Broken Hearts

The Silver Ring
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Junghan was in the middle of his journey to back home. The sun was already gone long time ago and replaced by the moon. It’s already 11 p.m and he late for the last bus. There’s no someone who can sent him home for tonight, so walking was the only option he had. Somehow, walking home was not a bad idea, even if it’s means that he had to walked more than three kilometers. It gave him more times to knew his surroundings better. Like now, he just found out about a new bookstore not too far from his house and a really tasty midnight snack stall. How can he didn’t knew about these place earlier? He sure need to walked more often in the future.

After had enough fun, the pretty guy continuing his journey and recalled what happened in his mind these days. His mind was really full with his lover, like right now. He missed Jisoo so badly. It’s already two weeks and his lover really didn’t bother to met him, called him or even just gave him a message. Junghan tried to contacted him once, but didn’t got a reply. He wondered what happened to that guy.

Was Jisoo really dumped him?

Junghan shook his head. Jisoo wouldn’t be like that, he tried to be positive about his lover. Josh loved him so much since thousand years ago and it wouldn’t change anytime soon. He knew his man well.

But, if the situation became like this....he’s not really sure anymore.


His mind moved to last night’s scene in front of his house where Jun confessed to him, again. But this time, the guy gave him a kiss, a really sweet kiss. Junghan unconsciously touched his lips. It was felt really weird, and he can’t naming what kind of feeling was that. It’s heart-warming, but uncomfortable at the same time. He was happy, but also felt bad. He really hate that contradicting feeling. It’s just...confusing. But, it’s Jun who kissed him, it’s not like he was cheating on Jisoo, right? He shouldn’t felt too bad about it.

Yeah. Don’t think about it too much. It just a kiss.

The view of his house was already in the sight. Junghan walked faster, really want to felt the warmth of his bed. It’s really cold out here. The pretty guy almost open his house’s gate, when someone grabbed his hand roughly and pushed him to the wall beside the gate. Junghan gasped. Panicked. He thought that someone will rob him, or even worst, kill him. But his thought was drove away when he saw the most familiar face to him.


“Jisoo? You are scaring me.” Junghan glued his hand onto his chest. His heart still beating fast.

Jisoo didn’t answered. He just stood quitely while pinned Junghan’s body to the wall. His gaze was really not good. There was something wrong with this guy and Junghan can felt it.

“Jisoo, what’s happened?”

“What have you done?” Jisoo asked coldly and it really shocked the pretty guy.


“How dare you cheat on me.”


Junghan furrowed his forehead. “What are you talking about, Jisoo? I really don’t understand.” It’s a bit pissed Junghan off. This was the first time they talked after two weeks and Jisoo talked this nonsense.

“I saw you...last night. Who is he?”

Junghan’s eyes wide-opened. Jisoo saw that?


“O-oh..It’s not like you think, Jisoo. He just....”

A hit sound heard and it’s surprised the pretty guy. Jisoo hit the wall beside him with his fist hardly. Junghan froze. Josh who he knew was really gentle and loving, he never did something like this.

“How dare you cheat on me, Junghan? You are my boyfriend and only belong to me.” Jisoo raised his voice, almost yelling, and it really made Junghan hurt and annoyed at the same time. He’s the one who suffered a lot and now got blamed for something he didn’t even do?

Irritated, Junghan answered coldly. “Look who say that. The one who have two boyfriends and tell me that I’m cheating is the same person? I can’t believe it.” He never ever had a thought to cheated on Jisoo. In fact, Jisoo the one who cheated on him.

Jisoo surprised with the sudden attack from his pretty guy.

“But, our condition was different. I already with him even before I met you again. And YOU..” Jisoo bold his tone at the last word. “Kissing with that guy after that.”

“For your information Jisoo, that guy is Jun and he is my friend. Also, it’s not my fault if he loves me. The most important thing is I DIDN’T  love him back, not like you..”

Jisoo’s expression softened. Now he’s the one who surprised.

“He... loves you?”

“Yes, he loves me, a lot. He did many things for me, for my happiness. Things that I can’t even get from my own boyfriend.”


“J-Junghan, I...”

“Listen to me, Jisoo! I do really love you, and you said you love me too, right? But, you didn’t even bother to break up with that guy for me? No? You told me that you will separate with him smoothly but the one I saw that you were really intimate with him. You told me that I’m your everything, but never contact me even once after that. Am I wrong?"

Junghan released the anger and the pain in him. This was just too much. He’s the one felt hurt, while his lover was happy with somebody else, neglected him, and now this guy came just to called him a cheater? This guy should knew how to treated his boyfriend better than this. Where was the caring and gentleman Josh he knew thousand years ago? Was he died along with his body in the war field?


“Junghan, sorry....”

Junghan glued his finger to Jisoo’s lips. He closed his eyes tightly, didn’t want to hear anything.

