░ Chapter 18 ░

►► The Play House: Dark Knights & Angels ◄◄

Author Note: Updated twice in one week?? Whatttt?? What is this magic???

Do you remember this place my child…

Jeanne is sitting in the center of a frigid empty darkness.

One by one areas of her surroundings are illuminated revealing she was in a room that seemed to belong to a child.

It was quite posh with regal looking adornments of ivory. The carpet now under her was soft against the palms of her hands.

To her side was a wooden chest filled with toys belonging to a young girl.

Dolls of different shapes and sizes were overtaking the space, all glass eyes on Jeanne as if assessing her.

The more she took in the room the more this familiar feeling of loneliness washed over her. She’s been here before and for quite some time.

How does it make you feel to be here?
…..Lonely…I want to leave….

But there was no door. Not a single entrance or exit.

The single white paned window in the room was plastered shut as if it weren’t even really there.

Outside Jeanne sees nothing but a blue veil of aurora colors. It looked transcending and never ending. Magical.

But the longer she stared the more irritated and anxious she felt.

You were not meant to leave my child….
Who are you? Why did you show me this? What is going on?!

The room begins to shake with Jeanne’s rage. She then throws a tantrum tossing everything around the room and once she reaches the Dolls she freezes.

Grabbing a home made stitched rag Doll she holds it to her chest and sobs. She could not hurt these, they were too precious to her.

Her only companions. When her Fa-Huh?

You are awakening my child. We shall meet soon.
Soon? Let me out! Let me out! I do not want to be here!

The Coven of Demons sitting in the living area of their mansion are startled as it starts to shake uncontrollably.

The statue Gargoyles look at each other worriedly before dislodging from their posts and running out of the door in fear.


Hongbin hisses.

The quaking is so severe the usually graceful creatures were having a hard time keeping up right.


The collared demons find their equilibrium and blur up the stairs in haste with Hakyeon on their tail equally concerned.

Sanghyuk is the first to arrive. Grabbing the door knob of the girl’s room he tries to force it open but it does not budge.

“What the hell?!”

Jaewhan melts into mist to try to enter under the cracks of the door but it’s of no use. It’s as if the door was merely painted on a wall.

“Let me”

Hakyeon moves everyone aside. He phases into his mighty Titan form and collides a colossal fist into the tiny door but nothing happens.

There is no break, no dent, not even a scratch.

Suddenly the quaking subsides and the atmosphere becomes eerie and quiet.

All eyes fall on the door as the knob is slowly turned.

Jeanne rubbing her eyes softly pulls the door open a bit and is startled by the crowd in front of her.

“Good morning?”

Anxiously Wonshik pulls the confused girl into his arms as his brothers raid the room. They over turn the entire area but find nothing out of the ordinary.

The Berserker places his hands sturdily on Jeanne’s shoulder glaring at her with worry.


Sensing the urgency in his voice Jeanne is now fully awake and looking around alertly.

“What happened? Did something happen?”

Hongbin blurs to her side and brushes a few strands of her bed head behind her ear with a relieved frown.

“Now is not a time to kid Jeanne. What on Earth happened?”

Being surrounded by faces that seemed to age from stress despite being immortal Jeanne begins to tear up feeling guilty.

“I…really do not know what you’re all talking about. Honest. But whatever it was I‘m sorry? Please don‘t look at me like your worlds have crumbled.”

Jaewhan steps in front of Jeanne grabbing her face in his hands. His eyes glow as he looks into her Emerald ones to probe through her mind.

He pulls back and sighs under expecting eyes.

“Nothing. It’s as she said she woke from her sleep from our pounding on the door. But her room was not shaking like it was out here.”
“Are we crazy then?”

Sanghyuk asks innocently looking to his brothers for guidance but they too are at a loss for a reason for the phenomenon.

Taekwoon looks at Jeanne who peers back at him with glistening Emerald orbs.

Narrowing his eyes he sighs and is the first to blur and leave. He returns shortly with a silk handkerchief and wipes away her tears.

“You’ve had us worried Pet. Yes even me but clean your face you have a big day ahead of you.”

Hakyeon rolls his eyes and pats Jeanne’s head trying to comfort her in his own reluctant way.

Tonight was the long awaited grand reopening of the Demetrus Gallery.

Jeanne had returned to the Human Realm with the Demons in the early morning to get things organized before the workers came.

Exiting the storage room with rolled up parcels the young woman freezes and drops everything in her hands.

