Night At The Museum

The Silver Ring
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It’s Saturday midnight. Jisoo was trying to focus at ten monitors in front of him. His eyes scanning it one by one make sure there’s nothing wrong in it. His hand get busy hold a mouse and move it slowly. Sometimes his hand would touched the empty can near his hand, two empty cans of coffees to be exacted and now there are three as his friend finished his second coffee that night. A singer voice heard from the radio behind him, filling the silence in the room.


Breaking the silence, a sound of phone vebrating heard. Jisoo still busy with his activity not really pay attention to his friend who is now reading a message on his phone.


“Yes, Hyung?” The younger answered without broke his sight from the monitors.

“Head-officer just texted me. He want us to check the storage room.” The older guy stopped for a while, reading the next chats “There are new collections there. He want us to make sure that things are in good conditions before display it for the first time to public on Monday.”

Jisoo nodded “Ok. I’ll go, Hyung”

“Thanks, Jisoo. You know where the storage room is, right?”

“I know. Head-officer-nim already showed me yesterday.” He stood up from his seat, grab the lighter on the table.

“Alright. Just call me if you need any help” Jisoo’s friend gave him a small smile.

“Thanks, Aron Hyung. I’ll be fine” Jisoo smiled back before heading to the door.


Tonight is the first night Hong Jisoo on duty as a nightguard at Seoul National Museum. Working on Saturday night was not his dream actually, but everything would he do for money. Yeah, he need money, a lot of money to help his parent paying his study cost at university. He knew since the beginning that cost of studying in university was not cheap, and his family was not that wealthy, yet he refused to gave up. He had a dream to be fulfiled, and his dream was too precious to be thrown away. So, here he is. Working two part-time jobs at night, a singer at a cafe on weekdays, and a nightguard at this museum on weekends. Not bad, especially when these places offer good amount of salary. Thanks to Aron Hyung who brought him here.


The handsome young guy walked calmly in the main hall while move his lighter. He saw a lot of things displayed here and there. From the giant dinosaur’s bones, bunch of stone statues, paintings on the wall, and many more. He smiled himself imagining how if these things become alive. Like in that movie.

Must be great if these things alive. He thought, half-joked.


Jisoo was still walking calmly. Sometimes he stopped to remembered the way. He move his head at the right and left. Museum at the day and night are really different. Not long after, finally he found the storage room.

He was standing in front of the door, making sure he found the right room. His hand almost grab the handle of the door before looking at the crack in the door. There is light inside the room. His forehead furrowed.

Was Aron Hyung forgot to turn off the lamp?

Not long after, there’s a cracking sound from inside.

Somebody inside?

Jisoo took off a small gun from his pocket. There is also a possibility it’s just nothing inside, but who knows. He glued his right ear and shoulder to the door, tried to hear another sound from inside.


Jisoo hesitated to open the door. He was thinking about call his partner or not when suddenly another sounds heard. This time it’s louder. Sounds like something big fall down on the floor. Jisoo hold his gun tightly. His heart pounding for thinking the possibility there is somebody else here. Museum at night was already frightening, he doesn’t need people-who-sneeking-into-the-museum to make it worse. And this is happen at his first night on duty. Great.

He collected himself, breathing hard, and then opened the door loudly.

“HANDS UP!!!!!” Jisoo shouted.

His fierce eyes scanning the room. There are so many things here, but not person.

Jisoo carefully walked deeper to the room. He directed his gun everywhere, eyes looking here and there, trying to find the reason of loud sound earlier, until his eye-corner caught a person figure behind him.


“DON’T MOVE!!!!”

That person get shocked over Jisoo’s loud shouting and the metal thingy which directed to him. He stepped back a little while holding his chest. Jisoo also get shock over the person’s appearance. He wasn’t really sure if the person in front of him is a guy or girl ( eventhough he 99% sure it’s a guy), but what he was sure is this person really pretty, with a brown long hair, fairy skin, and lovable features on his face.

That pretty stranger wore a brown knee-length clothes  with a thin belt wrapping his waist. He also wore something like thight pants under his clothes with a lighter colour. What caught Jisoo’s attention the most is his bared foot.


The pretty guy doesn’t move at all. He keep staring at Jisoo. Seeing that, Jisoo lowered his gun. He made a conclusion that this person is armless and not dangerous. Few seconds later, the stranger cover his mouth, his eyes widened and teary.

“J-Josh....” He said. His voice was so smooth, but so much emotion there.

Jisoo blinks. Josh?

He doesn’t have mor

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Chapter 7: AUTHOR NIM!! When will you update? Please update soon! I'm really anticipating this! I'm a trash for reincarnation stuff so please update soon!
fip2ms #2
Chapter 7: AKKKK... PLEASE UPDATE SOON... I waiting your update... please make JiHan together.. well i feel sorry for jihoon.. but.. my heart breaking when jeonghan and jisoo break; -;) what should I do..
fip2ms #3
Chapter 6: still no update.. please update soon... :/
DnaForJeonghan #4
Chapter 6: update soon please.... oh god... i love jihan couple... buat it made me sad because jisoo loved jihoon and junghan...

hyyyyassssss.. jisoo-ssi... who will you choose? jihoon or junghan?? i hope you will choose junghan. you said that jeonghan was yours.. well just leave jihoon.. if you want to be with jihoon.. well don't be envy when jun kissed jeonghan.....

update soon please...
fighting authornim..
DnaForJeonghan #5
Chapter 5: aaarrgh...what was that?? jihoon is jisoo's boyfriend?? aaargh.. well... what did jeonghan felt that time.....
DnaForJeonghan #6
Chapter 4: yeah......... finally they met in a real life not a dream...
DnaForJeonghan #7
Chapter 3: i have just understood...and it was funny... and i love it..
DnaForJeonghan #8
Chapter 2: going to read the next chapter..
DnaForJeonghan #9
Chapter 1: i am new subscriber.. it was funny and i enjoyed it..
fip2ms #10
Chapter 6: aakkkk! you should update moreee....its getting more interesting....