
Forbidden Ways

The next day almost everyone slept in because they all stayed up late last night. Piyoon woke up around an hour past noon. She headed into the vacant shared bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face before she headed downstairs. It didn't seem like anyone was awake yet so she helped herself to some cereal before she checked her phone which was forgotten in the kitchen from last night. 

She almost chocked on the milk when she received a text from Shownu. She swallowed, placed her spoon in the bowl and read the text that had been sent an hour ago. He asked her what she was up to, so she replied that she was on a camping trip with her family. She sent her message and contemplated whether or not she should tell him it was something her family did every year. But then again, why would she tell him that? He only asked her a simple question.

She stared at the screen, waiting for a message to pop up, not even caring if her cereal was getting soggy. 

About five minutes after, he replied, "That's cool. Have fun!" He even sent her two happy emoticons after that. Disappointment washed over her. He just killed the conversation. Shouldn't he have asked her how her trip was going? Didn't he know how to keep a conversation going? She sighed and dropped her phone on the counter, not bothering to reply. She was pissed at him and at herself for getting too excited.

"Good morning," she heard someone call out while she was getting herself a new bowl of cereal. She looked behind him to see Jin coming down the stairs.

"Good morning how was your night?"

"It was good, yours?"

"Same." She passed him the bowl she made for herself and he accepted it with thanks before she made herself another one. 

"Is this your phone?" he asked as he sat down on the stool. She nodded, taking a seat beside him. "Can I see?" She shrugged and he picked it up. He was about to input his number in there but when he swiped the screen of her unprotected phone, her dead conversation with Shownu appeared. Jin scrunched up his face, reading the messages. "Who's Shownu?"

"Some idiot," she replied, making a small face at the thought of him. 

"What's the point of texting someone if the conversation ends like this?"

She sighed, staring at her bowl. "That's what I'm saying."

"This is a boy right? Can I text him?" She shrugged, giving him a green light. While Jin's bowl was getting soggy, she finished hers and dropped it in the sink. "Here," he stretched out the phone towards her. "Hope you don't mind."

Piyoon grabbed the phone, staring at him sceptically for a moment before she read what he had sent. Her eyes practically bulged out at what she read.

"Were you just gonna end the conversation here? If you were, don't text me again."

       "...I'm sorry? I didn't want to ruin your fun."

"You can't ruin my fun by asking how my camping trip is going."

        "Haha, fine. How is your trip going?"

"It's going great! I met this cute boy at my camping site. Cute boyS, to be fair."

       "Oh...I see."

"Are you going to keep this conversation dead again? Don't you want to ask me how cute they are? No, wait. No need to ask. They're really cute and I'm having a blast! And I'm the only girl on this camping site."

"Jin!" she yelled, after reading the last message.

"What? It's not like he's a love interest."

"Still! You can't say things like this! I don't even talk like this!"

"Oops?" he said with a smile.

Her phone vibrated, not signalling a text, but a call. Her eyes widened and showed Jin the display. He grabbed her phone and answered the call before she could react. "Hello?"

"Uh...who's this?" Shownu questioned the male on the line.

"And who's this?" Jin questioned back, now standing up to stop Piyoon from grabbing the phone.

"I believe I asked you first."

"And I believe I don't have to answer your question."

He sighed on the other line. "I just want to speak to Piyoon. I'm her friend, Shownu."

"Shownu? Huh." He lifted the phone away from his ear and partially covered the phone. "Piyoon, Shownu is calling!" He made it sound like she was in another room, rather than standing just centimeters away, trying to grab the phone from him. "Hold on, I think she's playing with the other boys - Piyoon!"

She made a leap and successfully grabbed the phone from him. She glared at Jin while he gave her a cheshire-like grin. "Hello?"

"Are you having fun?" he asked with a sour tone.

"What?" she asked, not fully understanding him. 

"Are you having fun?" he repeated.

"Uh...I guess I am."

"Piyoon, hurry up, it's not fun when one person is missing from Twister!" Jin yelled before running away so she wouldn't hurt him. She didn't know he was this playful.

"So, you're playing Twister?" His tone made it sound more of a statement rather than a question.

"No, I'm not. One of the boys was just joking around. I just woke up when I replied to your text. He was also the one that texted you after that."

"One of the boys? How many boys are currently at that campsite?"

"Uh..." She counted Jin and his Sapphire, Suga, Jimin, Riley, Namjoon - "Too many to count?" he asked. She didn't realize she was taking that long before he spoke up.

"Ha, well..."

"So, Piyoon, I still have that favour you owe me. I want to use it now, although I wanted to use it for something else."

"Sure...what is it?"