A large marble statue of a lion had just walked by her majestically. Yes. Walked.

The lion statue that was located precisely at the entrance of the gallery was now sprinting up the hall chasing cherubs that were originally from the main hall‘s ceiling.

“Excuse me”

Startled Jeanne looks down to see a mother goose in a bonnet tugging at her jean leg. The bird created of oil paints blinked up concernedly with dark spiral eyes.

“Have you seen my children?”
“….no…Ma’m…but…I am sure they’re here somewhere.”


They look up the hall to see a row of fluffy yellow chicks riding a long winding tree trunk growing from a frame on the wall.

Jeanne’s eyes widen as the mother thanks her and waddles off leaving a trail of color from her webbed feet.

“They did this….”

Speed walking stiffly Jeanne narrowly avoids the doors of her work place flying open.

A unicorn with a silver mane that was floor length neighed and ran straight into a painting of pastures on the opposite wall.

Inside the room Jaewhan and Hongbin are seen throwing what looks like glitter at canvas on easels.

The paintings glow and out pops the subject fully animated.

Sanghyuk high fives the little woodland sprite from the forest painting and it flutters past Jeanne’s shocked expression.

Wonshik is standing in the corner covering his eyes believing if he couldn’t see her than she couldn’t see him.

Hongbin looks over and beams mischievously. He blurs over grabbing Jeanne by the wrist and glommed the floating sparkles into her hand.

“And there she is the woman of the hour~ The woman who created all these lovely creatures sprouting from their canvas prisons~ Ha-zzah~”

He claps whimsically but all gasp as the young woman faints completely overwhelmed.

The Fallen Angel fans her face after pulling her limp body into his arms.

“Well that wasn’t the reaction I expected….hahaha marvelous!”
“I am surrounded by imbeciles and Neanderthals”

Wonshik shakes his head in disbelief while Sanghyuk and Jaewhan innocently poke at Jeanne‘s limbs amused.

Taekwoon helps Jeanne into a chair as she holds an ice pack to her head.

The vampire Demon glares at his brothers gathered round and in turn they all look in different directions.

“All I ask is you all behave yourselves tonight. Please. If I could have one wish it would be that this night will go on smoothly without any problems and I and the guests can have a grand time.”

Jaewhan grins handsomely.

“We’re not genies Jeanne.”

Sanghyuk raised a gloved hand with a serene smile.

“In our defense we thought you’d enjoy the fairy dust. That’s what was used to bring your work to life.”
“I appreciate it Hyuk but maybe if it were some other time. There is time for play and time for work and tonight is a very serious night. Wonshik why didn’t you stop them?”

The young woman looks to her Berserker lover who shrivels under her gaze against his will.

She looked so precious with those round Emerald eyes looking at him but they were filled with disappointment. It made him both sad and aroused.

“I was out numbered. I apologize.”

Hongbin hugs Jeanne from behind and plants a chaste kiss a top her head.

“We will behave Jeanne….but….on one condition…”
“Knowing you it is no ordinary condition…”
“I am no ordinary man”

As predicted Hongbin’s request was wicked and demeaning.

Jeanne held the last of the old leather collars from the labyrinth in her hands clumsily.

She looked over her shoulder pleadingly at the trail of Demons following behind her dignified while she stumbled over her own feet.

Expecting better from Taekwoon and Wonshik instead the entire lot of them were silently enjoying this little scheme of Hongbin’s. Demons will be demons.

Arriving at one of the guest rooms the young woman swallowed hard as she placed her hand on the knob.

“Must I do this….it doesn’t seem….”
“It’s for his own good….and our amusement”

Hongbin snickers with a bow. Jaewhan’s mist exit’s the room and he materializes into demon form with a toothy grin.

“He’s still asleep Jeanne~ Now’s your chance”
“You’re all evil and horrid”
“Awww thank you that’s so sweet”

She whines, given no more room for argument as Sanghyuk opens the door for her with a finger over his lips.

The coven leader Hakyeon was asleep in the center of the bed big enough for two.

His suit jacket was placed with care on the back of a chair and the top buttons of his shirt undone revealing smooth honey chest.

He had one arm bent under his head and the other resting on his stomach which rose and fell with his steady breathing.

Looking at the men with one last expression of mercy Jeanne fights off a yelp as surprisingly Taekwoon is the one who pushes her deeper into the room.

