Destiny Will Finds Its Way

The Silver Ring
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Warning : There is an implicit s*xual scene in this chapter. Not clear and specific actually, just implicit^^

A long-haired guy was staring the ceiling in his bedroom blankly. His mind was somewhere else, locked to a specific handsome guy. It’d been 7 days since his meeting with Jisoo, and he was still so shocked with the news that the said guy was already taken.

Jisoo had a boyfriend, named Jihoon, who was really talented in music. They had been together  in a relationship for almost a year, and can be described as a sweet and lovely couple. Jisoo really in love with Jihoon. He never shy enough to showed his affection toward his lover, even in public. That’s the informations Junghan got from Seokmin, eventhough he really didn’t want to knew it.

Junghan sighed. What actually that he expected? Jisoo was so handsome, attractive, and seem so kind. It’s really normal if  people would attracted to him. He also can choose whoever he liked to be his lover. That fact was not quite surprising. Just because Junghan dreamed about him, and they had an intense staring contest, it’s not like there is something will happen between them.

No, if Jisoo has a boyfriend.

Junghan drove away the earlier thought to stole Jisoo away from Jihoon. He’s not that kind of person. Still so many men and women in this world, not only Jisoo. He always could ended up with someone nice, like Jun, but....why is it so hard to removed that guy from his mind? Why is it so hard to not searching his figure at campus? Hope he could saw the handsome guy’s face once again. And the most important, why is it so hard  to removed the hurt feeling from his heart? They just met once, and this kind of feeling was too fast to appeared, wasn’t it?


His complicated thought was broken when the phone ringing sound heard. He grabbed the phone on his bed and looked at the phonescreen. Unknown number. He looked at the clock on his room’s wall. 7 a.m.

Who the hell call me this early on Sunday? He pressed the green button hesitately.




The voice was a bit familiar, but impossible it is....

“Who is thi....”

“This is Jisoo. Sorry for disturbing you this early, but I’m in front of your house right now. Can you go outside?”

Junghan jumped off his bed immediately after he heard the sentences. From the way Jisoo spoke, sounds like he was really in a rush. He ran to his window and shove the curtain roughly. Jisoo really was here, standing in front of his gate while looking to his bedroom’s window. Their eyes met and Jisoo gave an intense gaze to him. His face was looked so serious.

Speechless Junghan just staring Jisoo from the window. Still can’t believe the view.

“Would you mind to approach me here, Junghan?”

“O-okay. Wait a minute.” Junghan pressed the red button on his phone and go downstair quickly. He didn’t care how he looked like right now, because meeting Jisoo as fast as he could was more important.


Junghan opened the gate and was welcomed by Jisoo’s serious face. He just standing quitely, still with his nightguard uniform. Junghan felt a bit intimidated by that.

“Jisoo, what are you do....” Jisoo didn’t gave a chance for Junghan to finished his sentences and pulled him into a tight hug, made Junghan turned speechless once again. Confused and heart-warming feeling came to his heart. He didn’t knew what’s going on with Jisoo to did this kind of action, but this position was so...nice. Jisoo’s body was felt so great.


“I’ve found you.” Jisoo whispered right beside Junghan’s ear.

Junghan felt goosebump with the hot air on his ear. “J-Jisoo? What’s going on?”

“ love...”

Joan? What is this guy talking about?

Jisoo released his hug and cupped Junghan’s neck. A second later, he lend his lips on Junghan’s passionately. Junghan really shocked with the sudden attack, but didn’t fight it. Instead, he welcoming Jisoo’s lips on his. There are too much feelings this guy had, until Junghan can felt it through his lips. Junghan’s mind was flying high, unconsciously he closed his eyes enjoying the nice heat on his body. This guy loved him so much, he can felt it, but it’s not long until the thought about Jihoon came. Junghan pushed Jisoo away  and covered his mouth.

 It’s felt so nice, but...

“Jisoo...” No matter how much he enjoyed that, he need an explanation. “Do you realize what have you done? I really confused right now. Please explain!”

Jisoo was staring him with so much affection in his eyes. A small smile was created on his handsome face.

“Don’t you remember me, my love?”

Junghan furrowed his forehead “You are...Hong Jisoo?” He’s not sure about it anymore. He knew there was something else about this guy. There must be a reason why this guy appeared in his dream and can saw the ring just like him. “No. Who are... you?”

Jisoo didn’t answered and just lifted up his left hand. Junghan’s eyes wide-opened when he looked at something sparkling on the guy’s finger.

That  ring.

“That ring? You....” He turned his head to Jisoo, questioning.

“I took this off from the statue.” Jisoo took off the ring from his finger. “It’s your turn to get the answer.” He grabbed the pretty guy’s hand and put it on his finger.


