
Just Another Girl
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“This is so unfair!” Donghyuk complained loudly before turning on the amused girl seated daintily on the bed. The younger pointed an accusing finger at the brown haired girl who only back angelically, “how are you prettier than me, Yunhyeong hyung?”


“It’s Yunhyeong noona now, Donghyuk,” the grinning girl corrected without any hesitation. Her previously cropped short hair was now long and thick, falling in dark red waves behind her back.


Sputtering incredulously, Donghyuk coloured uncharacteristically before forcing himself to look away from Yunhyeong’s exposed shoulder since the T-shirt that she had wore to bed the previous night, now a tad too large for her smaller figure, had slipped to reveal unblemished skin.


Yunhyeong hyung’s really pretty as a girl, Donghyuk subconsciously thought as he drank in the elder’s soft, delicate features. An indescribable emotion flared through him and a scowl uncharacteristically appeared on Donghyuk’s face. If truth was to be told, Donghyuk wasn’t exactly sure why was he so upset about Yunhyeong’s appearance.


I can’t be jealous of him just because he’s prettier than I was. The dark haired boy pondered, annoyed at himself and his strange emotions. It was actually kind of ironic how his emotions were the most strangest thing to him instead of s turning into girls. Junhwe had also been prettier than me as a girl and I didn’t reacted so strongly so what the heck is wrong with me?


Still seated on the bed, Yunhyeong stared intently at Donghyuk with an expression of slight confusion on her lovely face. Unwittingly, Yunhyeong touched her own face, musing with no small amount of pride, guess I’m still good looking as a girl.


“Well,” Hanbin began uncertainly as he watched the pair in mild bafflement at the different expressions on their faces — one extremely upset and the other extremely pleased. What in the world is going on?


Clearing his throat to get everyone’s attention, Hanbin shrugged his shoulders before finally deciding, “I guess there shouldn’t be any problems now? You look like you’re the same size as — well — I’m not being creepy or anything but —” His face suddenly red, the leader stumbled over his words nervously as Yunhyeong turned her gaze to him, eyes wide with anticipation.


“Hanbin, you were saying?” Yunhyeong prompted gently, her voice musical like an angel’s, and Hanbin’s voice died in his throat.


For one moment, Hanbin was stuck dumbfounded as he stared at Yunhyeong. Noticing this, Donghyuk’s scowl deepened and he not-so-subtly pinched Bobby to do something useful like stopping the leader from ogling at Yunhyeong.


To be honest, Donghyuk couldn’t really blame the leader. Truly, Yunhyeong as a girl definitely resembled an angel. While Bobby had been confident y, Donghyuk nerdy cute, Junhwe model like gorgeous and Jinhwan endearing adorable, Yunhyeong was in another league of her own. She was practically a goddess descended to Earth; here to bless puny mortals with her unearthly beauty and pure goodness, and in the name of the moon, punish all evil... Donghyuk may or may not have been exaggerating and watching too much Sailor Moon.


Snickering at the two widely different reactions from his group members, Bobby swung his arm over the stunned Hanbin. He grinned at Yunhyeong before helpfully translating, “what our beloved leader means is that your s are about the same size as Junhwe’s rack so you can just reuse her bras.”


Snapping out of the daze, Hanbin let out a sigh of relief quickly. “Yeah, that’s what I meant.” Then he shot the older boy a pointed look, adding, “just not as crude.”


Bobby only smile wickedly at the leader as Chanwoo, who had been quiet the whole time, gulped audibly, his face pale as milk. He was a good ten feet from Yunhyeong as if that would prevent him from becoming a girl. “It’s my turn next, isn’t it? I don’t want to be a girl.”


“Shut up, Chanwoo,” Junhwe snapped as he smacked the back of the maknae’s head. Chanwoo cursed under his breath but kept silent, his face sullen. It was a pretty common expression nowadays with members transforming into girls like no one’s business. One would have thought that Chanwoo would have already be resigned to his fate.