Holding her breath the young woman approaches the sleeping other worldly man and kneels by the bed.

With shaky hands she brings the collar up to his long slender neck. She almost cries as Hakyeon groans and turns on his side with his face to hers.

His scent fills her senses. Spicy and sophisticated just like him.

With a crease of his brows the Demon slowly opens his eyes and glares at Jeanne with pitch black orbs causing the color to drain from her face.

“Do you wish to die Pet?”
“N-n-n-no sir”

The room whips up in a frenzy as the rest of the coven enter the room and close the door behind them.

Jeanne shrieks as she’s now found herself straddling Hakyeon’s hips with his brothers pinning down his arms and legs.

The Titan Demon snarls and struggles.


Sanghyuk covers Hakyeon’s mouth and holds his thrashing head nervously.

“If you are going to do it Jeanne I suggest now be the time. I am Death but I do not want to die”

Jeanne looks around the room at the obviously amused Demons holding down the man’s appendages with strong inhuman grips.

She cries an apology bending forward and wrapping the leather ring around Hakyeon’s neck.

But it doesn’t close.

Again and again she tries the clasp but it does not sparkle and seal like the others before it.

The room rumbles and the bed breaks as Hakyeon’s body begins to grow.

“Ohhhh we’ve done it now”

Jaewhan snickers delighted as the arm in his grasp erupts in spikes and scales. Jeanne gasps.

If he grows too large he’ll break right through the roof and flooring. Who knows how long it would take to acquire a cleaner before employees arrive.

Quickly the girl leans forward hugging the growing Demon’s chest.

“Please! Please Hakyeon! Stop phasing! You’ll destroy the gallery! Please I beg of you! I‘ll do anything!”
“Anything you say?”

Through the two tone grumble Jeanne heard the same mischief in his voice that Hongbin had with his ‘one condition.’

Hakyeon’s form shrinks until he his normal sized and holding a quivering Jeanne in his lap.

“First off”

He plucks the collar from the girl’s hand making her flinch.

“I’ll be keeping this. Second. You all leave.”

The five men stand their ground, their collars gleaming. In fact instead of leaving they approach closer.

Jaewhan shakes his head.

“Sorry Brother but with you being the only un-collared one of us our need to protect Jeanne is at an all time high.”
“Leave the room or she won’t live to see her precious reopening in a few hours. I‘d hurry. Other humans shall be arriving shortly.”
“Do not test us Hakyeon”
“Who’s arms is the Pet in right now? Do you believe you all can over come me in a test of speed?”

Hakyeon replies smoothly causing the others to give off a soft growl of disapproval.

Taekwoon is the only one to catch the tick in that Demon’s smile and concedes.

He blurs to the door and beckons for the rest to follow.

Once the door closes Jeanne is taken back as Hakyeon smiles then proceeds to laugh. He places a light peck on her cheek before blurring to his coat and slips it on.

“I don’t….”
“Since everyone seems to have forgotten that I am the Coven Leader. They should be obeying me without argument but instead they follow you like fools. I need to feel my power of rule to make myself feel at ease even if I have to threaten you for it. My apologies but please try to see this from my stand point. A mere human dethroned me. It was this or I have my way with you and you‘d rather be able to walk tonight wouldn‘t you?”
“Dastardly human!”

Jeanne jokes puffing out her chest. The Demon blurs back to the bed side and sits adjacent Jeanne with a leg crossed over the other.

“Dastardly human indeed. I am trying to rage but yet this human can amuse me enough to smile. What magic is this?”
“You have a beautiful smile Hakyeon. That in itself is magic…ow ow ow”

The Demon narrows his eyes and pinches the girl’s cheek.

“Flattery will get you nowhere Pet. Now the last of my conditions.”
“Please let it be a sensible one”
“Depends on if you think the idea of letting Demons free roam among a crowd of humans is sensible”
“Absolutely not!”

Jeanne shoots up and crosses her arms in complete disagreement with this profane request.

Smirking Hakyeon rises from the bed and towers over the shorter human.

“It’s admirable you think you can size up to a Demon like myself. Points for you Pet.”
“You yourself said realms don’t interact with each other. Why on Earth would you want to attend the party?”

The woman gasps as he snakes an arm around her waist pulling her flush against him. He grabs her other hand and begins to twirl her around the room in a waltz.

“Who can resist a good party? Unlike your slaves I can’t be locked away in the basement by your command. I could crash the evening against your will but that would be undignified so I’d rather you just allow us to attend as guests.”

