Chapter 5


 Jungkook POV

"Get off your phone Jungkook!" Namjoon calls me out and I put my phone down. I get back to the boys, my cheeks burning and we start dancing again.

"Okay let's take a break..."  Taehyung falls down to the ground and we are all exhausted. I get back to my phone and look back the photo.

"Is that Leeteuk-hyung and Jinnie?" Jimin peaks up behind me and I put my phone quickly away.

"Are you still worried about them?" He sighs slightly and gets his serious face on

"Is it bad if I do? You saw them when they hugged, she didn't even greet me."

"Jungkook you also have to understand that they have built up a very close bond."

"I know...."

"You are just a jealous boyfriend..." He smiles at me and I nod

"I am...It seems so."

*                                                                                                                 *

We are done rehearsing and are now finally home, I sit down on the couch and we are all exhausted. I can't wait to go to sleep. My phone beeps and I got a text. 

Oppa~ are you still awake? How did rehearsal go?

i smile at her text, I can hear exactly how she would say it. I take a photo and pull an exhausted face. I send it to her. 

I am still awake, just got home. It went okay, it was really exhausting... :/

Are we talking in pictures now huh... Hahaha, I am glad that it went okay

We are talking in pictures now hahaha, how was your day. How did filming go?

Arasso. It went good, it was really long... My day was good. 

 I look at the picture she send me and it is her posing like she is dead. She is so adorable, I can't stop smiling.

"Let me guess your girlfriend huh" the boys sit next to me and start to tease me. 

"Aahh stop teasing him" Jimin hugs me and pins my cheeks. 

"Namjoon have you heard something from the entertainment?" I can see that he sits a bit straighter and looks a bit nervous

"Well they told me that they are now talking to her entertainment and all her staff and all."

"Okay, have they come to any conclusion?"

"Not yet...they know that both of you want to announce it, but her scandal is still in the news and her accident."

"What does that mean?" I feel a bit nervous hearing all of this, it seems like they are just waiting for us to break up.

"They don't want to much stress on her and they think that it will cause a lot of negative reaction. they are now just testing the water and will probably announce it next year."

"Next year? When? In the beginning or at the end of 2016....Can't we just announce it? Many fans have been shipping us already, so many are already in for our relationship."

"Look Jungkook you are the first of us to be in a relationship and the whole situation is just new to everyone and it is also the first relationship and you announcing is also a first. Just give everyone some time, they all want to announce it in the best way."

I look at him and he must see that I am disappointed, this is really not what I wanted to hear. I am glad to know that they are trying, but....It is just not enough

"Jungkook where are you going? " They all look up to me and I look at their faces

"I...I am just going...Work on some music.." I fake a smile and I stumble over my words and end up pointing to my room. 

"Aah okay...Don't worry too much Kookie" Jimin tries to act cute and I head to my room.


"Oohh..." I let out a sigh and I just feel sad. I hear a ping from my phone and Yaejin send me a text. I don't want to look at it yet...I put my phone down and start to work on some music.

I try to focus, but it doesn't really succeed. Should I look at her text? I go on my phone, but I am somehow afraid to read it....This whole situation, it seems like they don't want to announce it and are just waiting for us to break up and just... What if they see something I don't, what if she isn't as in love with me like I am with her? 

Instead of looking at her message I look at a photo of the two of us. In the photo we are both smiling broadly and she looks so cute... I slide to watch the next photo and here I am still looking at the camera, but she  is looking at me.

 The look in her eyes, the way she is looking. I never really saw it before... In all the photo's I have been looking like this to her, with that exact look. The boys call it love...   I slide to the next photo and there we are both looking at each other. We both look with the same look, we both look...  We look in love.

I love her, I do. I have loved her ever since we have been little.  But what if they all perceive us are wrong...I just want to shout of rooftops that I love her, that we are together.  

I record the song fools one more time and put all my emotion that I am feeling into it. When I am done recording I feel better, it feels like I have put all of my emotions into the song, my feelings for her and the frustration about the announcement. 
I listen back to the song and it feels different than before. It feels like I can feel other emotions now as well. 

I open her message and I am not as nervous as before.

Jungkook-ah did you miss me today? I really missed you ^^ hihi

I smile at her text. I can hear the cute tone she would use to say it

Yaejin~ I missed you a lot. ^^ Can't wait to hold you again.

I see that she read my message and then I get a call



"Do you really want to hug me again?"

"Of course, I miss you a lot."

"You are home right?" 

"I am why?...Wait!?" I get up and walk back into the living room, is she here? I put on my shoes and walk downstairs

"Jungkook where are you going?" I can hear Jin calling after me, but I am rushing downstairs.

"Where are you right now?" I am downstairs and I rush outside, it is really cold I look around and I don't see anyone. Maybe?  

"I am here" I can hear her voice behind me, I turn around and there she is. She puts her phone down and gives me a shy smile. I smile at her and run up to her and lift her up. Holding her close, all my worries drift away, the only thing I feel right now is how much I have missed her

"Oohh I missed you so much. " I let her down and she had her arms around my neck. 

"I missed you too~"  I can feel that she is tiptoeing to be on the same height as me, I chuckle and she blushes

"Aahh you are so cute"  I grab her hand and together we walk inside

"Is it all right though that I am coming by?" We are standing in front of the door and I haven't really toughed of that

"It wouldn't be a problem, I think?  And otherwise, I don't care. I just want to spend time with you" I kiss her on her forehead and open the door. I am so glad that they left it open. We walk inside and she is putting of her shoes. I walk further inside and they are already coming up to me

"What where you doing?" They are all looking with puzzled faces to me and then Yaejin walks in and they all let out an understanding sound and nod. 

"That is why you were running like an idiot" We all start to laugh and I grab her hand. I start looking at her and everyone gets quite

"Jungkook, we are going to watch a movie. You two want to join us?" Namjoon hyung turns my thoughts around and I look at Yae. She is looking at me and I just want to be with her alone for a moment.

"We will join you guys later, I want to show Yaejin something." We walk away from the guys and some are winking and other just smiling

"Keep the door o-" I close the door and I can hear that Seokjin  stops mid-sentence. 


