Chapter 2 - The pleas

Collision: A Broken & A Frozen Heart

"That doesn't work. Why

would you put together

two colours that don't


"That slogan is too cheesy.

Get out and come back when

you've come up with one

that actually will not make

people barf."

"Stop. Before you come

in and show me your

work, button up your

shirt, because you are

not here to seduce

people with your cleavage,

that is, if yours is actually


A man outside the room

where all of the harsh

words were being said

brought it hand to his

forehead. Why did his

friend, also known as the

boss of the one of the

greatest advertisement

company, have to be so

brutally blunt and honest?

When the last one came

out of the room, almost

close to tears, Sejong had

enough. He stood up and 

barged into the office

without even knocking.

"Jongin, why do you

not care about people's

feelings at all? You just

say what you want and end

up hurting them. I'm 

surprised that they haven't

quit yet."

The older male looked

at him, eyebrows raised.

"There's no reason for

me to care. Why are you

here, Sejong?"

Sejong just smiled and


"I'm hungry. Let's go

and have lunch."

With that, he dragged

his boss out of the office

to the cafeteria.

While they were eating,

Sejong was constantly

on his phone, texting.

One moment he would

sigh, another moment,

he would crack a smile.

Kim Jongin frowned

at the odd behaviour

of his friend. Was Sejong

becoming bipolar? 

"Who's that you're texting?"

Sejong looked up and 



"Girlfriend?" Jongin


"No. You know I don't

have one yet. "

"Then who? I'm curious

about who makes you

show so many different

emotions in a minute."

The younger one laughed.

"Fine, I'm texting my sister.

She keeps telling me to

eat. Everyday, at around

12 to 1, she would text me saying,

{Sejongie, have you eaten? 

Don't forget to eat.} 

Then when I say that I haven't

eaten, she'll send an essay

about having gastric pains

if I eat at irregular intervals."

"She's like my mom."

"To me, she is my mother."

Sejong smiled sadly.

Jongin stared at him wordlessly.

They had been friends for

quite a while, but that was

the very first time he had

seen Sejong sad. He also

noticed that his friend

didn't really talk about

his family a lot.

"She's older than you?"

"Yeah, my parents divorced

when I was young, so she

had to take care of us. We

never really knew what

happened to make them

separate. But I'm lucky I

still have my sisters."

"Your sister must be happy

that you are always smiling.

I know some people who

can get depressed when

their parents divorce."

Jongin stated.

The latter's face fell.

"My sister is actually

the one who got hurt the

most. She had to work

at a young age. I don't know

what happened to her, but

I think it's because of the

divorce, now she doesn't

like to talk to others, she

acts happy at home, but

we know she's hurting. She

is the type to keep smiling

in front of us, but deep

down she's sad. I wish she

would date someone, so

that she'd be happy again."

"Well you can't force people

to date."


Jung Soojung locked her

phone, setting it aside after

her short conversation with

her brother.

"Soojung, do you want to go

for lunch with me?" A male

coworker asked her. All he

got was a shake of the head,

followed by the girl turning

to face her computer once

more. Soojung heard him


"Geez, you don't have to be

so rude."

She inwardly scoffed. Of

course he wouldn't get it.

They did not know her.

The day went by with her

absent-mindedly doing her

work while avoiding any

interactions with the rest.

It was 6 pm when she decided

it was time to pack up and

go home, she had to cook

dinner for her family. The only

person who took notice of

her leaving was Sunyoung.

To think about it, she was

the only one whom Soojung

didn't mind talking to. She

was friendly and didn't

force Soojung to talk to

her. She allowed the quiet

girl to do all the listening.

Sunyoung waved at her

so she gave a small smile.

At home, her father greeted

her. He wheeled toward his

beloved daughter.

"Dad, I'm home. I'll cook

dinner for us real quick.

Just give me about 30

min to make everything,okay?"

She rushed to the kitchen

and started dicing onions

and garlic cloves. She saw

that her father was going

to follow her and stopped


"Dad, you're going to tire

yourself out by moving

around too much. Stay

in the living room and watch

something first. Are Sooyeon

and Sejong home yet?"

Mr Jung stared sadly

at her turned back. He felt

so sorry that she had to

shoulder the burden of

taking care of the whole family.

The second oldest, Sejong,

was capable of taking care of

himself too, but the eldest

still insisted on treating him

like a baby. The youngest

was still in school, so both

Soojung and Sejong had to

work hard. He sighed. He

was an invalid, and it pained

him to not be able to do

anything. He also knew

that Soojung shut herself

out after the divorce. He

desperately wished that she

wouldn't use their failed

marriage as an example that

marriages won't work out.

