okay? Because Jimin-"

He let out a big sigh. "Just stop. I regret it now. So just stop." Although it wasn't any laughing matter, she couldn't help but find the situation funny. He suggested on staying to protect her when there were already good people and Sapphires around her . He frowned at her laughter.  

"You're crazy," she said. "What has gotten into you?" The Jimin she knew would never put her first before her mom. Remember the times where he ignored her feelings and practically gave up on her? So thinking back on those times, there was something definitely wrong with him. 

"I don't know myself alright! But you know what? If you were hurt while they're away, imagine how devastated your mom would be." With that, he sat down on the end of the couch, signaling the end of the conversation. 

"What's going on?" Suga and V were descending down the stairs. It looked like V was still half awake considering the fact his eyes were half open while he rubbed them with the heel of his palm. She looked at Jimin who had his attention on the TV with an obvious pissy mood. He looked like a bomb ready to explode if you pressed the wrong button. She pressed it anyway.

"Jimin's crazy!" she yelled before running towards her Sapphire. 

He jumped up from the couch and glared at her. "Piyoon, get back here!!" 

She held on to the back of Suga's shirt as she peeked out and stuck her to tongue at him. That was his last straw as he exploded and ran after her. "Once I get you, you're going to die in my hands instead!" She screamed as she ran around the two innocent Sapphires while trying to escape Jimin. 

The two Sapphires had their arms up in the air as they chased each other around, using them as obstacles to escape. They looked at each other. "Do you have any idea what they're doing?" V asked. Suga shook his head. "She's your human." He looked at Piyoon who was just in front of him. She felt eyes on her so she looked up and flashed him a smile before dodging Jimin who almost knocked him over. "Yeah, I know," he said with an amused smile. 


After they managed to wake up Jin and his family, and their two neighbors, they headed out to eat BBQ with the rest of the campers. The others eventually knew about the breaking news but decided there was no point in sitting around and worrying about what was going to happen to the government so they decided to have a feast before some of the families headed back early. The entire time Piyoon, Jimin and Namjoon were bickering which released the tension in the air while the families amusingly watched them. 

After their lunch was done, they decided to pack their things and head back. Piyoon, Jimin and Suga were heading back with Namjoon's parents so they said goodbye to the rest. Jin approached her and gave her a hug, to which she started blushing like a little girl. He let go and said, "It was nice meeting you. Too bad I wasn't able to do your hair." He smoothed down her hair and she blushed even harder.

"Yeah...thanks for helping me with first aid," she said and he smiled. "Anytime you need me to patch your wounds, you can always call me. I put my number in your phone while it was unattended last night. Seriously, you should keep a password on that thing." He patted her head again before saying his goodbye. V patted and played with her hair for a bit before he waved his goodbye and then heading over to Suga and gave him a dramatic hug and goodbye. 

The three headed into Namjoon's spacious 5 seater SUV but there was not enough space for three boys and a girl in the back so she opted to sit on Suga's lap.

The ride back was quite silent.

They were all happy and cheerful back at the camp but now that they were heading back, reality hit them like a brick. What would happen once they came back? It was the first time a Sapphire ever killed its human and was caught on camera. Would they announce a city crisis? Would they lock them all down? What would happen?

As they were heading back, they noticed cars going the opposite way from them. "What's going on?" Namjoon's father asked. They continued towards the city while more and more cars were escaping it. Eventually, they stopped at the side of the road and he got out to ask one of the cars that were stuck in traffic. Everyone else decided to get out the car for some air. "An evacuation was ordered," he said once he came back. "But the thing is, they took all the Sapphires." His wife gasped. "But what about our Sapphires?" 

"Sweetie, nothing will happen to them. They're just taking precaution. Apparently they want to scan each and every Sapphire in the city so they aren't malfunctioned." He looked over to the Piyoon and the Sapphires. "You three will have to come with us."

"No, we're not leaving our parents," Jimin said. The family didn't know Jimin and Suga were Sapphires.

"I know how you feel but we have to go back to camp. We can wait there."

"What about our Sapphires?" Piyoon asked. "We can't leave them there!" 

"I know how your feeling but we have to leave our Sapphires, too."

"But we can't go back!" She thought about Jungkook and how scared he must've been. He is Abandoned and inside a jail! Something was definitely bound to happen.