"Come" I hold my hand out for her and I pull her on my lap. I wrap my arms around her and she leans back onto me

"What did you want to show me?" 

"Remember the song I send to you?"

"Which one? The one you posted last? "

"No, this one. The last one I send you, Fools"

"Aahh the song you used to confess to me" 

"Hahaha indeed one of the songs I used to confess to you, again" I give her a kiss on the neck and she giggles. 

I hand her the earpieces and start the music. I focus on her expression and she has her eyes closed. I have always been good at reading her expressions, but I am not sure how she feels right now. 

The song is over and I put the earpieces away and she wraps her arms around me.

"Did something bad happened today?"

"Why you don't like it?"

"No, no. I do, I love it, it is just filled with emotion and sadness."  I burry my head into her shoulder and we are just holding each other close.

"Namjoon hung told me that our entertainments are talking and that they ... They don't know yet when they are going to announce it."

"Oohh... I see..." I can hear that she is also disappointed

"It just feels like they are waiting for us to break up."

"I know, but you also have to think that there are a lot of factors that are playing now. Don't worry, my uncle promised that he will announce it as soon as possible." 

I can see that she isn't too sure of herself, but her words do comfort me a bit atleast she is also in it for the long run, it makes me a bit more certain that she loves me as much as I love her. 

"How was yesterday?"

"It was really nice, it was so lovely to see them all again. They truly feel like family, they are like my second moms and dads."

"That is great, yea you are all so close. It is really amazing to see."

"I know, I love having a big family"

"You want a big family later? Like a lot of kids?"

"I don't know really...I really want to have kids, I really do. I would like to have 2, you?"

"I don't know...I never really toughed about it, two do seem perfect." 

"It does" We both smile at each other and it feels...Different, we never talked about something like this. We are truly moving forward with our relationship.

"How is your training going?"

"Bad. I haven't really done anything for the last days. I went to therapy and the doctor."

"Was it bad news what he told you?"

"Yes a bit...My organs are still not recovered and I still have some internal bleeding so moving around isn't the best option. "

"You shouldn't do any dancing then! It also won’t be good for you .... and I don't want you to get any worse or"

"Jungkook..." She gives me a quick kiss and I stop talking "Don't worry so much and you know that I can't stop dancing. I will try to build it up slowly, but you know me."

"Yaejin I know you don't listen to doctors, but maybe this time. Your injuries are serious, you were in a coma you should just take some time off. You are already filming and that is already so much stress"

She stops me from talking and kisses me again. This time longer and when she pulls away my eyes are still closed and I want to continue kissing her.

"Oppa don't worry. I will try to take it easy okay?"

"Promise?" I hold up my pinkie and she smiles


We are snuggled up in each other embrace when the door is opened and Seokjin hyung is standing there


"You two want some snacks?" We both nod and we let go of each other to go to the others. 

"There they are" They are all greeting us and screaming. I look at the enthusiastic boys, it is still so fun to see and before I know it Jimin has stolen Yae from me.  I sit down and look at them asking attention of her. It is so amazing and nice to see. 

"Jinnie looks at this move" I see that Jimin is standing up and shows her something new he learned. I know that he has always admired how she could dance and always wanted to dance with her.

"Do you think it is right like this?' He shows some ballet move and I can see that she is observing every single move he does.

"You should turn out more and extend your arms"

"What do you mean? Like this?" He tries something and I can see that Yae's face that he is still doing it wrong. 

"No, more. Extend it even more" I can see that Jimin doesn't understand it yet. He grabs Yae and makes her stand beside him. 

"Look. Extend like this." She shows him how he should move his arms and he copies her. 

"You should let it flow, like water. Light as a feather." She shows him and she looks magical.

"And how should I do the steps" He shows her the steps and she looks confused and starts blinking a lot. She starts to squint and she starts to move closer and even bents to see what he is doing. When I look at the other boys they are also looking wondered.

"You should change your position there, then it will go over more smoothly." 

"Can you show me?" I can see that she stiffens and starts to look uncomfortable.

"Yes. I will try." she does what he has been doing and she is amazing.

"Okay, so like this." They do it together and they both look great. When they are done dancing I can see that she is in pain.

"Excuse me for a moment." She leaves and bumps into some objects. 

"Just a sec." I follow her and she has fled into the room we were just in. I can see her standing there looking at her hands.

"Yae..." She looks at me and tears are in her eyes. I close the door behind me and walk to her, she is still looking down and I take her hands in mine and kneel down infront of her

"What is wrong?" I look at her face and she is trying not to cry.

"I can't see straight, I can't move I....."

"Yae, Jagiya" I pull her into a hug and hold her as close as I can. She slowly starts to react and is now also holding me close

"I know that you are scared that things won't go back as they were, but they will. Before you know it you will be dancing on stage again. You just need to give it time." I whisper these words to her and I can feel that she is relaxing more and more. 

We have been standing here for some time and when we break apart I can see that she has calmed down and has come back to her senses, I am glad that my words helped her to calm down and realize that everything will be all right. Well that is what I hope... Without words we break apart and I grab her hand and we head back to the others. 

We sit down next to each other and join the others to watch the movie. I can't really focus and the movie and neither can Yae, I look at our fingers intertwined. I love holding her hands, they are so soft. I can feel that she is leaning her head on my shoulder and that she starts to lean more and more onto me, she is falling asleep.. I look at her and I am right I can see that her eyes are going closer and closer. I let go of her hand and wrap my arm around her so she can snuggle onto me. I lean my head onto hers and try to focus on the movie, but the only thing I can think of is her hand that is lying onto my chest....


"Shall we wake them up?"

"Stt talk a bit softer, what if you wake them up"

"Jimin you are talking even louder."

"Shouldn't Yaejin go home?"

"She could stay here? I mean it is already past midnight, you want to send her away now hyung?"

"No of course not. Here let put this blanket to cover them."  

I slowly open my eyes more and I see everyone standing around us and Hoseok hyung is putting a blanket around us. They notice that I have woken up and they point to Yae and she is still fast asleep. I nod and close my eyes again and within seconds I am back a sleep.

