15! :D

Forever And Always

Sorrrryyy ! i'm on hiatus the past few days , or can i say many days T.T sorry ! /:hmmm , gonna end this story soon , maybe in 5 chapts ? i'll try to finish all 5 tomorow . she's starting soon /: sigh ! hope my mom still allows me to update ! /: 


From : Yoseob Oppa 

To : ~~~~~ 

hey , you free? i'm sorta ed up right now , can i meet you ? i need someone to rant on hehe~ 


From : ~~~~~

To : Yoseob Oppa 

heyy . uhmm yep sure! we'll talk when we meet kay , cheerup oppa ! (: usual place ? 


From : Yoseob Oppa

To : ~~~~~

nae~ chilling in the moment~ hmm yep , i'll meet you there in 5 ! 


you replied yoseob and quickly changed into your jeans and went to the cafe just oppsite your house . Shortly after you arrived , yoseob reached and you gestured him to your sit . 

"mmmmmm , oppa , let me guess ... najun? "

"nae~ *sigh*"

yoseob told you the wholeee longgg story and you just stayed there shocked . mouth opened slightly , into a O shape . 

"ohhhhhmyyyygosshhhhh , i'm so sorry opppa /: i never thought things will turn out like this *sigh* know i can understand why you feel that way . omg oppa , dont worry ! you still have me ! i'll be here! since you were here with me when i broke up with hyunseung , i'll be here for you ! anytime! cheer up dude! the world has not ended yet ! come on ! i need you to givve me a smileeee!! >< " 

Yoseob gave you a weak & fake smile . "*sigh* i just feel so hopeless that i cant do anything . *sigh* i want her back so badly . i feel so  hopless because i cannot do anything /:*sigh*" 

"YAHHHH , stop sighing , it'll make you look older and that wont be good because you have to appear on stage oftennn ! oppa! just smile and everything will just pass by you ! jinja jinja , smile pleaseeee!!!! *aegeyo* " 

"hahahha omg ~~~~~ your aegeyos are so ... omg . hahahah thankyou for making me smile ! i owe you big time nae? hehehe " 

"hahah aniyo , you can just repay me back by buying me coffee! heheheh " 

"hahha nae~ ! order away ! " 


days flew past so quickly that you and yoseob's relationship got closer then best of best friends! you felt something special for him . something that you've never felt it before . the way he smile , the way he hugs you , the way you both had fun together . everytime he gets close to you or have skin ship with you , you'll go gaga , and you'll flash red . he often ask whats happening but you just said it was natural :b hehe . 


sorry for the short update T.T truthfully , i was spazzing over myungtongue so i didnt update /: but the past few days i couldnt find my lappy and i finally found it ! so sorry if i cant undate /: mian mian mian ! >< forgive me /hides . 

okay it's getting late here in my county x: it's 3.30 AM ! >< off to bed now ! >< goodnight ! (: 

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@iloveb2stforever ; sorry ! i kinda broke up with the guy lead in this story and i cant go on writing it any longer. im so sorry .
I think u end to fast but nvm at least u ended the story
Update soon
Update soon
Update soon...<br />
I can see a love triangle forming ;)) HAHA..
Update soon and I think she likes Yoseob
i dont know >< i've already stated there >< sorry ><
Why? Why? Why break up with Hyungseung?
Update soon
@iloveb2stforever , hmm i'll see how it goes ! (: thanks for the comment anyways! <3 <br />
@seobieswife , hahaha (Y) i'll find some time ! i've been busy with christmas parties these few days >< mian !<br />
@confessional , hahah thankew ! i like your oneshot ! i havent got to read the rest tho x: hahha i'll see how ! :D