
Just Another Girl
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“I’m not leaving the dorm and no one can make me.” Junhwe scowled stubbornly, pulling the blanket around her tightly. After emerging from the bathroom with a set of female s (and scaring the out of Chanwoo who had the misfortune of seeing him), Jinhwan had immediately ran and grabbed a blanket to drape around the shoulders of the younger boy (girl?).


Junhwe was clearly not pleased by this new development of his body and even after Donghyuk had passed him some female clothing, Junhwe was still stubbornly clinging onto the blanket. Of course, it was perfectly understandable since Junhwe did underwent a very disturbing change and no one can fault him. Except, Junhwe was refusing to leave the dorm, which was a very worrying thing since their debut was only a matter of weeks from now.


Hanbin tried not to frown but it was really difficult. He briefly wondered if Hanbyul was going to be like this when she was older. As calmly as he could, Hanbin began slowly, “Junhwe, you can’t just not leave the dorm. You have dance practice that you can’t afford to miss and —”


“I can catch up with the others. You know how fast I learn the choreography, hyung.” Junhwe broke in, his voice more high pitched than usual and nearly everyone cringed at the sound of “hyung” coming from a female’s voice. It didn’t matter as much when Bobby and Donghyuk said it but it was suddenly extra weird when Junhwe did it.


“But you can’t — You can’t just —” Hanbin sputtered eloquently, clearly at a loss for words. His years of training did not prepare him for this. Hanbin was trained to lead a group of boys, not a group of boys who randomly switch to the other gender and bring about a whole new set of problems.


Not to mention, it wasn’t as difficult and trying when Bobby and Donghyuk were girls. They had turned into girls when they didn’t have much to do with the exception of the occasional appearance, which they could easily skip, but Junhwe had changed in the midst of preparation for their impending debut. With their nearing debut, the boys were busier than ever and they really couldn’t afford to have one member missing.


That also meant that the chances of fans noticing that Junhwe was a girl were much much higher but what could Hanbin do? Junhwe can’t miss out on dance practice, no matter how much he insists he can catch up when he’s a boy again. They will just have to take the risk and hope that the fans wouldn’t notice a girl in their midst.


“Well, you can’t make me leave the dorm.” Junhwe insisted, not budging on the matter at all. He was seated beside Jinhwan, the only person allowed to even be in his near vicinity, and Hanbin gave the older boy a pleading look.


Help me, Hanbin mouthed towards Jinhwan, feeling very desperate by then. Bobby wasn’t helping much, with his grins and laughter, and either Yunhyeong or Donghyuk seemed like they were about to help his cause while Chanwoo looked like he wanted nothing more but to quit iKON.


Jinhwan sighed and then turned to Junhwe, reasonably stating, “Hanbin’s right, you can’t stay in the dorm all the time. Our fans will wonder where you have been.” Junhwe opened his mouth to speak but Jinhwan overtalked him, “But that also means that we can’t let the fans see you in this state.”


“Jinhwan hyung’s right.” Chanwoo spoke up from his seat on the far end of the sofa, his face still a flushed pink from his earlier encounter with Junhwe. He refused to meet anyone’s eyes as he talked. “If the fans see that we have a girl with us, they’re going to freak. Especially, if they see her leaving the dorm with us.”


“All the more, I should stay in the dorm.” Junhwe concluded, as stubborn as a bull. A smile was starting to appear on his face as he tried to finish the meeting. “Brilliant plan, let’s go with it —”


“No, you’re not.” Jinhwan cut in swiftly, nipping the idea in the bud. He raised his hand as if to hit Junhwe but then dropped it limply, upon recalling that his namdongsaeng was now ayeodongsaeng. “Our debut’s just around the corner and you have to go for dance practice. There’s no way out of it.”


Junhwe made a face, which actually looked even weirder now that he had female features, retorting, “And if the fans catch me with you guys?”


“They won’t.” Bobby grinned, deftly slinking to Junhwe’s side. Junhwe unsubtly moved away from the older boy, a wary expression on his face. “We’ll just dress you up in oversized clothing, hoodies and masks — they’ll won’t be able to tell the difference!”


Another problem soon cropped up because while Junhwe was as tall as Donghyuk — in fact, Junhwe was taller than the other girl by a good five centimeters — she wasn’t as voluptuous so a lot of the clothes and bras that fitted Donghyuk like a glove, didn’t fit Junhwe as well.