"Don't talk about other boys in front of me." Her chest thumped and she felt her face grow hot.


"Because. I'm the only boy you should be thinking about." A tingle went down her spine. "Have fun, Piyoon. Let me know when you're back." The call disconnected but she still had the phone against her ear.

"What did he say?" Jin asked in a whisper, slowly approaching her with a couch pillow. She snapped out of it and placed the phone on the counter before heading towards the couch. She lied down on her stomach and trashed her legs around while she pushed her face against the couch pillow. Suddenly, she stopped and sat straight up, scaring the boy. Jin sheepishly apologized and tried to ask her what he said.

"I'm the only boy you should be thinking about."


She turned to look up him. "That's what he said." The other's face turned into a bright smile as he sat down beside her a shook her back and forth in excitement. "Did I unexpectedly become Cupid? Oh my gosh, Jin, I'm so amazing!" He yelped when her hand came in contact with his thigh. "You made everything awkward! How the heck am I supposed to face him now? I don't want him to like me and I don't want to like him! You could have just stopped before that last text!" She pushed him away before she buried her face against the pillow. 

He scratched the top of his head sheepishly. "I'm sorry. Hey, how about I make it up to you?"

"How?" she asked, her voice muffling against the pillow.

"I'll change Jimin's hair color for you. I know how you hate it. I have everything with me. We'll do it by force if we have to. It's not really against any rules or regulations if we tie him up and dye his hair. Plus, I'm sure his human won't mind if we change it up. Bright orange is pretty harsh on the eyes anyway."

She lifted her head up at the convincing offer - especially the tying up part. His offer doesn't really solve what happened but it's something she really wanted for a long time - to change Jimin's hair color. The two looked towards the entrance when they heard the door unlock and loud voices coming in. Apparently the two households had been outside enjoying lunch while they were the last ones to wake up. Well, excluding V. He was still in his room sleeping.

When they came in the first thing Piyoon noticed was that carrot top. Oh how she wanted it gone! Her eyes met Suga's and she mischievously smiled. She did a quick glance to Jimin how stared at her in question. She sat up properly and held her hand out to Jin. "Let's do it today."

He smiled and grabbed her hand. "We have all day."

Mission Dye Jimin's Hair commenced right away. She first warned her mom that they were going to dye her Sapphire's hair, most probably by force since he was so proud of the color. Her mom was probably going to be feeling angry and queasy, reflective of what he would be feeling. She wasn't really sure of it at first since he did try his best to convince her for so long but eventually agreed after some very convincing persuasion.

She headed into the master bathroom where Jin set up his materials. V even brought in a chair from the dining room while Suga was sitting on the edge of the tub. "You sure you want to do this?" he asked.

"Very sure," she answered. "I've always complained about his orange hair. I don't remember what his natural brown hair looks like anymore."

"What color are you going for?" 

"Black," she answered. "I think it will suit him better than the brown."

He nodded, watching Jin set up his material. "How did Jin bring all of these things anyway?"

"Well, he's a hair stylist and he told me that he always brings his tools and stuff."

"Even hair dye?"

She shrugged. "That was my question. He said he keeps drug store ones. I wonder if they're expired..." They continued to watch him set up his materials that were oddly packed to a camping trip. 

"Would you change my hair color?" Suga asked, touching his mint green fringe. Piyoon looked his way before shaking her head. "This is your natural hair color, so I wouldn't change it. Don't ask me if you can because I won't allow you!" she said teasingly and he smiled back.

"Okay!" Jin clapped. "Time to get Jimin in here. Oh! And before I forget..." He picked up heavy rope from the floor and threw it at Suga. "That's your job." He stared at Piyoon with wide eyes but she shrugged and walked out to yell for him from the top of the stairs. He came up and asked her what she needed. She pushed him into the washroom and closed the door behind her where V was outside, holding the door closed.

Jimin's eyes widened when he saw familiar tools on the counter and Suga holding rope in his arms. "What's this...?" he asked although he already knew the gist of what was going to happen.

"We're going to dye your hair," Jin answered.

"I already asked Mom. She said we could do so." He stared at the counter for a couple of seconds before shrugging and sitting down on the chair. "Sure." Piyoon's and Jin's eyes widened in surprise. They didn't expect him to quickly agree and especially so nonchalantly. They expected an argument, an escape or even a fight but he just sat down without being told. "If you were this easy to convince, I would have did this a long time ago," said Piyoon.

"Well, you said your mom agreed. So that means she doesn't like my orange hair anymore. It's time for a change anyway. What color did you pick?"


"Cool. And what is that rope for?" he asked, nodded at Suga through the mirror.

"Uh...to tie you up if you didn't agree."