Pointedly ignoring the maknaes, Jinhwan then spoke up in a kind voice. “Come on, Yunhyeong, let’s go get you a change of clothes.” He extended a helping hand towards the girl who took it with a wide smile.


The mention of clothes redirected Donghyuk’s attention to Yunhyeong’s body and then to her face, and he wanted to bemoan the fact that yes, Yunhyeong was prettier than anyone in the world and she was hence, by default, way out of his league. Unconsciously, Donghyuk couldn’t help but feel that his self esteem was now rock bottom or more specifically, non existent.


“Thanks, Jinhwan hyung.” Yunhyeong piped up, ever cheerful. She jumped to her feet and glanced down at her new body. It was difficult to discern her new body type under her oversized body but at least, Yunhyeong could tell that her chest was indeed similar to Junhwe’s size. But her positivity dimmed when she realized that Donghyuk didn’t seemed to be as happy as her. Don’t all boys want a pretty girlfriend?


Jinhwan stared at the girl or to be specific, stared up. Even as a female, Yunhyeong still stood a few centimeters taller than the oldest boy. Jinhwan sighed with a small smile as he muttered to himself. “Why am I even surprised?”


“Did you say something?” Yunhyeong inquired politely, innocent as a lamb. Like everything about her, Yunhyeong’s figure was painfully flawless.


“Nothing,” Jinhwan immediately flashed a smile at the girl, thinking on the spot. “I just thought that you should know that you’re really pretty, Yunhyeong.”


At the sweet compliment, Yunhyeong beamed brightly at Jinhwan and Donghyuk pinched Junhwe’s side purposefully. Only instead of Bobby’s easygoing laughter, Junhwe kicked Donghyuk’s shin in retaliation.


Ouch, Donghyuk complained. He wasn’t sure which was more painful — the sharp jab of pain in his shin or the uneasy lack of self confidence. He was way out of Yunhyeong’s league.


“Junhwe, go get your bras out for Yunhyeong.” Jinhwan commanded, tossing the order over his shoulder, as Yunhyeong and he made their way out of the bedroom with her hand resting on his arm like they were at some formal party.


Donghyuk seethed further at the sight.


“Why me?” Junhwe automatically complained as he shoved Chanwoo forward, the younger nearly tripping and falling on his face. “Get the maknae to do it.”


“Excuse me, I’m the maknae,” Chanwoo pompously declared after regaining his balance. “Not a slave.” He glared daggers at Junhwe for added emphasis.


Yunhyeong turned around to face Junhwe, her perfect pink lips shaped into a pout. “Oh, Junhwe, wouldn’t you please do a favour for me?”


The abrupt change in Junhwe was almost comical as his annoyed expression instanteously disappeared and was replaced a face of absoutel bashfulness. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly before nodding his head, cheeks a faint shade of pink. “Sure, sure — No problem, Yunhyeong noona.”


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Chapter 6: ah, i really want to read hanbin turning into a girl!
HannaG #2
Chapter 6: Honestly I never thought I would be this happy to read about my bias (Hanbin) turning into a girl but I am, and it should feel wrong but it feels just right hahahaha (Bobby's reaction though, I feel ya boy)
Yozari #3
Chapter 6: You're amazing! Ah, I can't wait for the next chapter! > <
rocketrochers #4
Chapter 6: I love how sassy Chanwoo in this fic,
and girl!hanbin will be the death of me x) Waiting for next update ~
northstream #5
Chapter 6: Yunhyung is ANGEL!! I cant wait for Hanbin term author-nim TwT. And i cant wait for Bobby reaction hahaha.
RoseCaro09 #6
Chapter 6: Han Bin can't be girly. Aldjñabs, Ji Won would be excited. [?] Continue!
Chapter 6: XDDD I'm so excited to see what happens while Hanbin's a girl omg
Chapter 6: Same Mino, same. YuNoona is really such an ideal girl *^*
Usernamealreadytaken #9
fl0wermask #10
Chapter 6: I cant wait for hanbin's transformation!!! Great story!! <333