I wake up again and we are still snuggled up to each other, Yae is still asleep.. I can feel that my muscles are acing and this positions mustn’t be  good for her body. I lift her up and carefully sit down. Then I try to lie down and lay her down beside me, she snuggles into my arms and we are now in a better position. I close my eyes again and rest my head onto hers. 

*                                                                             *

Waking up like this is amazing, I open my eyes and she is so close to me. Her arms wrapped around my body and me holding her close. 

I could stay like this forever, holding her close, her being mine, me being hers, we being each other’s. 


Yaejin POV

"Promise me this, every single time you look at the moon you will think of me. That way we won't be that far away, you then will have me in your heart and in your sight." 

He points to the moon and holds me in a close embrace 
"Even though we will apart for a long time, looking at the stars I will see you and looking at the moon we will be together" He turns around to face me and he has a sad expression. 

"Promise me we will get through this." I try to open my mouth but nothing comes out, I can see that he is getting sadder and sadder

"Promise me that we are forever, that you will continue to love me even if I am far away." He grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes with his big sad eyes

"Promise me you will never forget me"

"I Promise..." 

I wake up and I find myself all snuggled up to Jungkook. He is also awake and starts to attack me with kisses. We both start to laugh and I rest my head on his chest.

"Did we stay here all night?" 

"Yes we did.." I can feel that he is now giving me a small grin. I move a bit closer to let him know that I don't mind. I hope that Jungsoo wasn't up all night...Jungsoo...

"Jungsoo!" I quickly get up and look for my phone, when I find it.

"Aahh...." I have 30 missed called from Jungsoo. Should I call him? "Aaii he is going to kill me" I count to three and press recall and I hold my breath and I am waiting for it to go over

"Oppa, minhae, minhaeyo. I am so sorry..."

"Yaejin....Where are you!? YA! You don't even call me to let me know that you are staying away.. Do you know how worried I was!" I can hear that he is quite angry and the other boys are now even standing around...oohh this is embarrassing...

"I don't really want to talk to you right now. Can you hand me the phone to one of the members." He is now calm and this is even more frightening. 

"Ar-Arasso." I quickly hand the phone to Namjoon and he and Jungsoo talk a bit.

"Is he mad? What did he say?"

Jungkook and the others lead me away from Namjoon and start to ask me a million questions. I try to look for Namjoon, but it seems that he is gone now. I hear a door open and voices...

"Was he mad? "

"Yes he really is." I freeze up and everyone turns around everyone is shocked.

"Why didn't you let me know that you were staying here? Do you know how worried I have been! I toughed you were in an accident, I called the hospital to check where you were." I look at Jungsoo and he looks so mad. 

"Are you hurt? Are you okay? Nothing happened right." He walks up to me and pulls me into a hug and hold me really tight. I can feel that he is afraid to let me go. I wrap my arms around him and tap on his back.

"Oppa...I am so sorry that I made you worried about me." He lets me go and now stares right into my eyes.

"I am mad at you. But I seeing that you are okay and well. That make happier than anything else." He puts his hand behind my head and pulls me softly in a hug. "Don't make me worry again okay...It makes me grow older sooner." 

He lets go of me and hands me a bag

"Your mother called me, she wanted to invite us to come over tomorrow. She is also worried so you should call her. " He hands me his phone and I quickly call my mom

"Jungsoo did you find her? Is she okay?"

"Eomma, it is me. I am okay"

"You! Do you know how worried we have been? Jungsoo even has gone out looking for you, do you have any idea how worried he was." My mother pauses and sighs " I am relieved that you are safe."

"I am sorry that I worried you mom, I am really sorry I made both of you worried."

"Arasso, next time just let us know. I called you yesterday because your dad and I really wanted to invite the both of you to come over for today and tomorrow"

"Ehm.. That would be awesome, which date is it today?"

"It is the 29th of December."

"Aahh okay...I still have to film in the morning and also tomorrow, is it okay if we come tomorrow and the day after?  "

"Yes that is okay, sweetheart. Do ask if Jungsoo is still available in two days."

"Yes mom. I will ask him and we  will come soon."

"Drive carefully okay? Can you put Jungsoo on please?"

"Yes Mom, I will do that. "

"Love you Yaejin"

"Love you mom" Ever since my accident we all started to say I love you more, I think we all just realized that anything can happen at any second. I hand my phone to Jungsoo and he takes my hand while he talks to my mother.

"Yes, I am also relieved." I try to listen to their conversation and he tilts the phone a bit and makes it easier for me to listen.

"Thank you for taking such good care of our daughter. I also apologize for her making you worried as well."

"No apologizing needed, it isn't a trouble to take care of Yaejin. I truly do it with a lot of pleasure."

"Jungsoo Yaejin has some filming to do for the next two days, are you still free then?"

"Yes I am still free and if I am still welcome I would love to come then."

"Jungsoo, of course you are welcome! You are like a son to us, you know that."

"Arasso eomeonim~" I can hear him chuckle and they continue to talk a bit.

"Jungsoo I can’t wait to you two come by, I will prepare some of your favourite dishes,"

"Aaahh kamshamnida"

"Arasso, We will keep in contact Jungsoo."

"Yes we will!"

"Love you Jungsoo"

"Love you too mom."

He hangs up and he looks all happy. I give him a side hug and he can't stop smiling. 

"I am glad that you and my mom have gotten so much closer. "

"I know, she is just like you. Your characters are so similar. You have great parents."

"I love your parents too" I say it cutely and he starts to laugh. 

"Go change you have to film in a few hours" 


I walk into a room and look at the clothes that Jungsoo has brought for me, I smile at it. He just brought me some simple jeans, but he made sure that some clothes from him where between here. 
I change into my pants and I can't close my shirt. It is a sleeveless turtleneck and the closing in by my neck, but it hurts to try to reach there. I take my shirt a bit off and just then the door goes open. 

"Yaejin, the director called and asked whe-" Jungsoo stops mid-sentence and quickly closes the door, but he is on the wrong side of the door. He starts to panic and closes his eyes.

"I-I am so-orry..." 