"Oh. Wait...what?!" He whipped his head towards Piyoon. "You were going to do it by force if I didn't agree?!" She nodded slowly before rushing towards the door. V gladly opened it for her, hearing the commotion and quickly shut it behind her. "I'll be downstairs. Far away from death." She shuddered and headed downstairs. 

Piyoon was with the adults, listening in on their conversation. It wasn't as boring as she thought they were and surprisingly she made a bit of small talk with Namjoon. She thought she'd never be able to make a proper conversation with the most immature person she knew but it went a lot smoother than she even wished for. Dare to say, he wasn't as bad as he was in high school.

"Oh my," her mom gasped and everyone looked at her before looking at what she was staring at.  Everyone's jaw dropped, especially Piyoon's. The orange haired Sapphire they first met wasn't there anymore. He now had jet black hair that brought out his naturally white skin. Jimin tousled his hair in embarrassment. "Is this okay?" he asked his human. Before anyone could answer, Jim appeared beside him and hung his arm around his shoulder. "It's more than okay. It's amazing! I even had him put on contacts. He's looking very handsome."

"Jimin," his human called, ushering him to come closer. He walked behind the couch and leaned down, allowing her to have a closer look. "Wow, Jimin, you look so handsome! Gosh, if you looked like this when I first met you, I don't think I’d ever get married." The group burst into laughter while her husband nudged her jokingly. "Sit beside Piyoon. I want to take a picture."

"If our daughters saw him right now, he'd be sticking to him rather than Jin," the girls' mother commented.

"I...will admit that," Jin replied, making them burst into laughter. Taerin ushered her Sapphire to sit in between Piyoon and Namjoon while she took out her phone. 

He sat down and asked quietly, "How is it?" Now that she saw him up close, he could see his grey contacts. She didn't expect the black to comment his complex so much. He looked like a model. "I do?" he asked. Her eyes widened in surprise and her face warmed up, realizing she said it out loud. "Y-yeah...you do. You're handsome," she replied and he smiled. She had to look away, afraid he would notice her cheeks reddening. She also frowned at the fact that her heart was beating a bit faster than it usually should. It had been a very long time since he smiled at her.

Ever since she met Jungkook, she never once saw a smile on his face, whether it be towards her mom or in front of the TV. Realizing that, her heart felt like it shattered. Was it because of her that he never smiled? She only ever thought of herself and Jungkook and never really considered his feelings. He kept talking about how her mom would feel but he never talked about how he would have felt because Sapphires are like that. They consider their humans before themselves but Sapphires have feelings, too. Piyoon just forgot that because she was so mad and angry at him for not respecting her decisions. She must've hurt Riley, too. He's such a family oriented Sapphire and was obviously hurt.

"Piyoon!" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up. "What's wrong? I called you a couple times," her mom said.

"Just thinking about the reason why Jimin ever dyed his hair orange in the first place." The room burst into laughter except for the two Sapphires in the room. One was rolling his eyes while the other was concerned. "While we're at it, let's just take pictures with all of us." After taking a picture of Piyoon and Jimin, the others started to join in. Soon enough, it became a small memory photo shoot. 

After, Piyoon and Suga had a small talk. "What was that all about?" he asked. 

She was hoping he'd just ignore all that but of course she knew he wouldn’t let her off the hook. "I realized that ever since I met Jungkook, Jimin hadn't smiled until now. Riley likes to hide his feelings but I know none of his smiles were real. He had to hide the fact that I hid an abandoned Sapphire from my parents. On the other hand, Jimin is just an open book. I just can't believe I never realized until now."

"It's not your fault you didn't know. You're not his Sapphire."

"But he's my family,” she stressed. “Because I was so concerned with the fact that no one was on my side, I didn't realize that it not only hurt my parents but them also." She scoffed in disbelief. "I can't believe how dumb I am. And would I dare say that after Jungkook left for that short while, they weren't happy either? Because we're family. If either I or my parents are unhappy, they will be, too."

Suga stayed silent as she continued to rant her feelings.

"You know, sometimes I really dislike Sapphires. They are emphasized as whatever you want them to be. They can be this, they can be that and we sometimes forget that they also have feelings and that they're not robots. Even as someone who doesn't rely on Sapphires for their transformations, sometimes you can't help but subconsciously think they are beings without feelings. That's what I did and I'm so ashamed..."

Suga sat closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I don't think you're the only one. I'm sure your parents have done so in the past."

"But even knowing that I was so selfish about it doesn't make me feel good at all."

"Maybe you should just apologize. I think that's the best way to resolve your problems and give them the closure that you did think about their feelings."