Smoothly Hakyeon lifts Jeanne and spins her in a flashy display of dancing skills before setting her back down on the floor continuing his movements.

“Stop frowning you’ll give yourself wrinkles. That’ll be unsightly.”
“How can I-”
“Trust us? Encontrer Jeanne have you forgotten you are assimilated into my family thus making you family. If we have no trust me have nothing. Besides was it not you who ‘wished’ for nothing to go wrong tonight? Consider us your ‘Dark Knights’”

He smiles wickedly ending his dance with a kiss on her hand. Jeanne sighs in defeat.

“Just this one night?”
“Regular operating hours of the gallery are a bore so yes Pet just tonight.”
“And everyone will behave and aid me if needed?”
“Your lack of faith in us hurts me….Mistre-…Ugh I can not even sarcastically say it. We’ll show your guests just what dignified really means. You have my word.”

Dressed tastefully in her fitted Emerald ball gown Jeanne sneaks into her Grand Father’s room.

Closing the door behind her she leans against it holding a closed glowing fist to her chest.

Her heart is pounding and her palms are sweating as there are only mere seconds till the gates are officially open allowing attendees of the grand reopening inside.

The classical band was warming up downstairs filling the air with a beautiful melody of grace.

The sound of popping champagne pouring down glass towers mixed with the chatter of caterers and hired help.

Opening her eyes Jeanne is caught off guard as the family portrait she had come to see was now on the ground leaning against her family member’s old mahogany desk.

Just a moment ago it was hung high on the wall but how did it get there?

The sound of car engines in the distance breaks the girl’s train of thought and she quickly scurries and kneels in front of the frame.

If what Sanghyuk said about this ‘fairy dust’ was true.

“Grand Father…I’m so frightened…”

She whispers softly as she puts the magic glitter to the man’s painted face. It glows as the rest of the art work had.

Soon enough the man in the painting blinks. Jeanne gasps.

He wiggles his painted nose like a rabbit, something her Grand Father did often to make her laugh.

Painting Joseph looks at Jeanne and his face instantly fills with love.

The young woman’s tears fall as she leans forward to the arm stretching out from the painting and a warm familiar hand is placed against her cheek.

“I-I-I miss you so much Grand Father. So much it hurts. It hurt for so long.”

Jeanne’s body heaves with heavy sobs as the upper portion of painting Joseph escapes the painting and he holds his precious grand child in his arms.

She clutches onto his back tightly her cries becoming so painful she needed to hold onto something.
He hushes her then holds her at a distance smiling at her with adoration.

“You look just like my Jeanne”

The two look down at little Jeanne painted in her Grandfather’s lap. Of course this Joseph would not recognize her for he is the Joseph of long past but it made no difference.

His scent, his feel, his love was the same just as she had always remembered. He wipes her eyes and fixes her hair.

“You are too beautiful to cry sweet heart. May your sorrows pass and bring rain in your heart that sprout seeds of love and happiness.”

Jeanne nods and wiggles her nose in the same rabbit like manor. The painting Joseph laughs a gentle laugh and taps her nose with his finger.

“And you thought I would not recognize my own Jeanne. I’ve told you time and time again to put yourself into your work. Well here I am…well half of me anyway hahaha”
“Yes Grandfather you did. In fact the gallery is reopening momentarily and..I…just”
“You are my grandchild. Strong and beautiful and wonderful. The gallery is in good hands. I am so proud of you Jeanne. Forever and always.”
“Oh Grand Father I have so much to tell you-”
“But Jeanne remember….I am not real. Promise me you will not reanimate me again.”

The young woman frowns and shakes her head. What is the point of magic if you can not use it?

“But but but-”
“It’ll be hard I know but it’s not right and you know it. I will tell you I love you and you will tell me you love me and you will be at peace. Yes?”

A new wave of tears over comes Jeanne as she prepares to give her loved one another eternal fair well. Painting Joseph leans in and kisses her forehead tenderly.

“I love you Jeanne. Be a good girl Sweet Heart. Always good.”
“Always good. I promise. I…I..I love you Grandfather.”

She chokes out longingly and painting Joseph smiles and retreats back into his painting.

He resumes his position giving Jeanne one last nose wiggle that makes her giggle through her sobs.


She blows on the painting. It glows and the fairy dust scatters and vanishes returning the painting to what it once was. Unliving art.  