"It is all right Jungsoo." I put my shirt back on "Can you help me close this button?" I show him where and he opens his eyes. 

"Arasso..." He closes the button and his hands softly go by my back and I can feel everything tingle. I turn around and he is still looking. He snaps out of it and hands me his jacket. 

"Thank you~"  I put on his jacket and he leaves. I try to say something but he leaves real quick. I hope that this won’t change anything.

I grab all my things when Jungkook walks in, he closes the door and just looks at me.

"Jungkook? Is something wrong?" I put down the bag and move forward to him. I hold his hand and he looks at me.

"You and Jungsoo are really close...I didn't realize that you two where this close." 

"Aahh...Yes we are really close."  He takes both of my hands and seem to be thinking...He isn't jealous right? I toughed that we put it behind us. I don't want him to worry about Jungsoo and me. What if he makes me choose?

"I am happy that you two are so close. I am happy to know that when I can't look after you, he will always be there to make sure that you are all right." I can't quite believe what I am hearing. 

"Aren't you a bit jealous?"

"I did, but I shouldn't be...So I am going to try really hard not to be. " He smiles at me and I give him a kiss. 

"You are the best." He grins at me 

"I know..." He gives me another kiss and we walk out of the room. "I am sorry that I made everyone worried. I should have called everyone."

"It is okay, we are both at fault." 

I see that everyone is having fun and Jungsoo hands me my coat and helps me put it on. 

"What are you going to film now Yaejin?"

"Right now I will go to the set of Descendants of the sun and later today to the set of Remember."

"Waah you are doing both? Busy bee..." 

"You are doing both? Isn't that too much trouble for you? You promised you wouldn't overdue it..." Jungkook looks worried at me and Jungsoo nods

"Exactly! I also told her that, but she won't listen. You see Yaejin Jungkook and I both agree on this." I look to Jungsoo and he is now standing beside Jungkook and it seems like they are standing together in this.

"Are you guys teaming up..." I look at them with open mouth and they nod "Uggh...Well I will try to take is easy, but I have make a living...Besides I can't let them down can I..?"

"We will talk about it later, now we have to go. Otherwise you will be late and that won't be good."

"Arasso..." Jungsoo takes over the bag and says bye to everyone. I am pulled into a group hug and they start to jump up and down.

"Thank you all for letting me stay, next time I won't be such a burden." 

"Don't be weird, you are always welcome here!" They pull me into another hug and start jumping again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were filming two dramas at once?" Jungkook and I are walking slowly to the exit and he truly seems surprised that I didn't tell him about it.

"I already started filming Descendants of the sun before my accident and we are now just filming the end and tomorrow will be the last shoot. The same is exactly for Remember."

"Aahh Arasso...With whom are you filming?"

"Remember with Yoo Seung-ho and the descendantes with Song Joong Ki"

"Oohh they are all handsome..."

"They really are, yes..." I start to smile at his cute behaviour and he looks a bit hurt at me.

"Ahh you don't have to worry, no one can match you" I give him a wink and the starts to smile again.

"Arasso...No one can match you as well." He smirks at me and gives me kiss and quickly pulls away when Jungsoo coughs. 

"Time to go, see you next time Jungkook."

"Deh...Till next time Jungsoo-hyung." I smile at the two and Jungkook gives me a quick hug goodbye and Jungsoo also pets him on the back. It looks a bit awkward, but I can see that they are growing closer.

*                                                                                                        *

"Did you like it yesterday?"

"Yes I really enjoyed it. It became really clear how much I have missed meeting up with all of us. "

"Yes, they also really enjoyed seeing you again. They also really missed you."

I really enjoyed meeting enjoyed being with everyone, we are truly like one big family. They were all so happy and glad to see me. Thinking back of it, Hyukjae's mom was hugging me so tight, but later on she started to hold herself back. Maybe she wanted to let me breath? To make sure that I didn't feel burdened? I don't know, but that does seem logically.

"Yaejin, we are here." Jungsoo pulls over and we are already here.

"Arasso, thank you Jungsoo-oppa~" I give him a hug and quickly get out.


I have spent all day filming and I am happy to sit down for a second. My phone goes and it is Jungkook calling


"Oppa~ "

"I am going to perform in a second" I can hear in his voice that he is very nervous about it

"Jungkook oppa, are you nervous?"

"A little bit, I have always wanted to perform with Zion-T and now it is finally coming true. I just really don't want to mess up." 

"Aahh Oppa~ You don't have to worry, you are an amazing singer, your voice, I love your singing. Just do as you always do, enjoy it. Just sing your heart out and you won't mess up. Just don't get too much up in your head. "

"Thank you....It is still nerve racking...."

"I know. Just have fun, this is something you always wanted to do, enjoy it...."

"I wished you were here."

"Me too, I will watch it on the television, I promise."

"Okay. I have to go~ I will talk to you soon again."

"Okay, good luck oppa~  Fighting!"


He hangs up and I put the television on and look for the concert. I can see that Zion.T is singing and I can't wait for Jungkook to come up. He starts to sing and he really does great, I love his voice. the performance ends and I call him, the phone goes over a few times and I am about to hang up when he picks up. 


"You were great! It was amazing!"

"Aahh thank you~ I followed your advice and it just went"


"Exactly. Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it"

"Of course! Don't be silly, of course I support you."

"I have to go"

"Arasso, talk to you later!" 

I hang up and I am also called to continue filming. I put my phone away and walk to the set, too bad that filming is almost over.

*                                                                                                                                   *

It is still early in the morning and we are almost done with filming. The last day of filming.... I am standing still and just observing everything. I remember the day I came back of my accident, everyone was so loving and so happy to see me again. Even after my scandal they were more concerned if I was okay, they weren't mad or concerned about the show. It will be hard to say goodbye to them, not to come every day to shoot.

"Are you coming?" I look beside me and there is Joongki, he smiles at me and holds his arms out for me.

"Let do this..." I grab his arm and we both head to set. 


Trying not to cry....Trying to, but it is not as easy at is seems. We are done filming and it is bittersweet. We are all celebrating and I can't help but feel emotional. I look over to Joongki and he also looks emotional. It must be hard for him as well, since it is his first drama since his enlistment. 

