Next Step.

It Was All Real, Wasn't It?

"I'm.....Tao." The boy mumbled.

"Can we trust you?" Xiumin half-shouted back, as the zombie noises were mood killing.

"....I don't know." Chen rolls his eyes.

"Then how do you expect us to let you stay, let alone be with us. Especially since you answered 'I don't know' to a question like 'can we trust you'. Look here, you see that droopy eyed kid with brown hair? And that other hid with big lips and black hair? Yeah, we barely let them in and stay with us like 5 minutes ago. Yes, we trusted them in like 5 minutes. But you know what else?" The Tao boy just stares at Chen, probably confused. "They gave us food. The type of food we haven't had in a while. Yes. Junk food. Best you can provide. Not really but you get it. Anyways, but when I saw them, I just knew I can trust them. Like wow, I can trust them even though we barely met. You see Xiumin here? The one with baozi cheeks and almond eyes, not to mention chestnut brown hair? Yeah, we been friends for a long time. Since childhood. Why do I need to tell you that? Because I can. Now answer me again. With a better answer. Can. We. Trust. You?" - Chen

".....I-I think so." Chen smiles. Everyone- exept Xiumin - stares in shock at Chen.

They stare at him, wondering how persuasive he was- it was a good thing.

"Okay good. Now. Wanna join us while we eat?" -Chen

"....yes." -Tao

"Then sit down. You can sit down next to that Kai fella. The one with black hair." -Chen

"What why me?" -Kai

"Because I said so. Now we all a group understand?" Everyone nods. Tao takes a seat next to Kai.

"So...I'm Baekhyun."


"Well that's nice and everything but, what have you been doing?" -Baekhyun

"Trying to survive. I left my old pack." -Tao

"Pack? What are you, a wolf? A dog?" -Kai

"......" -Tao

"Okay, okay I was just playing." -Kai

"Okay but in all seriousness, why did you leave your group?" Xiumin asked with concern and curiousity.

"One...One of them...Was a tad do I say this...Violent. Yes, not a tad bit. He was...well, aggressive. Downright violent." He nods to himself, as if reminding himself of who the guy was. "But...."

"But what?" Chen chirps.


"Ermm...." Baekhyun let out while opening a box of ChocoPies. "So...Do you remember his name? When did you leave the group?"

"I left the group a week after I joined. I couldn't stand seeing the sight of innocent people getting abused - maybe killed if they're unlucky - just because of one single guy. One single guy who had anger issues. I don't blame him, with all the stress he accumulated. I mean, who wouldn't be stressed by the fact that there's a zombie out break and he has a group he has to take care of, on top of that, random outsiders asking for permission to join." Tao firmly said. Everyone shivered at how...inhumane that sounded. Though Tao made it sound like it wasn't. Killing, or even injuring innocent people because of your anger issues? No.

"....Wow...I can't believe that...Though...You didn't answer my first question. What was his name?" Baekhyun was aching to know this guy, because for all he knew, this guy Tao is talking about, could be that Kris guy he met a while back.

"...Can we please not talk about this...Maybe next time?" Tao shyly said, shifting uncomfortably under everyone's gaze.

"O-oh yeah, sure." Chen said, surprised that Tao looked shy, he seemed like a cold, unmoved guy.

"Well..." Kai muttered, cause the attention to shift over to him. "What do we do now?"

"I...I sugest we leave." Xiumin said.

"Me too. Me and Xiumin have been in this place ever since the zombie out break occured. We should leave, the place is empty." Chen joins. Everyone nods their heads.

"But how? Zombies are right outside the door- and none of of have any experience with zombies." Baekhyun worridly asked, only having knowledge of zombie movies he watched.

"...I have zombie experience." Tao said. Everyone looked at him again. "I mean...In order to get here and survive with my group, of course I have experience...."

"Same to be honest." In shock, Baekhyun and Kai looked at Xiumin. Wondering, how can someone, who looks harmless, have zombie experience? "I pretty sure I gained it from saving Chen's all the time. As well as saving my own ." Chen blushed and punched his best friend in the arm.

"But then" Kai started. "We still can't go the front. Having only two people who know how to kick zombie , won't be enough for a horde of zombies, especially since we have five people. That means three people to protect. It'll be hard."

"....We have the roof?" Chen said.

"Perfect." Tao muttered, while running to the staircase to the roof.

"H-Hey Tao wait up!" Baekhyun shouted.



A/N: Huurrr....sorry, short update ;p. Hope readers enjoy anyways! I'LL try making the next chapter longer! coughunbeta'dcough

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Chapter 2: nice chapter authornim:)