
Just Another Girl
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“Help,” Donghyuk squeaked softly from her bed, whispy bangs falling into her face, as she stared at the six boys surrounding her.


Her blanket was pulled up all the way to her neck and she looked so innocent and pure in that bed of white pillows that Yunhyeong felt like he wanted nothing more than to keep Donghyuk in her bedroom, away from the evils of the world that could taint her beautiful, pure soul.


“Okay, that’s it. I’m quitting iKON.” Chanwoo immediately exclaimed, his voice rising with each word, until Junhwe smacked the back of his head and the maknae fell into sullen silence.


Hanbin was scratching his head in slight confusion before shrugging his shoulders. “Well, we can’t do anything about it.” He turned to Jinhwan who was beside him, asking, “How long did it took for Bobby hyung to change back?”


“A week or so, maybe?” Jinhwan answered, frowning in concern. Considering how he wasn’t the first to change, Donghyuk was acting very weirdly like he didn’t want to take a step out of bed. Then again, it’s not everyday your balls get replaced with a pair of s.


“Yah, Bobby hyung. How long did you take?” Hanbin questioned, directing at the most experienced of them all.


Bobby, who had leaped onto Donghyuk’s bed the second he came in, didn’t seemed to have heard the leader’s question. He was too busy tugging at Donghyuk’s hair despite the younger’s whines of pains whenever he pulled too hard.


“Whoa, your hair’s smoother than mine.” Bobby remarked as he Donghyuk’s long locks, a mix of envy and awe was evident in his voice. “This is unfair.”


With slight impatience, Yunhyeong reached over to tap at Bobby’s shoulder sharply. “Bobby, how long did you take to change back?”


It took Bobby a moment to recall but even then, his answer was vague. “I think it was about a week. Eight days, tops.” He added.


Hearing that, Donghyuk let out a loud wail as she pulled her blanket over her head, leaving a lump of white at the spot she was at previously. Hanbin raised a curious eyebrow at Donghyuk’s strange reaction while both Jinhwan and Yunhyeong exchanged a look of incredulity.


At the same time, the two oldest members climbed onto the bed, moving towards the huddled Donghyuk. Tentatively, Yunhyeong placed an arm on Donghyuk’s shoulder while Jinhwan quietly asked, “What’s wrong, Donghyuk?”


There was a groan from the lump.


“If it’s the whole turning into a girl thing, don’t worry too much about it.” Jinhwan continued in a reassuring tone as he patted Donghyuk’s head. “I mean, Bobby changed back eventually and so would you.”


“Hopefully.” Junhwe fake coughed, unable to keep his mouth shut. Jinhwan shot Junhwe a look, just as Hanbin stepped on his foot pointedly.


“I’m not worried about that.” Donghyuk spoke, her voice soft and muffled beneath the blanket.


“Then what are you worried about?” Yunhyeong pressed on, genuinely confused.


At that, Donghyuk pulled the blanket off her head as she straightened up. “I’m worried about this.” She finally answered as she let the blanket fall to her lap.


The six boys stared at Donghyuk’s chest and suddenly, everything became crystal clear. The fact that he was now a she didn’t really matter to Donghyuk — not when there was a larger problem at hand (no pun intended).


“Oh.” Yunhyeong simply stated, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. “I see now.”


Hanbin awkwardly coughed once before ordering, “Chanwoo. Run to the stash of female clothes we have and get a... a,” he coughed again, face suddenly red, before forcing the words out, “a bra for Donghyuk.”


Bobby, who had been unusually quiet, blinked once scowling in clear jealousy. He pointed at Donghyuk’s chest, complaining, “This is so unfair. Why are your s bigger than mine?”


Donghyuk released another wail before throwing herself on the bed. Yunhyeong patted his back, in a hopefully reassuring way, while wishing with all his heart that he wouldn’t have such a problem when it was his turn to change.


The thing about Donghyuk as a girl was that she was a stark contrast from Bobby when she was a girl. Where Bobby was all seductive glazes and y curves, Donghyuk was big, innocent eyes and rosy cheeks. Where Bobby looked her best in short shorts and crop tops, Donghyuk looked gorgeous and in her element in a white blouse and knee length skirt.


Her face, previously sharp and chiseled, was now round and only sharp at her chin, giving her the sought after V-line. Donghyuk had been blessed with bigger eyes and more defined cheekbones that any super model would kill for.


As a boy, Donghyuk had been lanky but now, she was considered skinny and her limbs were long and slender. Strangely, for some reason, Donghyuk as a girl was taller than Bobby as a girl, having retained most of her height.


Of course, Donghyuk’s hair was one of the most obvious differences. Donghyuk’s once short hair had now grown so much that it reached her chest. And her chest — there was no denying that it was the biggest and most obvious difference. She was considerably bigger than Bobby and on her slender frame, they appeared to be even larger. Whenever Donghyuk wore a shirt, her s caused the top to rise up to reveal her eleven abs.

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Chapter 6: ah, i really want to read hanbin turning into a girl!
HannaG #2
Chapter 6: Honestly I never thought I would be this happy to read about my bias (Hanbin) turning into a girl but I am, and it should feel wrong but it feels just right hahahaha (Bobby's reaction though, I feel ya boy)
Yozari #3
Chapter 6: You're amazing! Ah, I can't wait for the next chapter! > <
rocketrochers #4
Chapter 6: I love how sassy Chanwoo in this fic,
and girl!hanbin will be the death of me x) Waiting for next update ~
northstream #5
Chapter 6: Yunhyung is ANGEL!! I cant wait for Hanbin term author-nim TwT. And i cant wait for Bobby reaction hahaha.
RoseCaro09 #6
Chapter 6: Han Bin can't be girly. Aldjñabs, Ji Won would be excited. [?] Continue!
Chapter 6: XDDD I'm so excited to see what happens while Hanbin's a girl omg
Chapter 6: Same Mino, same. YuNoona is really such an ideal girl *^*
Usernamealreadytaken #9
fl0wermask #10
Chapter 6: I cant wait for hanbin's transformation!!! Great story!! <333