"Oohh Yaejin don't cry" Joongki walks over to me and pulls me into a hug, we have become really close trough this drama, he really became one of my closest friends.

"I am trying...You shouldn't cry as well." 

"Aahjo, I won't cry." I look at him and he nods at me. "Really."

"I don't believe you~" 

"I might....Okay...." 

"I think we all might..." I just give him a hug and we just hold each other. 


We all said our goodbyes and I am now home and I have to get my stuff quickly. I take off my coat and I that Jungsoo is ready to go. 

"How was the last shooting?"

"It was...It went great, but it is always hard to just end it." I give him a hug and he holds me close. "I will do a quick change and then we can go"

"Arasso...Take your time Ji." 


'I was thinking of a nickname..." He starts to blush and he looks so cute

"Ahhh I love it." I give him a broad smile and walk to my room.

I change into jeans and a blouse with a sweater. I take my bag and I get back to Jungsoo. He gets up and we lock everything up and we are ready to go.

"Are you nervous to stay at my home with my parents and brother?" We are in the car driving and Jungsoo seems nervous.

"A bit...." 

"Just a bit?"

"Maybe a lot... I have known them now for quite some time, but I have never spend 2 days with them and never at them home...."

"You don't have to worry, they already like you. Just be you and it will be okay and my brother isn’t home, back at school in America."

"Thank you~ Aahh arasso" 

We arrive here and Jungsoo seems to be double checking if we have arrived in the right place.

"Your parents live here?" We step out of the car and he looks surprised "So big...."

"Jungsoo-ah, come let get inside." I grab his hand and I get my keys and open the door. We take of our shoes put down our bags and I grab his hand again and lead him to the living room.

"Yaejin?" My mom sees me first and immediately stands up and gives me a hug, after hugging me she hugs Jungsoo.

"Dad" I walk to my dad and he also hugs me tight. He lets go of me to greet Jungsoo

"Yaejin are you hungry? You both must be, come lets set the table." My mom leads me to the kitchen and I look at Jungsoo and he seems to want to follow me, but my dad already started talking to him.

"You two look really good together."

"Aah thank you mom." We start to set the table and my mom really cooked a lot. "Did you cook all of this alone mom?"

"Ande...I had help." My mom laughs shyly.  "How is Jungkook"

"He is good...He is good yea...."  I haven't exactly told them that we are dating.

"Okay haha when is he coming by?"

"Soon...But..Ehmm... I would really love to bring by my boyfriend by"

"Yes...What? Boyfriend? Who?" My mom turns to me and looks shocked "Jungkook?"

"Deh...Jungkook oppa~"

"Really?" My mom is looking at me in silence and it is kind of creepy...

"Do you approve or?" I don't really know what to say

"Yaejin of course I do. I just... I am happy about for you two, we should invite his parents over soon. I saw them yesterday. Why didn't you tell us sooner?" 

"Sorry mom... It would be nice to meet up with all of us."

"That would be really lovely. We should tell you dad, he will love it." My mom walks up to him and I can see him light up. He always wanted me and Jungkook to get together.

*                                                                                    *

"Here is the guestroom." I lead Jungsoo upstairs. 

"Waahh so big" 

"Jungsoo...Hahaha you fool"

"Ya...Where is your room?" I lead him into my room and he starts to look around

"Aah is this you? You are so cute!" 

"Ahh thank you...It wasn't too bad was it" We are done eating and it was really fun. We had a great time with all of us.

"No not at all, it was so nice! I really love your parents"

"Just my parents?..."

"Noo I love you too~" He pulls a cute face and I pinch his cheeks. 


We head backstairs and we sit down at the table in the living room, we are both working and I am trying to write...I have been trying for the past days, but somehow I can't put anything down on paper.

"Are you still stuck?"

"Yes, I.. I don't know, it is like some part of me is missing. A big part of me..."

"What do you mean?" Jungsoo puts his papers down and sits down next to me. 

"There is just a whole in me, a black whole of emptiness. There is just something missing, something important to me." 

"It will come back to you, the only thing you have to do is feel. This what you are missing, that is inside you, you are just not able to feel it. Just close your eyes and write down how you feel, this can be about what happened or about this emptiness inside you."

I close my eyes and all I can think of is my dream...I still can't see who it is was, was it Jungkook? Or maybe someone else? Maybe the empty spot inside me isn't something, but someone? 

I close my eyes and try to remember, it hurts so much...I can't give up, some part of me is missing....

"Jagiya what are you writing?" 

"I am writing about today..." I smile at him and I can feel that my eyes are sparkling

"About today? Is this like your dairy?" He leans his head against my shoulder and wraps his arms around me

"Yes it is like my dairy, I write her about every moment."

"Every moment with me?"

"Also, mostly, but also about other things that happened."

"Why? "

*                                                                                   *

"Give me your hand" He is holding his hand out and I grab it with a smile. He twirls me around and takes me into his arms. 

"I don't care who sees..." He lifts up my chin and looks me in the eye, I can see that he is serious and tears are welling up in his eyes

"I don't if it makes a scandal, I don't care about age...." I can see that he is nervous and his eyes swift back from the ground to my eyes 
"That is because I know that I am going to love you today, tomorrow and forever. I know that you are the one that I want to spend forever with. That is why I don't care who sees, we are going to spend the rest of our lives together."  Everyone else around is goes silence and they are listing to the words that he is saying

“We might come across obstacles, hard words, people who believe that we are wrong, but...But I love you....And our love is worth fighting for, no matter how hard the battle. We are worth it, our love is...."  I can feel the tears rolling down my cheeks and he wipes them away and gives me a sweet kiss. I can feel the love that I feel for him and the love that he feels for me.... Oohh I love him...

*                                                                                     *

"Yaejin, how are you doing? It must be hard knowing that he will go soon.."

"Who... is he leaving then?" I look at Hani and she is now looking confused at me

"Yes he is leaving in 2 months, you didn't know?" I look at her and I drop my cup out of my hands and it shatters beneath me. I can feel the tears welling up and... No, she isn't serious right? I look at her and I can see that she isn't kidding....He is really going... I get out of the restaurant and drive quickly to the entertainment. I run up the stairs and I can see some people staring at me confused.

