Second Meeting

The Silver Ring
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Jisoo locked his apartment’s door and walked toward his bathroom. It’s 8 am on Sunday, and he just comeback from his work as a nightguard. He felt so dizzy and tired. All of he need right now is sleeping all day long. Today is Sunday afterall. After washed his face and changed his uniform into t-shirt and sleep pants, he layin on his bed. He tried to sleep immediately, but his mind was thinking about what happened last night.

He met a mysterious long-haired guy in the storage room. That guy wore a strange clothes, bared foot, but really pretty. That guy called him Josh, hugged him, and even kissed him. Jisoo still can felt a good sensation on his lips as he unconsciously touched it couple of times. That pretty guy cried a lot, and suddenly dissapeared not long after with a shining ring. Then... he met that weird stone statue wearing the same ring and that ring shone again. He didn’t remembered anything after that.

According to Aron Hyung, Jisoo didn’t comeback from the storage room for two hours. The older guy checked him and found him layin unconsciously beside the stone statue. Need a long time enough for the older to wake Jisoo up from his unconsciousness. Jisoo was confused enough with what happened to him, but there is something that made him more confused. When he told Aron hyung about his weird experience and showed him the statue, the older can’t saw the ring. How is that even possible? The ring was there and so obvious. Aron Hyung told him that  it just a dream or hallucination, but all of that was felt too real. The kiss that pretty guy gave him, the warmth of his hug, the soft touch on his face was felt too real and even gave him strange feelings until now. The feeling of missing, hurt, until the warm feeling he couldn’t identify. Jisoo also can’t threw the fact that he felt knew that guy for a long time. All of that was too confusing. To made it easier, Jisoo really want to believe that it just a dream.

Speaking about dream, after that ring shone for the second time and Jisoo lost his consciousness, he really got a dream. A really weird dream. He dreamed that he lived in a kingdom era, like middle ages? He was there with that pretty guy and they acted like a couple. In the end of his dream, he was in the war field and got stabbed in the stomach. He died afterward.


Jisoo shoke his head and tried to get rid the tought about it temporary. He need a proper sleep right now. He made a plan to checked the statue again at tonight’s shift. No need a long time after for Jisoo to finally relaxed his mind and fall deep into a peaceful sleep.


Jisoo entered his workplace and went straight to guard’s office in the front of main building. Aron Hyung was already there along with museum’s head-officer. They talked about something seriously. When they saw Jisoo, head-officer stop talking and greet him instead.

“Hi, Jisoo! How was your first night?” The old guy smiled nicely to the new nightguard.

“Great, Sir.” Yes, his first night was really great and weird at the same time.

“Wonderful. I hope you enjoy your work.” He then took a paper map and gave it to Jisoo. “So, for tonight your main job is to look after the middle ages area here. That area was used for exhibition for a week, start from tomorrow.“ He pointed an area in the map.

Oh, right. Tomorrow is the first day of exhibition.

“Follow me!”

Jisoo and the head-officer walked to the middle ages area in the east side of the building. There are so many people there, re-arranged the room with many new collections. The old guy explained a bit about the room, security systems, and what heritage he should looked after the most.

“These statues and some objects here, we borrowed them from a museum in Latin America. After the exhibition end, we will give them back. Since that aren’t ours, please give more attention for these objects.”

Jisoo nodded. One of them was a statue that Jisoo saw last night. The weird feeling comeback again to his heart as he staring to it. He looked at the statue’s finger. The ring was still there.

After talking a lot enough, head-officer asked himself for leave, when Jisoo can’t help but want to asked the old guy.

“Sorry, Sir. I just want to ask you. Do you see anything unusual on this statue?” Jisoo pointed to the long-haired statue in front of him. The old guy staring it immediately and furrowed his eyebrow.

“ has a long hair? If looking at the figure, sure the person is a guy. It’s a bit unusual when a guy has long hair, right?” The old guy laughed himself.

Jisoo laughed a bit. “Maybe anything else, Sir?”

“The face part was a bit broken? But it’s common for a stone statue, especially when its age was already thousand years. Did you find anything unusual?”