"Piyoon, just come back with us," said Namjoon. "It's dangerous there." She looked at him and it seemed like he genuinely cared about her safety. A hand slipped into hers, making her look away. "Thank you for considering our safety although we just met yesterday. But we can't leave. Truth to be told, I'm a Sapphire and I cannot leave my human back there when she has not contacted us. And I will not leave Piyoon and Suga back either."

" you'll put her in danger?" asked Namjoon.

"No, I won't. I will protect them. They're my human's kids."

He was about to argue but his father placed a hand on his shoulder. "We understand. You have to be loyal to your human. As much as I don't want you to go, best of luck to you three." His wife bid her farewells and they got back to the care first while Namjoon stayed back.

"Thank you, Namjoon," said Piyoon and he scoffed. "I didn't do anything but give you scars." He nodded to the dark scars that were present on her face and arms. He also referred to the emotional scars he gave her. "Good luck out there. Let's hope to meet again." He headed inside the car with his parents. They waved goodbye before Jimin tugged her into the trees for cover before the car left.

Piyoon got on Suga's back as they walked towards the city, hiding in between the trees away from sight. "Do you think Mom and Dad will be safe?"

"Of course," said Jimin, "they're in the government building. Even Riley might be safe if he was scanned first."

"How are we going to find them? We can't necessarily say we're related...they won't believe us with all this commotion."

"...We're not going to find them," he said, confusing her.

"Don't you want to find Jungkook?" Suga asked. She looked back and forth between them. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? If so, saying she was touched was an understatement. She was about to ask him but her phone suddenly rang. "Hello? Mom?" They stopped in their tracks to listen in.

"Piyoon? Darling, where are you? Are you safe?" 

"Of course I am. Mom, where are you? What's happening?"

"Your dad and I are in the office with Riley and we're fine. They just announced a crisis situation because of the shooting. Honey, why do I hear horns? You're not at camp?"

"We all decided to head back early but there were cars going the opposite way."

"Piyoon, you have to go back to camp. I'll call you again when everything is fine."

"But Mom-"

"Pass the phone to Jimin, I want to speak with him." She silently passed the phone to the Sapphire. "Jimin, make sure you're back at the camp. Make sure she's safe. It's a good thing you decided to stay back; who knows what would happen if you weren't there. I'll call you when everything is okay."

He handed the phone back to her. "We're not going back. We have to find Jungkook!" Piyoon said before he could say anything.

"We have to get back to camp. Your mom's orders." He turned back around.

"No! I am not leaving Jungkook behind! If he was human, I wouldn't be so adamant on trying to see if he's safe or not. But he's an abandoned Sapphire! They are more afraid of the government than homeless people. I can't just leave him there, no way. Let's go Suga." He turned around and continued towards the city but Jimin grabbed his arm, causing him to lose his hold on Piyoon. She fell down on her bottom with a wince. "Don't hurt her!" Suga yelled, helping her back up. "I don't care what your human ordered you to do but you will not force her to go anywhere when I'm around. We are going back to the city whether you like it or not. I will keep her safe, more than you ever will." He helped her on his back and continued walking.

Piyoon tightened her hold and so did he. She stared at his side profile while he walked. How selfless could he be? He was basically going back to the city for another Sapphire that she might have considered registering. Was this what a Sapphire was? Were they selfless creatures that never judge their humans?

"Why are you crying?" he asked. The thing was, she wasn't even crying. She was only on the verge of tears but he couldn't have possibly known that without looking at her. She hid her face against his shoulder. "I'm so sorry," she apologized. "You should treat me so nicely when I've only hurt you."

"The only way your hurt me is by crying. So don't cry." She couldn't help but start crying.

Finally, they arrived at the city. It was basically deserted of people on the streets. There were only cars escaping from the city. Suga weaved through buildings with Piyoon on his back as they hid from view. Eventually, they got on a street with no people or cars on site so he placed her down. She pointed to an abandoned bus and they hurried towards it. The key was still in the slot as if the driver just escaped to save his life. Suga the engine and drove towards the building Jungkook was in. They got off when he parked right in front of the building but unfortunately, the doors were locked. They walked around the premises to find another way in. "Here," Suga pointed to an open window but it was only opened enough for a hand to get through so she expressed her concern. "I can transform," he said the obvious and she almost hit herself for being such an idiot.

