
Just Another Girl
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“Is it just me or is Jinhwan hyung smaller than usual?” Chanwoo asked sleepily as he walked into the living room. He was the last of the seven to wake up and clearly, he was still unaware of the gender change Jinhwan had underwent.


In response, Jinhwan tossed a sofa cushion at the maknae who didn’t react fast enough and got a faceful of cushion. Confused as hell, Chanwoo stared at Jinhwan for a few seconds before realization set in.


“You’re a noona now?” Chanwoo exclaimed in shock before instinctively looking down at himself. “I’m not next, right? I like being a boy.”


This time, Hanbin threw a cushion in Chanwoo. Jinhwan glanced at his leader who was looking really exhausted, like Jinhwan’s transformation has entirely sapped him of his energy. Well, to be fair, no one told him that he would have to deal with s turning into the opposite gender.


And he’s probably worried about his own transformation. Who else is left now? Jinhwan thoughtfully wondered to himself, scanning his vicinity briefly. Hanbin, Yunhyeong and Chanwoo are left.


“I’m not even sure why any of us are still surprised by now.” Yunhyeong remarked, drawing everyone’s attention back to the main subject. He was seated beside the suddenly much smaller Jinhwan who was still lost in thoughts.


“Yunhyeong hyung’s right,” Donghyuk piped up helpfully from his seat on the floor, beside Yunhyeong’s legs. “I mean, how many of us has changed already? Three? Four?”


“Three.” Junhwe automatically replied before correcting himself with a quick, apologetic glance at Jinhwan. “Well, four now.”


“And more importantly,” Donghyuk purposefully spoke without missing a beat, “Jinhwan hyung isn't even freaking out.” He pointed out quite pointedly and in one simultaneous movement, everyone turned their heads to stare at Jinhwan who was finally paying attention again.


Calmly, Jinhwan affirmed, “I’m not.”


No one pried any further.


The thing about Jinhwan was that he was already quite short as a guy but now that he was a girl, (s)he was almost a midget. Previously, the top of Jinhwan’s head was in line with the top of Junhwe’s lips but as a girl, she was a head shorter and wasn’t even reaching the younger boy’s shoulders.


However, even though she was a lot shorter than she was before, Jinhwan didn’t seemed to mind her shortness one bit at all. Sure, as a boy, Jinhwan never really mind his short height, having long accepted it but now that he was a girl and short, Jinhwan seemed ecstatic. Everything has changed; instead of being called a shortie or midget, Jinhwan is now described as pixie-sized, petite and elfin which were all much easier on the ears.


At the same time, whatever she lacked in height, Jinhwan made it up in her figure. She was petite but she was also extremely voluptuous, with all the right curves in all the right places. After Junhwe’s slim, model-like stature, Jinhwan’s shapely figure and S line were a nice contrast and fitted her short frame.


Yet despite her sensual figure, Jinhwan was ridiculously cute and adorable. Unlike the other boys’ long manes of hair, Jinhwan’s blond hair only grew until it reaches her shoulders and her fringe was still always pushed to her right. Her hair was also slightly curly and layered, bouncing on her shoulders whenever she walks, giving her a bubbly, cheerful aura.


Never one to cry over spilt milk and things out of her control, Jinhwan soon accepted her current fate and dived into the pile of female clothes they have accumulated over the weeks rather excitedly. For most of the morning, Jinhwan locked herself in the bedroom with armfuls of clothes which she experimented with. No one was allowed in, not even the members who had already changed, since Jinhwan preferred trying everything herself and refused any of their attempts to help her.


Everyone politely pretended that they didn’t hear Jinhwan swearing as she tried wearing a bra.


“Aww, isn’t noona adorable?” Donghyuk teased the second Jinhwan emerged from the bedroom, now dressed in female clothing. Along with Junhwe and Yunhyeong, Donghyuk was sprawled lazily on the sofa while Bobby and Hanbin were in their bedroom, doing who knows what.


“Yes, I am,” Jinhwan smiled, taking the younger’s remark in stride and not getting annoyed. Not surprisingly, the oldest was clad in a cute, frilly blouse and a knee length skirt with stockings to boot. For the final touch, Jinhwan donned a headband that kept her hair away from her face.


Still smiling, Jinhwan pranced up towards Junhwe whose jaw had dropped, in a rather comical manner. His eyes were wide as if he had never seen a girl before — or more likely,  he has never seen his hyung (noona) dressed up like that. Seeing Jinhwan approaching him, Junhwe hastily recovered his composure and straightened up.


“Jinhwan hyung — noona,” Junhwe hastily rectified his mistake as Jinhwan came to a stop in front of him. She did a quick twirl in front of him, her skirt flying up slightly (Junhwe almost had a heart attack when he saw a flash of pink satin), before leaning forward and resting her hands on Junhwe’s lap.


Cutely, Jinhwan tilted her head as she asked, “so, how do I look, Junhwe?”


Junhwe awkwardly coughed behind his hand, diverting his gaze from Jinhwan’s eyes (was it just him or did her eyes grew bigger when she became a girl?). “Very nice.”


Really. Jinhwan thought to herself and for the first time in her life, she understood why girls were so easily upset by their boyfriends. Nice? That’s so generic.


“That’s it? I look nice only?” Jinhwan pressed on pointedly, her hands grabbing Junhwe’s face and making him look at her. A small part of her was surprised by her aggressive action but Jinhwan brushed it off without much thought. I’m only a girl for a short time. I might as well just loosen up a bit.


Now forcibly staring at Jinhwan, Ju

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Chapter 6: ah, i really want to read hanbin turning into a girl!
HannaG #2
Chapter 6: Honestly I never thought I would be this happy to read about my bias (Hanbin) turning into a girl but I am, and it should feel wrong but it feels just right hahahaha (Bobby's reaction though, I feel ya boy)
Yozari #3
Chapter 6: You're amazing! Ah, I can't wait for the next chapter! > <
rocketrochers #4
Chapter 6: I love how sassy Chanwoo in this fic,
and girl!hanbin will be the death of me x) Waiting for next update ~
northstream #5
Chapter 6: Yunhyung is ANGEL!! I cant wait for Hanbin term author-nim TwT. And i cant wait for Bobby reaction hahaha.
RoseCaro09 #6
Chapter 6: Han Bin can't be girly. Aldjñabs, Ji Won would be excited. [?] Continue!
Chapter 6: XDDD I'm so excited to see what happens while Hanbin's a girl omg
Chapter 6: Same Mino, same. YuNoona is really such an ideal girl *^*
Usernamealreadytaken #9
fl0wermask #10
Chapter 6: I cant wait for hanbin's transformation!!! Great story!! <333