"Yaejin? Are you okay?" I look to the side and I can't see clear, but I recognize the voice, it is Taemin. I can't see who he is with and I try to swallow my tears back in.

"Where is...." 

"He is in here" he points at the rehearsal room and I run up to it. I open the door and there he is. I can see him and I am fighting to hold my tears back in. He is with the rest of Super Junior and they all get up seeing me. 

"Yaejin!" The tears are running down my face and I try to escape out of the rehearsal room, he quickly grabs my hand and turns me around. I try to fight him, but he puts his arms around me and holds me tight. 

"Why didn't you tell me!?!" I hit him and I escape out of his hold

"When where you going to tell me!! I had to find out through my friend that you are....2 months! 2 MONTHS!!! Why?! Wh-hy?!" I fall to the ground and my hand goes to my belly....2 months....

"Yaejin...." He walks up to me, sits down next to me and wraps his arms around me and pulls me onto his lap. "I am so sorry...I just didn't want to admit to it yet."

"Don't go~....Don't leave me~..."

"I...I am not going to leave you, not today, not ever.... “He rest his head on mine and I can feel his tears falling down. "I will never leave you" 


"Yaejin.." Jungsoo shakes me and I open my eyes. Tears streaming over my cheeks “Are you okay?"

"Who was he? " Jungsoo freezes up and I can see that he doesn't want to talk about him


"The guy that I loved...." He smiles awkwardly to me and tries to avoid the subject and starts to take of me. Why won't anyone tell me who he is? The guy in my dreams, the guy I loved...The guy I still love....

“Drink this” Jungsoo hands me my medicine and I thank him. It feels like my head is going to split in two.

"Yaejin we are going to bed, if you guys want anything to eat there is plenty in the fridge." My mom and dad come to give me a goodnight kiss and say goodnight to Jungsoo as well. 

I look over to Jungsoo, he is looking sad. He has been ever since I asked him who the guy was. He still hasn't answered, but ever since I asked he hasn't looked at me and has even avoided my eyes. Is it that bad that no one wants to tell me? I grab my pen and start to think back at the things I remembered.

"You wrote something!" Jungsoo jumps up and looks so happy

"You broke your writers block!"

"I just did what you said....I closed my eyes and just let my feelings out." I smile awkwardly and look at my paper

"What did you write?"  

"Ehmm..." I look at the words and I am nervous to see his reaction

"And I've lost who I am
And I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken"

I look over to Jungsoo and I can see that he is looking sad again. He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Everything will be fine again....Just give it time" 



"Ji, wake up...." Jungsoo tries to wake me up and I can feel him lift me up. I wrap my arms around him and when we enter my bedroom he lets me down slowly. 

"Oppa~" He turns around and I sit up straight "do you want to watch a movie?"

"Don't you want to sleep?"

"I can't sleep anymore. "I pout to him and he nods. He sits down next to me and we search a nice movie to watch 

*                                                     *

I open my eyes and we have fallen asleep again.  I can't even remember the movie anymore....I am leaning with my body against his and we have fallen asleep while sitting like this. Jungsoo is still asleep and I don't want to wake him up yet, he looks so peaceful.


Jungkook POV

"Jungkook what are you thinking about?" I put my phone away and Jimin sits down next to me

"I am thinking about everything...."

"Everything about Yaejin?"

"Mostly yes... I am really excited to let her see our performance of perfect man. She really loves that song"

"Yes I am also very excited. The end of this year, heading into 2016...."

"I know... Time flies by..." We both continue to sit down in silence and it is really nice to be just quite for some time

"Did you hear anything from the entertainment? " I open my eyes and I think back of what they told me today....

"Well.... The situation around her scandal is really relieving and they are planning to announce it soon, but they don't know when or how. First they want to test the waters, but I told them just to announce it. There will always be people against our relationship, the way we tell them doesn't really matter, the only that does is that we tell them and aren't forced to."

"Waahh Kookie you are really getting older. I am happy that there is progress."

"yes so am I..." 


Jungsoo POV

I open my eyes and I am all tucked in. I look around and we must have fallen asleep while watching the movie, I see that Yaejin is writing at her desk and she looks way more relaxed and she keeps on writing. I smile, how much has changed in the few days.

"What are you doing?" I am working on my laptop and Yaejin is writing, well at least trying to

"I am trying to write a song, but....I can't think of anything. Nothing makes sense, everything I write down just feels wrong." She looks really frustrated and it is hard to watch.

"What if I can never write again?"

"Aah Yaejin.." I walk up to her and give her a back hug "That won't be the case. You just need time to heal and that is not only your body everything just needs time." 

I smile at seeing her writing, I am glad that she is finally able to write a song again. It would really kill her if she couldn't do it anymore. 

"When will I hear the results?" I get up and walk up to her

"When it is finished." She closes her notebook and gives me a cheeky look. I smile at her and go with my hand over her head. 

"Ya! " She grabs my hand and tries to rub my head

"You do know that I just woke up right?"

"Arasso..." She stops and lets go of my hand "I will help with breakfast, see you down in a bit?"

"Deh! I will come down quickly."


I change quickly and I can already smell it and it smells delicious. I arrive downstairs and it nice to see them all being together, Yaejin really looks happy. It has been a long time that I have seen her glow like this, usually she only glows like this with Hyukjae. Thinking of them together still makes me sad, it is really hard to watch a love story and see how it is just ending...

I quickly take a photo of Yaejin, Hyukjae will really appreciate that. He would really love to see her happy. 

"Jungsoo come down" Her father calls me out and I can see that they are all smiling to me. I walk downstairs and they continue to joke with each other.

I look at Yaejin and she wraps one arm around me and smiles at me. I smile back, I love seeing her happy like this, it is like the old Yaejin is slowly waking up, Gosh...How much have I missed seeing her like this....


Jungkook POV

We are continuing practice and everything is going great. I am so excited to preform tonight
My phones goes off and we all stop dancing, luckily it is at the end of our song so I can answer it comfortably.