"Uh okay, turn into a golf ball please," she said stupidly. It wasn't her fault - it was her first time. Then, he disappeared in a blink of an eye and landed on the ground as a golf ball. She smiled before picking him up and threw him through the window. In another blink of an eye, he was back to being Suga. "Are you alright?" she asked. 

"I'm fine," he said. "I'm going to open the front door."

"Be careful." She watched him as he slowly turned the door knob and peeked out. She only headed towards the entrance when he disappeared down the hallway. Not long after, Suga unlocked the front door. "It doesn't look like there's anyone in here," he said. 

"Let's make sure ourselves." She led him up to the stairway as they climbed up to the third floor. Making sure the coast was clear, they quickly made their way to Jungkook's room. Like before, the room was unlocked when they arrived. She smiled when she felt his presence but when they reached his bedroom, it wasn't the Sapphire she knew anymore. He was sitting on his bed, back against the headboard, staring blankly in front of him. "Jungkook...?" He didn't respond. She sat down beside him and shook his arm. "Jungkook, it's me, Piyoon. I'm back for you." Still he didn't respond.

"You told me you were going to be fine. You told me you weren't going to get hurt, but look at you now!" She pushed him but it didn't faze him at all.

"Piyoon, you have to be quiet," Suga shushed.

"This is Suga, my Sapphire. The Sapphire you always told me to go find. Well, here he is. Aren't you going to smile for me? Aren't you going to say, 'I'm glad'? Because that's exactly what you would say if you hadn't gotten yourself into this mess!"

Suga's hearing picked up something from the door so he tugged on her arm, motioning her into the closet before closing it. The door opened to his room. "Did you hear something?" a male voice asked. 

"No, I didn't." Footsteps approached the room. "All the Sapphires are asleep. Look, this one is asleep. There's no way they could have made any noise. Come on, we need to go meet the Hunters." Once they heard no more footsteps, they got out the closet.

"Piyoon, tell me what's going on." She looked at Jungkook who was still in his same position before heading over to the couch. She lifted up the seat but saw it bare. There were no red pills, meaning he got caught. She dropped it down and sat on the couch, holding her head in frustration and regret. "These people gave the Sapphires who resided here these red pills. All these Sapphires are abandoned and they were tricked into taking those pills so they become a 'new' Sapphire again. Jungkook found out and he stayed, wanting to find out more or - or something. We both knew he was incapable of playing the superhero. I think he wanted to stay here because he felt something in common with the rest of them. He didn't want to hide in the human world anymore and on top of that, he kept pushing me away, telling me to find my own Sapphire and to forget about him." She shut her eyes close, trying to prevent those tears from flowing out. "But this is where it got him. He got manipulated. If only...if only he wasn't such a selfish jerk, he wouldn't be in this situation." A tear slipped out from the corner of her eye, making her lean back and scoff. "If only I wasn't a selfish idiot that wanted him close to me, he wouldn't be in this situation." She looked up at Suga as tears freely flowed down her face. "What do I do now? Do I just leave him? I don't know what's in his system and I don't have the technology to reverse it. Because of me, he's like this." 

Piyoon covered her face with her hands as she tried to muffle her sob. Suga sighed before sitting down besides her and pulled her to his chest, hugging her tight as she sobbed on his shoulder. He felt all that pent up anger, regret and sadness. They were all the feelings Sapphires would never want their human to feel and she was experiencing it all. Amidst all those negative emotions, he felt a tinge of relief. That small spark of relief was because she was finally able to talk to someone about her situation with Jungkook. He knew from the start that she had no one to talk to, so she had all these secrets inside of her that slowly ate her conscious but when she finally had someone to talk to, he felt a tinge of relief. And that's what a human's Sapphire is all about. When you have no one to talk to and no one to trust, your Sapphire will always be there to be your ear. 

Several minutes passed and she was able to calm down. She gently pulled away from her Sapphire. "What do we do?" she asked, her voice dry and hoarse. He looked back at Jungkook who was still in his same position and then looked back at his human who was staring blankly at his chest. "We...take him."

She looked at him with wide eyes. "What?"

"We get him out of here. He's basically a lifeless doll right now. It'll be easy for us to take him." 

She shook her head. "No, I'm asking you to make a rationale choice and not as my Sapphire."

He softened. "You know I can't do that... If I leave him here, you'll worry."