"How about you do it right now?" They turned around to see Jimin pushing Riley on his wheelchair. She stood up, surprised by their entrance. "When...no - how much did you hear?" she asked and he shrugged. "More than enough. Riley just got here though. But you don't have to repeat anything."

"What do you have to apologize for?" Riley asked with a small smile. Just seeing him smile made her a bit emotional so she took a deep breath. Suga gave her shoulder a slight squeeze and she started. "I'm sorry for not thinking of you two when I selfishly brought in Jungkook. I only thought about hiding him from my parents. You two were so worried about how they would feel that I didn't realize how you would feel. You two were conflicted on whether or not you should keep my secret or not. I'm sorry for not realizing sooner..."

No one said a word and it made her uncomfortable. "Can someone say something? I just apologized..."

"Sorry, Piyoon," Riley spoke. "I didn't really expect an apology. I mean, we're just Sapphires. We respected your decision because that's the kind of person you are."

"And that's what he thinks. I, on the other hand, was very angry at you. I sometimes couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about it. You don't realize how much stress I was under. I even - ouff!" Riley hit him in the stomach, signalling him to shut up. He nodded to Piyoon who had started crying. Jimin's eyes rounded in surprise. He didn't mean her to cry – he was just joking! "H-hey, Piyoon...I was only kidding."

He approached her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He was quite flustered. "You weren't!" she cried. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" She covered her face with her arm as she cried a bit louder. The Sapphire pulled her into his arms and her hair. "Hey, we're just Sapphires. There's no need to cry about it."

"You're not just Sapphires. You’re family!" He smiled when she wailed a little louder. Usually he'd find crying girls other than his human annoying. Heck, it was annoying when she kept crying when she was younger but he found this Piyoon adorable. How could she cry because of a couple of Sapphires? "Stop crying, you big baby. We forgive you, right Riley?"

"Of course," he reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Because we're family."


Wow, so many things happened in this chapter that I didn't know what to call this chapter! The most important thing is that Piyoon and Jimin FINALLY made up! Gosh, it's been since like what...10 chapters ago that they started to hate each other's guts? That's quite a long time! But now that they've made up with each other, how do you think Jimin will act when Jungkook appears again?

The second most important thing is, Jimin dyed his hair black! #blackhairjiminappreciation

Also, who thinks Suga's black hair just gives him a whole different atmosphere? #JHOOOOOOOOOPE


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01/19/16. For those who are enjoying this fic, I'm glad you are! Might be a while until I update tho b/c new semester = truck load of stress on time management


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Chapter 2: Ok, I’m gonna go back to reading the rest of the chapters :)
Chapter 2: Though I only just began reading this, I enjoy it so much. It’s so good, I’m glad we still have awesome writers like you on this platform.
RachelHoon #3
Chapter 13: I got a feeling Jimin likes her... Do update soon(tho u just updated :D) n Hwaiting!
id3ntical341 #4
Chapter 12: Thank you for updating! Although writing may be for your own stress relief, pleasure, or whatever other purpose it may serve for you, I'm thankful that you decided to share this story with us, the readers. This chapter was very interesting in that it gave insight on the process and experiences that Sapphires go through before meeting their human; it also allowed me to get a better feel for Suga's personality and thought process, though it still does seem quite mysterious and vague as of now. It would be cool to see things from Jimin's perspective though, because currently, Jimin seems to be more of the "bad guy" or the unreasonable and callous one, but I'm sure that he has his own reasons.
Kitty16 #5
Chapter 8: honestly so good!
Kitty16 #6
Chapter 7: This story is so sad but i like it that way I guess. I hope piyoon finds jungkook again and she finds her other sapphire so they could all be together.. I just hope for the best!!! I love it btw
midnight_dreaming #7
Chapter 6: I found this story this morning and I love it, it's very interesting and you shouldn't delete this it's very beautifully written and you can literally feel the emotions as your reading. (Wow this is the longest comment I've ever written in a fic) Also I'm dying to know who Piyoon's Sapphire is!!
Chapter 6: No no no no. Please don't delete this! I think that it's really interesting so far. You should just give it some more time!! I absolutely love the concept and I'm dying to know what happens next. I must know what happens to Jungkook and he other Sapphire.
Also why does Jimin and her parents got to be such butts. They treat Sapphires like family, but when there is one in need you abandon it? Doesn't seem to add up to me.
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 6: Hi! I normally don't comment - or read unfinished fics - but I noticed your note at the very end, and I would like to let you know that I'm interested in this story! The premise is very original and I would love to keep reading (even if I have to wait for updates because, as I said, I don't normally read ongoing stories). Your English also seems to be quite good, so this story is very enjoyable for me to read.