"Deh...Don't you recognize your own girlfriends voice?"

"I do~ I am just surprised....I miss you"

"I miss you too~" 

"Are you still at home? "

"yes I am still at home, they are now showing baby pictures to Jungsoo. It is really embarrassing"

"oooh..." I feel a bit jealous, but I am trying my hardest not to show it "That is nice."

"Deh, what are you doing? Practice?"

"Yes I am, we are preforming tonight at the MBC music festival"

"Aahh you are putting your leather pants back on" She starts to tease me and I can feel my self-blushing

"Do they look bad on me?"

"Noo...I think that it looks really good on you" 

"Good..." I can feel my cheeks going redder "I am still very sad that you can't see us perform"

"Yes so am I...." 

"The next time we perform I will save you a seat." I can see that they are waiting for me, I really don't want to hang up , but I can't let the others wait for me...

"Jagi, I have to go..."

"Arasso, good luck tonight! "

"Deh, love you~" 

I say the words before I even realize it....I am trying not to freak out and Yae is also not responding....What should I do? I quickly hang up and when I turn around they are looking shocked at me

"What should I do know?" I look at them and I really don't know what to do

"Why? You do love her don't you?"

"Yes I love her, Jin-hyung...."

"Then what is the problem? Wait...She didn't say it back?"  I nod and everyone looks away

"That isn't good right? Right?"

"Jungkook, you never know. In the end you did hang up on her, so she might wanted to answer but you could have cut her off" Jin hyung speaks up and I just nod

"yes indeed, nothing to worry about." He is right, right? We start practicing again and they are making jokes to keep my mind of it. I just hope that I didn't say it too soon...I really hope that I am not moving too fast.


"Jungkook your turn for makeup" We are now getting ready and we have to perform in some time, I have tried to call Yaejin, but she didn't answer me. The members are still trying to cheer me up, but it isn't really working. It isn't working at all.


Yaejin POV

"Deh, love you~"

I can still hear the way he said it, I am still standing in the same spot and I don't know what to do. I put my hand on my heart and it is beating so fast. I try to breathe slower and to calm my heart down. 

"Ji what is going on?" Jungsoo has been looking at me and is now standing in front of me


"Did he hurt you? What did he do!?"

"No...The opposite, he said he loves me..."

"What? He said that? Aahh and what did you say, love you too~" I can see that he is looking sad, but tries to act happy

"I didn't say anything...I didn't say anything back." I am realizing that I didn't say anything and he hang up....  "What should I do now?"

"Aii, he must be hurt now."

"What should I do?"

"You have to be honest, you can't say that you love him if you don't. The thing that you should do is figuring out if he is the one you want to be with now" I can hear that Jungsoo has a deeper meaning to it, but to be honest I don't really understand his deeper meaning.

"Arasso." I smile at him and walk to the garden. I look out of the window. How am I suppose the know this? I think back of my memories and the flashbacks that I have had so far. I really loved that person, I can feel that, but I don't know who it was. It could be Jungkook, it really could be.

"And do you love him? Have you figured it out?" I walk up to Jungsoo and he is waiting for my answer

" I have..."


Jungkook POV

We are all exhausted and our performance went good, I made some mistakes, but I can fix those. 

"you kept on thinking of her didn't you" Jimin starts to tease me and I just nod...I try to hide it, but while sighing I kept on thinking of her. And the songs we performed really matched my feeling today, perfect man truly matched my intentions with Yae and I need you....

Even the first time when I saw the lyrics of I need you it reminded me of her, Why am  I in love alone, why am I hurting alone, I need you girl....Why do I keep needing you when I know I'll get hurt? .... You are are cold..."  

I am saying the words out loud and I can see that Jimins face is turning concerned and is looking sad at me.... Even the rap from I need you, which I had to do for Namjoon is perfect for my feelings. Seems that I don't need words to express my self today, the songs have done it perfectly. 

We walk back into the dressing room and our manager is talking to someone. I don't really pay attention to that person and I am about to leave the room to get some air when I realize something. That hoodie...Isn't that mine? I turn around and my mouth falls open

"Yae?" She is standing in front of me with tears in her eyes, I can't believe that she is here...I am not dreaming right? She walks up to me and she is trying really hard not to let her tears fall, I have never really see her cry since the day we got together. She never really has been someone to cry easy, maybe...Maybe she is here to break up with me? 

"Jungkook..." She is looking for the right words and she seems shy to say them


"Wait let me say this first" She stops me from talking and takes my hand

"When you told me that you love me, I should have responded to you, but... I didn't know how I felt, so I have been thinking...Thinking how to name this feeling when I see you and...I am sorry.." I can feel my heart drop by every word she is saying and we are both trying to hold our tears in and I let go of her hand and I take a few steps away from her, she is really breaking up with me

"I am sorry that I didn't say sooner that I love you too."  What?  I turn around to face her and I can see that she is smiling shyly at me

"I love you..." She says it again and now I know that I didn't misheard it. I walk up to her and pull her into my arms and give her a kiss. I pull away and cup her face

 "I am not dreaming right?"

"no....I really love you. I am sorry that it to-" I kiss her and she wraps her arms around me. 

"I love you..." I pull away to say these words to her and then kiss her again. 


"Did you watch the whole performance?" 

"I did, I really enjoyed it." She smiles at me and I take both of her hands in mine

"You know I sang every song for you" She smiles at me

"did you.."

"I did.. I always have...." 


"happy new year Yaejin!" they boys have left to give us some privacy and are now coming back, they are all hugging her and wishing each other Happy new year. 

"How did you come here so quickly, weren't you by your parents?"

"yes I was, but Jungsoo and I went home sooner and we left quickly so that I could come here and he could also see his family and he has to leave soon. 

"aahh okay. Will you be home alone then?"

"Yes I will be home alone for the coming days...." 

"You could stay with us." I speak the words and everyone is looking surprised at me

" guys are so busy, I can't." She smiles at me, but we all know that the reason she is given isn't really a reason.

"We aren't busy, you can easily stay with us." I can see that she doesn't know how to object and the other boys are also not really making any objections. 