Her eyes flitted to Jungkook. "But what if they find out that he's gone?"

"Then they'll check the cameras. But in this situation, it doesn't matter. Everyone's evacuating the city. All we need to do is find a safe place to stay. Everything will be alright." His hand grabbed hers and gave it a small squeeze. "We'll be fine." 


Suga adjusted Jungkook on his shoulders like a dead weight before they made their escape. They made it outside but the bus was gone. Before they could even say anything, a horn honked and the bus they stole drove towards them. "Hurry up, idiots!" Jimin called from the drivers seat. The two looked at each other before running towards the bus and hopping on. He closed the door and stepped one the accelerator, heading back to their house.

"What are you doing here?" Piyoon asked.

"I'm here because of you! Why else would I be driving a hijacked bus that you idiots left in front of the building. How stupid are you guys? What if someone saw this bus? You know the bus doesn't even pass that road!" Hearing Jimin nag made her smile and he caught it through his mirror. "Why are you laughing? You think this is funny? You think I'm having fun riding this bus? If the cops were still around, we'd be in big trouble!"

She even had the guts to giggle, making Suga smile. "It's just...I'm glad you're not mad at me."

His mouth hung open before he scoffed. "Lady. Did you not just hear me yell at you the whole time?!" 

"You're only ever mad when you mention Mom. Right now, you're just nagging."

At the mention his human, he really got mad. "Your mom is going to kill the both of us! How dare you run off when she specifically wanted you out of this city? Do you know how worried she will be when she finds out? I can't even head back out because they're going to find out we have a stolen vehicle, a Sapphire that isn't Registered and a freaking abandoned Sapphire! Just amazing, isn't it?!" She winced as he continued to rage on about what they're doing is illegal and how her mom is going to kill all of them. Now he's mad.


Hi Everyone! Thank you all for reading! It's been since Halloween since I updated. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I did lose a chapter since chapter 14, which was in August of 2016. I found the lost chapter a year later, and I can't tell you how glad I am! Now I don't have a missing chapter and this story can continue on!


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01/19/16. For those who are enjoying this fic, I'm glad you are! Might be a while until I update tho b/c new semester = truck load of stress on time management


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Chapter 2: Ok, I’m gonna go back to reading the rest of the chapters :)
Chapter 2: Though I only just began reading this, I enjoy it so much. It’s so good, I’m glad we still have awesome writers like you on this platform.
RachelHoon #3
Chapter 13: I got a feeling Jimin likes her... Do update soon(tho u just updated :D) n Hwaiting!
id3ntical341 #4
Chapter 12: Thank you for updating! Although writing may be for your own stress relief, pleasure, or whatever other purpose it may serve for you, I'm thankful that you decided to share this story with us, the readers. This chapter was very interesting in that it gave insight on the process and experiences that Sapphires go through before meeting their human; it also allowed me to get a better feel for Suga's personality and thought process, though it still does seem quite mysterious and vague as of now. It would be cool to see things from Jimin's perspective though, because currently, Jimin seems to be more of the "bad guy" or the unreasonable and callous one, but I'm sure that he has his own reasons.
Kitty16 #5
Chapter 8: honestly so good!
Kitty16 #6
Chapter 7: This story is so sad but i like it that way I guess. I hope piyoon finds jungkook again and she finds her other sapphire so they could all be together.. I just hope for the best!!! I love it btw
midnight_dreaming #7
Chapter 6: I found this story this morning and I love it, it's very interesting and you shouldn't delete this it's very beautifully written and you can literally feel the emotions as your reading. (Wow this is the longest comment I've ever written in a fic) Also I'm dying to know who Piyoon's Sapphire is!!
Chapter 6: No no no no. Please don't delete this! I think that it's really interesting so far. You should just give it some more time!! I absolutely love the concept and I'm dying to know what happens next. I must know what happens to Jungkook and he other Sapphire.
Also why does Jimin and her parents got to be such butts. They treat Sapphires like family, but when there is one in need you abandon it? Doesn't seem to add up to me.
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 6: Hi! I normally don't comment - or read unfinished fics - but I noticed your note at the very end, and I would like to let you know that I'm interested in this story! The premise is very original and I would love to keep reading (even if I have to wait for updates because, as I said, I don't normally read ongoing stories). Your English also seems to be quite good, so this story is very enjoyable for me to read.