That people will only betray

you. He wished that she would

live her life happily. 

Sejong interrupted his thoughts

by coming in through the front

door. He was greeted by his

father, as was Sooyeon.

"Sejong, Sooyeon, go take

a shower first then we'll


"Have you showered?

You're still in your work clothes."

Sejong pointed out. His older

sister just shook her head

and signalled for them to



"...and he's so cute. He helped

me when I had trouble with my

work. I think I like him. Well,

I've liked him for awhile now, it's

just that, it's the first time he's

talked to me..."

During dinner, Sooyeon kept

gushing about this Vernon

guy from her school. At first,

Soojung was listening, but after

awhile, she zoned out. She only

snapped back to reality when

Sejong called her.

"What about you sis? Do you

have anyone you like?"

"As of now, not really."

Both the father and the brother

sighed. They were really hoping

that she would give men a chance.

Not everyone would betray


"Why don't you try going on

a blind date?" Sooyeon suddenly

said. Soojung's jaw dropped. Her

every action said no.

"Yes, good idea. You should go

on one. You're already 25. I don't

want you to be alone for your

whole life." Her father replied,

shockin her.

"I have you guys. I won't be

alone. I also need to take


"You do not need to spent

every second of your time looking

after us, sis. We're old enough

to do that. I'm working, and

Sooyeon has a part time job.

We can take care of ourselves."

"But-" Soojung tried to protest,

but got cut off by her father.

"And when your siblings get

married? And when I am no

longer in this world, who's

going to take care of you?"

Soojung fell silent. She didn't

know how to say that she didn't

need to be taken care of without

sounding too aggressive.

"Please, just go on one date. I

want to die in peace, knowing

that you've learnt to trust others

again. Please." Mr Jung pleaded.

She looked from her father, to her

two siblings. All had a uniform,

desperate look on their faces.

"Fine. Just one date. Who am I

going with anyway? I highly

doubt there would be anyone

interested in me."

"Just trust me, sis. I have someone

in mind." Sejong grinned.



Jongin looked up and asked

the extremely cheerful boy

what it was all about.

"How would you like to go

on a date?"

For a moment, just a brief

second, Sejong saw that his

friend's eyes flickered to the

bracelet on his table. He

wanted his friend to get over

the pain.

"Come on, Jonging, it's been

years. It's time to move on."

"No. I can't. I'll wait for her."

"Too bad, it's already been set."

Jongin stared at him in shock.

How could he set a date for him,

without his knowledge? Sejong

felt a pang of guilt, but he knew

that that was the only way he

could get Jongin to go.

"You wouldn't want to hurt

the poor girl's  feelings right?"

"I wouldn't mind." He shrugged

his shoulders.

Exasperated, Sejong slammed his

hands onto the table, startling

the older male.

"It's been set. I don't want you

moping around all day, thinking

about some girl who left you.

Who didn't feel that you were

important. It's just one date.

Trust me, you'll love her."

"Fine. Just one date. I can't

guarantee that I'll be nice."


Kim Jongin looked around,

wondering if his date was late.

Five more minutes, and he'll



Jung Soojung took her own

time. That was her way of showing

her "profound interest". She stood

outside the restaurant doors,

hesitated, before walking in.


Both hearts were beating in the

same place, the two people

breathing the same air. Both

expecting a smooth date. Just

one smooth date to please their

respective loved ones and friend.

How wrong they were.





Hello! This is really latee. My theatre performance

just finished,so now I'm free. Like, really free.

No school, no practices. Anyway,

I hope you like this. Please don't

forget to comment ( comments make

me have the motivation to update)

subscribe, and upvote! Thank You!

-thorny bush






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Chapter 9: eonnie when will you update the story
graceserenata23 #2
Chapter 9: Been waiting for your update for a year :"(
graceserenata23 #3
Cant wait to read your updates!
Authornim what are you waiting for please hurry and upload
Chapter 9: eonnie come on hurry up and upload i'm curious about what will happen
Chapter 9: Eonnie come on upload the next chapter i'm so exciting i think the admirer is a guy that broke her heart before
Chapter 9: update soon please kkkk love u
Chapter 9: Now, Jongin need to try harder because the secret admire (?) (and who know who is he...) already in action to make jongin effort difficult to court soojung. Hihi
Thanks for update author-nim, I just gonna sleep when I think to check aff.. then tada.... this story update. I'm so happy
Chapter 8: Eonnie such nice chapeter i love it i'm waiting for next one