The second that ring touched his skin, Junghan could felt the coldness entered his body and the pain attacked his head. His view turned dark for a moment until he can saw memories were played in his mind. Too much memories, until Junghan confused which one he should saw first. The memories from the dark places, from his past life with his lover, every second of his life, everything.


He can remembered everything.


He remembered the day he was dying on his bed thousand years ago. Not long after the ring shone, he can saw his dead body through  the statue’s eyes. The ring made his body died, but caging his soul inside. He was caged for such a long time until he was reborn as Yoon Junghan. But, he was reborn not with his full soul, because the ring still caged half of Joan’s soul. That’s why the memories from his past life was non-exist in his new body. That’s the reason why Junghan didn’t remembered that Joan and Josh existed. Sometimes, the ring played with Joan, made him saw the world through the statue’s body and then pulled him back to the darkness. That ring did it multiple times and he still can’t understand what that ring wanted. The was happened that night when the ring wake Joan’s soul up again and reunited him with Josh’s new body, Jisoo. Joan was the one who met Jisoo and experienced all of that, but the ring connected everything to Junghan through dreams.


The same things happened to Josh. After Joan wished to be able to met him again, the ring catched Josh’s soul and caging him inside along with Joan. They were together inside the ring for thousand years, but unable to saw each other. Until in the year of 1995, both of them were reborn in another place of world. Just like Joan, Josh’s half-soul was also still caged, until this morning Jisoo decided to took off the ring from the statue and put it on his finger. His caged soul came to his new body, reunited with another half. They are fully completed now and that’s the reason they can remembered all of what happened on their life from thousand years ago until now.



The couple ended up on Junghan’s bed, released all the love they had in their body. Their love was caged for such a long time and turned wild when they met again, thirsty for the touch. The need to felt each other was really big and can’t be restrained anymore. Loud sound heard from the room, along with the moving bedstead. Good thing that nobody else in Junghan’s house right now. They were busy enjoying the others so much, making up the time they missed. After some rounds done, they were ended up cuddling, exhausted.

“Josh...” Junghan called, out of breath.


“I love you.”

Jisoo smiled. “I love you too, my love.” He gave a soft kiss on Junghan’s forehead.

“Should we call each other with our new name?”

“It’s better I think.”

Junghan tighter his hug on Jisoo's body possesively, didn’t want to let him go just like in the past. This guy was his, only his, and no other can....




“Are we...together now?”

“What have you said, my love? We never broke up, remember?”

“ about Jihoon?”

Surprised, Jisoo turned silent. Yes, still there was Jihoon. How can he forgot about his another man?

Junghan let off his hug from Jisoo and sat up. He was staring his lover intensely.

“You...will break up with him, right?” They were a blessed couple who need thousand years to be able to met again. Jisoo would choose him, right? It’s impossible Jisoo will leave him for another man, right?

Jisoo looked him back. “Of course, my love. I will be separated with him, but give me some times.”

“Do you love him that much?” There’s something heavy in his lung that made his voice shaken.

“It’s not like that.” Jisoo wake up and sat beside his pretty guy. He cupped his lover’s face and looked deep into his eyes.

“You are my life, my everything. No one will own my love like my love for you, ever.” He started to cared his lover’s cheek. ”But, I also can’t just dump him like that. I need time to be separated

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Chapter 7: AUTHOR NIM!! When will you update? Please update soon! I'm really anticipating this! I'm a trash for reincarnation stuff so please update soon!
fip2ms #2
Chapter 7: AKKKK... PLEASE UPDATE SOON... I waiting your update... please make JiHan together.. well i feel sorry for jihoon.. but.. my heart breaking when jeonghan and jisoo break; -;) what should I do..
fip2ms #3
Chapter 6: still no update.. please update soon... :/
DnaForJeonghan #4
Chapter 6: update soon please.... oh god... i love jihan couple... buat it made me sad because jisoo loved jihoon and junghan...

hyyyyassssss.. jisoo-ssi... who will you choose? jihoon or junghan?? i hope you will choose junghan. you said that jeonghan was yours.. well just leave jihoon.. if you want to be with jihoon.. well don't be envy when jun kissed jeonghan.....

update soon please...
fighting authornim..
DnaForJeonghan #5
Chapter 5: aaarrgh...what was that?? jihoon is jisoo's boyfriend?? aaargh.. well... what did jeonghan felt that time.....
DnaForJeonghan #6
Chapter 4: yeah......... finally they met in a real life not a dream...
DnaForJeonghan #7
Chapter 3: i have just understood...and it was funny... and i love it..
DnaForJeonghan #8
Chapter 2: going to read the next chapter..
DnaForJeonghan #9
Chapter 1: i am new subscriber.. it was funny and i enjoyed it..
fip2ms #10
Chapter 6: aakkkk! you should update moreee....its getting more interesting....