Jeanne can no longer hold back and she brings her hands to her face and cries. She sags to the floor curling into a ball letting out all she’s held in for the years she was alone.

There’s a timid knock at the door followed by Sanghyuk who enters the foyer with a deep frown unable to ignore his Mistress’ wallowing anymore.

He blurs to her side and gathers the dry heaving woman in his arms. She clutches at the chest of his jacket letting the last shutters of heart break leave her body.

With his smooth leather hand Hyuk tips Jeanne’s red face up to his and kisses her deeply.

Share your pain with me Mistress

Immediately Jeanne is satiated as Hyuk absorbs her malice and self hatred.

She wraps her arms around his torso holding him tight and surrendering herself to his warm forbidden Demonic embrace.


The impeccably dressed Demon Coven bow as Jeanne accompanied by Sanghyuk arrive at the gallery entrance.

They too struggled to not come running to their Mistress when they felt her pain but they did not understand like Hyuk that her break down was not a moment of weakness she didn’t want to be witnessed but a moment when she needed someone the most.

The Demetrus curtsies and smiles.

“You all look wonderful.”
“Don’t we~”
“We always do. Just any other day.”
“Hush Wonshik we promised we’d behave”
“Well Pet as if you couldn’t look any more ravishing you put your own art work to shame.”

The fangs in their mouths gleam as they smile at her and the sight is welcoming. The young woman takes her place by the door as the security signal it’s time.

With her Dark Knights behind her Jeanne felt like she could conquer the world. The world of Art and business of course.

Author Note: And next chapter we have a party ♥ Shoot so close to having Hakyeon on team Jeanne hahaha

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Chapter 22: I really love it! Thx for finish! u do a brilliant work!
Chapter 22: It's brief and well written! It may have not gone the way you planned it to be but it worked out well in my opinion. Hahaha Some stories had been too dragging that I appreciate the adjustments you made. I'm sorry you had lost motivation in the middle of making this story but It didn't discredit the awesomeness of the plot. Well I'll be looking forward to reading more stories from you my dear author. :D
Chapter 19: Omg hahaha Hakyeon-ah... Xd
06reader #4
Chapter 22: I'm so happy that Jeanne ended up with Hakyeon as i want them to be...AND good job author-nim for the lovely and fantastic story.. BUT i want to apologise cause i can't really understand this chapter... it's because I'm a little bit ill so my mind can't function well *sigh*
Chapter 22: Honestly im a bit dissapointed you ended your story author-nim but thank you for amazing story
hoelang #6
Chapter 22: i love it!
Chapter 22: When i saw it's the last chapter i was really sad, disappointed and worried. Sad because this story is absolutely one of my favourites. Disappointed because you decided to give up. I hoped you would continue even if you had to take hiatus. Worried because there's so much to end it in just one chapter...
But after i read it, i was really amazed with your skill!!! Even if you had to include those many events, it didn't seem rushed...
I got to know what happened to her and them... but i still can't shake off the disappointment wholly.. *sigh* i just wish i could go through those events with them..
But... this journey... i really enjoyed every chapter!! :D
I remember when Hakyeon tried to hang himself XD
I remember when Hongbin saw himself for the first time after he became fallen angel TT^TT
I remember when Wonshik first came to her <3
I remember when Taekwoon creepily gave her a cup of tea :P
I remember when Jaehwan got collared (that precious piece of ****!!!)
I remember Hyuk's childish yet manly moments (TT that baby is growing too fast!!! *heartattack*)

Thank you for everything, Author-nim XD you will always remain as my favourite writer <3333 May fate bring us together in the future :))))
edrylla_Dya #8
Chapter 22: I really love both of the Playhouse. And frankly speaking I am very disappointed that the story is cut short due to unavoidable reason because yeah, VIXX is my bias. But lets put it all aside, you deserves a compliment Author-nim. Good job, Author-nim. Thank you for this whole experience. Looking forward for your future stories. Love you.
maiyura #9
Chapter 22: Hihi! Awesome story! Been following u since Got7 Playhouse!
Im so glad u decided to finish this one instead of leaving it hanging...even though its not the original ending u had planned (or is it? Hahah).. Even so, im quite satisfied with this ending... Will u be writing anymore for Vixx? Hahah
I'll look forward to whatever stories u have in the future! All the best!
Chapter 21: I scream when they all lossen their ties. Gyaaa!! You're so lucky jeanne