“Nothing, Sir. I just want to ask. Sorry for taking your time.” Jisoo gave an apologetically smile.

“Haha. Don’t worry, young man. I will take my leave now. Have a great night, Jisoo.” Head-officer waved his hand and walked away. Jisoo bowed.

He sighed. Head-officer-nim also can’t see it.


Jisoo already spend an hour in the room staring at the specific stone statue, not quite sure what he expected. He excused himself to Aron Hyung to checked the building, but he ended up staying in the middle ages’s room. He sat down quitely in the corner and made sure the CCTV camera wouldn’t catched his figure. Jisoo really felt bad for not working properly, but he really need the answer for all of his questions from last night. He need to made sure if all of that was a reality or just a dream like Aron Hyung said.


Jisoo sighed. There is no sign that the statue will turned into a person again. He lowered his head and massage his neck, sore for staring up too long. Maybe that just a dream, he made his own conclusion. There is no point to kept all of this in his mind any longer. It just made him confused and honestly that really disturbing. Finally he sat up and walked toward guard’s room, leaving all of his thought behind.



Jisoo wake up from his sleep. He looked at the clock hanging on his room’s wall. 12 pm. He just slept for about 4 hours after spent his second night in the workplace. His need to sleep more hours is really big, since he had no class for today, but his mind didn’t allowed him to do it. The thought about the  pretty guy and the statue comeback and disturbing him again. Not care how hard he tried to get rid of it, it’s still didn’t worked. A bit frustration, he gave up and decided to just visited the statue once again to relieve his mind.

This is really make me going crazy.


The handsome guy walked in to Seoul National Museum and went straight to the middle ages area. It’s weird to came here at the afternoon with so many people around. He already used to be alone in the dark museum at night, but he gotta admited, the sunlight really made this place more beautiful and these people around made this place alive.

Jisoo arrived in the front of the long-haired statue. There is another person there, but Jisoo didn’t really cared. He stared at the statue deeply. The ring was still there, not changed even a bit.

What are you? Why I still feel like I know you? Why another people can’t see the ring?

All of that were questions that filling his mind and he really need the answer. His mind blending with the view of the statue, hope he would found something. He was really busy with his own thought, but vaguely he heard a guy’s voice talked about ring on the statue with another people. Jisoo was a bit surprised and now paid attention to the long-haired guy beside him. After another people, who happened to be two girls, leave, Jisoo can’t helped but asked the guy.


“Umm...sorry. Do you can see the ring too?”

The guy turned h

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Chapter 7: AUTHOR NIM!! When will you update? Please update soon! I'm really anticipating this! I'm a trash for reincarnation stuff so please update soon!
fip2ms #2
Chapter 7: AKKKK... PLEASE UPDATE SOON... I waiting your update... please make JiHan together.. well i feel sorry for jihoon.. but.. my heart breaking when jeonghan and jisoo break; -;) what should I do..
fip2ms #3
Chapter 6: still no update.. please update soon... :/
DnaForJeonghan #4
Chapter 6: update soon please.... oh god... i love jihan couple... buat it made me sad because jisoo loved jihoon and junghan...

hyyyyassssss.. jisoo-ssi... who will you choose? jihoon or junghan?? i hope you will choose junghan. you said that jeonghan was yours.. well just leave jihoon.. if you want to be with jihoon.. well don't be envy when jun kissed jeonghan.....

update soon please...
fighting authornim..
DnaForJeonghan #5
Chapter 5: aaarrgh...what was that?? jihoon is jisoo's boyfriend?? aaargh.. well... what did jeonghan felt that time.....
DnaForJeonghan #6
Chapter 4: yeah......... finally they met in a real life not a dream...
DnaForJeonghan #7
Chapter 3: i have just understood...and it was funny... and i love it..
DnaForJeonghan #8
Chapter 2: going to read the next chapter..
DnaForJeonghan #9
Chapter 1: i am new subscriber.. it was funny and i enjoyed it..
fip2ms #10
Chapter 6: aakkkk! you should update moreee....its getting more interesting....