“Enough, Jisoo. Enough.” Junghan was too upset, too angry. This guy’s voice was heard really disgusting now and it increasing the anger inside him. “ If you can’t leave him, “ Junghan looked up straight into Jisoo’s eyes “..I’m the one who will leave.”

“What have you said?”

“I’m no longer your boyfriend. You can be happy with him.” Junghan tried to pushed Jisoo’s hand away so he can went to his house, but Jisoo was stronger. This man sure wouldn’t let him go.

“Junghan, listen to me!” Jisoo gripped Junghan’s shoulder tightly. “I do care about you, and I never lied when I told that you’re my everything. I’m so sorry for not contacted you, I have a reason for that. But, I always here, in front of your house every night, watching you...” Jisoo’s voice softened. He can’t lost this man. Never.

Junghan’s heart was a bit moved by the words, but it didn’t dissapearing all of his anger.

“Okay, I do believe you. Now, you will break up with Jihoon right? Do it tonight!”

“ didn’t that easy. Please understand me..” Jisoo pleading.

“It didn’t easy for me either, watching you so intimate and happy with someone else. What do you think about my feeling? Do you even care about it, huh?”

“I’m so sorry, but... ”

“Why you care so much about his feeling but not mine?” Tears started to falling down from Junghan’s eyes. “Do you really love him that much?”

Jisoo froze watching the tears in Junghan’s eyes and not really paying attention to the pretty guy’s question. He was too busy blaming himself for always made his lover cry so often, both in the past and present. Was he really that bad?

Seeing Jisoo turned silence with the question made Junghan more upset and hurt than before. Jisoo did love Jihoon that much, he concluded.

Junghan sighed.

“I give up. I really can’t take this anymore.” He pushed away Jisoo’s hand and went into the gate. Jisoo didn’t aware with the sudden action, he startled from his mind and confused when he saw Junghan already went in.


“Please don’t come to me again. I’m no longer your boyfriend.”

With that words, Junghan ran toward his house still with tears in his eyes and leaving Jisoo behind. Froze.



Three weeks ago, right after their memories fully cameback, Jisoo purposely avoiding his pretty guy. Not because he had no care, but he want to met his lover again after he separated with Jihoon. He just want to be fully Junghan’s man when he showed up in front of his lover. However, he still checked up his pretty guy every night in front of his house. He waited for his man arrived at home, just want to saw his face and made sure that his lover was okay. He stayed there for an hour or more, staring at a specific window. He was more than happy even just watching his lover from afar, until that night when he saw that hurtful scene.


Jisoo was growling inside. The scene from last week still playing in his mind and  can’t be stopped. The words from Junghan’s mouth still hanging in his ear, haunting him everytime. They just met again less than one month and was already separated for the second times. This time it’s not because of the death, but his foolishness. Yeah, he was so ignorant. He really regret it why he didn’t separated with Jihoon right away. No matter how much he loved the guy, it will never be same with his love for Junghan. Now that Junghan leave him, he realized how precious the pretty guy was for him.


Jisoo already tried to contact Junghan the entire week, but the pretty guy never picked up his call or replied his message. He waited in front of the guy’s house, hope he can talked to him, but the pretty guy always came home wi

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Chapter 7: AUTHOR NIM!! When will you update? Please update soon! I'm really anticipating this! I'm a trash for reincarnation stuff so please update soon!
fip2ms #2
Chapter 7: AKKKK... PLEASE UPDATE SOON... I waiting your update... please make JiHan together.. well i feel sorry for jihoon.. but.. my heart breaking when jeonghan and jisoo break; -;) what should I do..
fip2ms #3
Chapter 6: still no update.. please update soon... :/
DnaForJeonghan #4
Chapter 6: update soon please.... oh god... i love jihan couple... buat it made me sad because jisoo loved jihoon and junghan...

hyyyyassssss.. jisoo-ssi... who will you choose? jihoon or junghan?? i hope you will choose junghan. you said that jeonghan was yours.. well just leave jihoon.. if you want to be with jihoon.. well don't be envy when jun kissed jeonghan.....

update soon please...
fighting authornim..
DnaForJeonghan #5
Chapter 5: aaarrgh...what was that?? jihoon is jisoo's boyfriend?? aaargh.. well... what did jeonghan felt that time.....
DnaForJeonghan #6
Chapter 4: yeah......... finally they met in a real life not a dream...
DnaForJeonghan #7
Chapter 3: i have just understood...and it was funny... and i love it..
DnaForJeonghan #8
Chapter 2: going to read the next chapter..
DnaForJeonghan #9
Chapter 1: i am new subscriber.. it was funny and i enjoyed it..
fip2ms #10
Chapter 6: aakkkk! you should update moreee....its getting more interesting....