While Donghyuk was skinny with sharp angles, albeit her rack, Junhwe was tall and slim with model like proportions. She has long, shapely legs that seemed to go on for miles and a slender waist. Her chest was not as buxom as Donghyuk’s or Bobby’s but it didn’t matter since it looked just right on her.


Junhwe’s once defined face and jaw were less sharp than before, having melted into soft curves. Her eyes were now smaller and narrower but possessed the same attractive aura, and her lips were plumper and looked more kissable. Her long, blond hair fell in luxurious waves down her back, reaching until her waist and her fringe was pushed to the right. Put all these together and Junhwe looked absolutely stunning. In short, Junhwe as a girl was as gorgeous and attractive as she was as a boy.


“I can’t fit into that.” Junhwe simply stated, staring at the flimsy, short skater dress Bobby was holding in his hands. Even just by looking at it, Junhwe could already tell that the dress was way too short for her.


“What do you mean?” Bobby exclaimed, looking at the dress. It had been one of his favourite clothing when he was a girl. “It fitted me perfectly.”


“Well, if you didn’t realize, I’m a lot taller than you were.” Junhwe pointed out sarcastically, crossing her arms and planting herself on the bed. She glared at the dress murderously. “Thatthing is not even going to cover my .”


“Nothing’s going to cover your anything if you don’t choose something to wear.” Donghyuk interrupted, having stayed quiet since the beginning. After the meeting had ended, both Bobby and he had dragged Junhwe into Donghyuk’s bedroom where all of their female clothes were. Since they were the only two members that had been the fairer , Junhwe only allowed them entry and barred the others from entering the bedroom.


“I can always just wear what I’m wearing now. I don’t mind.” Junhwe remarked, arms still crossed. Both Bobby and Donghyuk exchanged a glance at the younger boy’s words. Earlier, Donghyuk only had time to grab a dress so that was pretty much the only thing Junhwe had on her body, the hem ending at mid thigh, and it seemed like Junhwe had conveniently forgotten about having to wear a bra.


Donghyuk cleared his throat before launching into a set of questions. “It’s not a matter of whether you mind or not. You can’t just wear a dress. You need a bra and and — oh no. Do you even fit into any of our bras?”


With that, Donghyuk dived into the bag of bras they had kept as Junhwe’s face turned red at the thought of having to wear one.


“We can always find out now.” Bobby piped out, looking extremely excited for some reason. He tossed his dress aside, and grabbed a measuring tape and brandished it like a weapon. “Okay, I think I still remembered how to do this.”


“That totally does not sound reassuring.” Junhwe deadpanned as Bobby advanced on her.


It was soon evident that Junhwe did not fit into any of Bobby or Donghyuk’s bras for she was smaller in the s area than they were. In the end, Hanbin had to send a disgruntled and grumbling Chanwoo to Suhyun’s dorm to borrow a few.


“I swear, this is the last time I’m getting bras for you guys.” Chanwoo whined unhappily as he passed the bag of bras into the bedroom, his face still beetle red. He wasn’t sure which was worse, asking Bom noona who looked like she had expected it or Suhyun who had laughed her head off.


“Shut up, brat.” Junhwe hissed from behind the door, the bag of bras in her hands. “You’ll get your turn.”


That effectively shut the maknae up, and Chanwoo spent the rest of the day sulking and muttering about needing to talk with the boss.


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Chapter 6: ah, i really want to read hanbin turning into a girl!
HannaG #2
Chapter 6: Honestly I never thought I would be this happy to read about my bias (Hanbin) turning into a girl but I am, and it should feel wrong but it feels just right hahahaha (Bobby's reaction though, I feel ya boy)
Yozari #3
Chapter 6: You're amazing! Ah, I can't wait for the next chapter! > <
rocketrochers #4
Chapter 6: I love how sassy Chanwoo in this fic,
and girl!hanbin will be the death of me x) Waiting for next update ~
northstream #5
Chapter 6: Yunhyung is ANGEL!! I cant wait for Hanbin term author-nim TwT. And i cant wait for Bobby reaction hahaha.
RoseCaro09 #6
Chapter 6: Han Bin can't be girly. Aldjñabs, Ji Won would be excited. [?] Continue!
Chapter 6: XDDD I'm so excited to see what happens while Hanbin's a girl omg
Chapter 6: Same Mino, same. YuNoona is really such an ideal girl *^*
Usernamealreadytaken #9
fl0wermask #10
Chapter 6: I cant wait for hanbin's transformation!!! Great story!! <333