Just In Time

Where I Left You

New Years was quite interesting to put it lightly.

Typically celebrated with loved ones, acting out age old traditions to ward off bad omens and reign in good luck, we headed over to Taemin's loft instead, to engage in a little drinking, indulge in a bit of gossip. 

We were an out and open couple now, clichely solidified on Christmas Day, where you handed me a gold wrapped box with a Fossil™ watch I'd been pining for, and in return I handed you a paper heart with my confession scribbled in the center.

I felt small for a moment, until you propped up on the tips of your toes and reassured me with a light kiss. 

"This is by far the greatest gift I've ever received," you sang, slipping the piece of paper into your shoulder bag. "I'll frame it and put it on my wall so the girls can see."

You squeezed me and I released a giddy chuckle.

And we'd been vibrant and loving, the envy of our friends, until New Years Eve came. 

New Years, commonly defined as the holiday of changes, would promise many within a miniscule time frame. 

Changes that almost led to an end of a six year long friendship with Taemin. 

Changes that marked the first time a threat appeared to our relationship. 

Changes that would, unfortunately, remind me why I was such a distanced soul in the first place. 

But yet I choose to relive this sad day in our history in hopes you'll relive it too. 

To see, really see, how outside forces aided in our downfall. 

So maybe, just maybe, you won't place the blame entirely on me anymore. 

You and I were roaming around a spirits store, trying to find a suitable champagne for the of midnight leading into the new year. 

Your hand landed on a narrow bottle with light pink contents, the color of your glossed lips. 

You pouted and lifted the bottle up to my face. 

I titled my head to the side and examined the label. 

"Come on Kibum! This is the sixth bottle I've pulled off the shelf. At this rate we'll have to go to another store," you tapped your foot impatiently. 

I arched my brow at the suggestion to move on to another store; jokingly of course. 

"Oh noooo, don't even think about it. We're getting this one," you decided, placing the bottle carefully down into the arm basket you had dangling from your wrist.

"I was going to pick this one anyway," I lied, smiling wide enough to expose both rows of my teeth. 

To be honest, I had my heart set on an Italian vineyard wine to break in the new year, but you wanted champagne, so there wasn't much contest there. 

"Yeah right, you don't strike me as a bubbly kind of guy," you said, placing the bottle on the counter.

"You know me well then," I replied, pulling out my wallet to pay.

"Indeed I do. I really do," you said distractedly, eyes focusing on a text from Chorong. 

Your once smiling face transformed into that of worry, eyebrows furrowing together, forehead crinkling, lips screwing to the side of your face. You clicked Chorong's number and stepped away to call while I finished the transaction at the counter. 

I took my eyes off of you to offer a small thank you to the cashier. 

"Be blessed," the old man responded, his tone of voice implying that he knew more about my future than I did.

At the time I just smiled nervously and grabbed my purchase, thinking that he was nothing short of a prying old man probably leading a miserable existence. 

If only I had known what his foreshadowing tone meant. 

If only I hadn't written him off as a nosey cashier and instead asked him what he meant. 

I still do that, you know? Still fool myself into believing that had I done something a second later or sooner, said or omitted a few words from conversations, stepped with my right foot instead of my left, that our bitter fate would've somehow corrected itself. 

That somehow those miscellaneous things had a greater impact than I once understood them to.

And even though I know logically it's not that simple, it provides me with a strange comfort as I continuously review the story of us. 


Abruptly, I spun on my heels to see you waving impatiently, wanting there to be urgency in my step. 

I bursted into a light jog towards the entrance where you waited. 

When I got closer I could see just how frantic you were; body jittering, eyes watering. 

"Honey, what's wrong?" I asked, placing my free hand against your cheek, trying to get you to settle your gaze.

But when your eyes met mine the worried look disappeared and a misty-eyed glare took its place. 

You were already blaming me, for what I hadn't known yet. 

"Let's go," you whispered sternly, turning to walk out of the door. 

Afraid to anger you further, I decided not to press you for questions. Instead we rode to Taemin's loft in awkward silence, all the while my inability to comfort you eating away at my insides. 

When we arrived, you made a quick dash for the building, prompting me to walk faster, even as the champagne bottle bumped annoyingly against my leg. 

Outside, Chorong, Namjoo, and Hayoung stood, chatting amongst themselves, halting their conversation as they saw us approaching.

"Eunji, it's a mess right now. Bomi is trying to get Naeun to come down. She's hysterical," Chorong filled us in.

I stared baffled as you darted up the stairs. I followed, going up two steps at a time to match your pace. 

When we reached the top of the second floor, Bomi and Naeun's voices could be heard. 

The door was parted wide and people living in the building stood just shy of its entranceway to hear what was happening. 

You entered first, stepping over a shattered mosaic bowl, walking towards the living area. 

I was slow to approach, wanting to observe my surroundings. 

Stepping over the same dish, I walked past the tastefully decorated foyer into the lounge room where the wrath of Naeun had unfolded. 

"No! He needs to go! Not me! Him!" Naeun pointed to a humbled looking Taemin sulking on the couch. 

"Naeun, he's not worth the scene, let's leave," Bomi tugged on the sleeve of Naeun's violet chiffon dress, trying to pull her closer in the direction of the door. 

Her heels were rooted in place, that is until you approached, the aura around you pink with love and healing. 

You locked arms with her and whispered calmly, "let's go. Leave him to be alone."

Tears began to stream down Naeun's reddened cheeks, but with you and Bomi's coaxing, she began to uproot her feet. 

When you were about to pass me, Naeun stopped and glanced me over, a slight scowl forming at the corner of her lips. 

"You better watch your back Eunji. You can tell a lot about a person from the friends they decide to keep." 

I wanted to scoff, but I caught myself mid-retaliation as I remembered her words came as a result of being hurt.

But they were words that, for some reason, resonated with you, which I wouldn't discover until later on. 

Meanwhile, as you and Bomi led Naeun downstairs, I stood in front of Taemin, a perplexed expression on my face, begging him for some answers. 

His puffy red eyes fell upon mine and he shook his head, glanced quickly at his watch, then muttered into his hands.

"Just in time for New Years," his voice cracked. "Just in time." 


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m3ungki_seuta #1

Anyway, thank you for this heart breaking but beautiful story. Thank you so much

One wish... A chapter of different ending maybe 😭😭 kidding,,, unless... 👀. Hahahaha. Have a great day, author-nim ❤️
Chapter 17: I completely didn't realise it's already the end of the story T_T So at the end, it's Eunji writing to Kibum and not the other way round. Sadly they don't end up together but it's certainly the best ending for the story, Kibum wouldn't go all the way to break up with his current girlfriend after all this time.. Thank you very much for giving us a Key x Eunji story , keep it up! ^^
Chapter 16: I'm happy to see your updates these days and I was very nervous about how their meeting would go.. I knew it was going to be sad but I didn't know it would be so sad T_T loved the update though, thank you! I'm excited to see how it'll turn out for the two. For me personally it doesn't even have to be a happy ending, I'm just happy to read a story about Eunji x Key ^^
need to read from the beginning 😄
Glad you are back and still alive! Don't feel pressured, it's hard to find time to write a whole story. I enjoyed reading, thanks for the update :)
Chapter 7: i will wait for ur updates
Chapter 7: i will wait for ur updates
Chapter 6: D: taemin... T_T keep it up, this story is interesting
Chapter 6: waeeeeeeeee