"It would be really nice if you stayed with us." Jimin carefully speaks up and I nod

"You see, it won't be any problem."

"Jungkook...I will be very busy for the next days, I still have to film Remember so my days will be long and I won't be home anyways."

"The more reason why you could stay with us." Yaejin turns around to ask the others for help but they also don't know what to say. 

"Jungkook, I really appreciate that you want to spend time with me, but some other time okay."

"But why not this time, otherwise you will be at home all by yourself"

"I will be all day working and going to the hospital and it won’t be pretty."

"Hospital? Why is something not okay? "

"A lot is not okay, but I am going because I have to start working again."

 "You are already working, you are shooting a drama remember" She smiles at me and everyone sighs in relieve, I think that everyone was afraid that we were going to fight.

"Jungkook I do more than just shooting dramas"

"I know, are you going to sing again? Dance?"

"I am writing new songs, but my album is almost done. I finished it before my accident, well finished it almost. I don't think I will dance for some time, the doctor doesn't approve and it just hurts a lot to move, even walking is a burden." She smiles faintly and I see that Taehyung is pulling a chair for her and she sits down with a smile. 

"Do you have any other plans related to work for the next days?" Jimin speaks up and we all sit down in a circle, a lot comfortable then standing

"Well the 24th  is in Paris the Haute Couture fashion week, so I really want to go there so, I have to start working for that."

"What?!" I almost jump out of my chair and she takes my hand to calm me down "you just said that walking even hurts, why would you want to go to fashion week then."

"Jungkook Jinnie is probably just going to watch" Jin hyung tries to calm me down and I look to Yae to see if that is true and it is clear that it is not

"No I really want to walk in the show, so I have to do a lot of work and make sure that I am healthy enough to do so."

"I don't think you should go, you should take your time and heal" Jin hyung tries to object and I nod. He is right. 

"Well, I have to start working again and I have to make some money to survive."

"Yae you are close to loaded with money. You really don't have to work" she starts to blush and tries to object, but we all know that she has a lot of money. 

*                                                                    *

We are finally home after practice and I am exhausted, we are practicing for the Seoul music awards and ughh...Exhausting...So many things to do.... I can't wait to perform again though, I still have to wait for 3 more days, time really goes fast, eleven days ago started the new year. Time flies...

"Jungkook look at this" Namjoon hyung calls me and everyone is standing around him and looking at something. 

"What is wrong hyung?" They make way for me and I see a picture of Yaejin in my jumper. Wait this is taken at new year’s.

"How did this get online?"

"Some army's recognized her and they also recognized that what she is wearing is yours." I start to go pale....

"We should call the entertainment."

"You call her, I will call the entertainment."

"Thank you hyung" I quickly grab my phone and call her

"Oppa~ Why are you calling?"

"There is a photo of you in my hoodie."

"At new year’s?"

"Yes, then. Army's recognized you and they also know that it is my hoodie." Namjoon seems to want to talk to Yae so I put the phone on speaker

"Damit...Ugghh I will call the entertainment, this isn't good. " 

"Yae you shouldn't curse"

"Deh, sorry" 

"No worries Jinnie."

"Namjoon, aahh sorry."

"It is okay. I called the entertainment and they are going to call yours and they are probably going to announce it this week."

 "Really? " Yae and I ask the same question at the same time and they all start to smile.

"Yes, they wanted it to announce next week, but they will announce it sooner to prevent any complications."

"Waauw.... Do I still need to call the entertainment or?"

"I would just to be sure, but that is what they told me so, congratulations both of you."

I start to smile from ear to ear and I can't stop smiling. I am so happy. 

"Yae what are you doing right now"

"I am waiting for the bus to come to go home."

"So late!?" We are all surprised, it is already ten....

"Yes I was waiting for Jungsoo but he is still working so I have to take the bus to come home. "

"Should pick you up? I don't think it is safe to be outside alone." Hoseok hyung speaks up before I can. 

"That is very nice off you guys, but"

"No but. I am coming to pick you up. Send me your address I am coming." I quickly hang up, now she doesn't have the chance to object. 

"Jungkook... what if she doesn't send her address...."

"Aahhh I didn't think of that...." 


Yaejin POV

Jungkook hangs up on me and he is so silly. I will send him my location later, but first I will call my manager, or should I call my uncle? I will call my uncle

"Yaejin is everything okay?"

"Aah uncle I am sorry that I am calling so late, but there is a photo of me circling around. In this photo I am wearing Jungkook hoodie and it is at New Year’s" 

"I am glad that you called, we will contact his entertainment and figure out a solution"

"Yes I talked to Jungkook and Namjoon and they told me that Big hit will also contact you and they are probably going to propose to announce our relationship this week."

"Aah that is a nice solution indeed, if we agree on something I will call you again. Sleep well Yaejin, I will call you tomorrow again."

"Okay, thank you uncle. Sleep well."

I hang up and send am about to send to Jungkook where I am, when a car stops in front of me. Is that Namjoon? It is, Jungkook gets out of the car and Namjoon as well, aah it is a taxi.

"Yae you are coming with us." Jungkook grabs my hand and we get into the taxi.

"How did you find me?"

"I remember from last time you told me"

"Aah okay, well thank you for picking me up."

"Your welcome" In no time we are already at their dorm and I am greeted warmly by the rest of the members.

"How have you been for the past days?" Hoseok hands me a cup of tea and we are all sitting comfortably

"I have been good and you guys"

"Good as well, practicing."

"Good." Jungkook puts his arm around me, he was really happy to see me again, I haven't seen him in almost 2 weeks. It is really hard to find time to meet up, but we are trying to make it work. 

"Have you been to the hospital?”

"I have to go to the hospital every week, almost every day. " I can see that Jungkook is hoping for good news, I am afraid I can't really give him that.

"Not really any improvement, but my situation also hasn't become worse" I try to cheer him up a bit, but he still looks really worried.

"Maybe should you just take some time off?"

"I will think about it..." I smile at all of them, but Jungkook notices that it isn't really genuine. 

"Have you written another song?"

"I have, I had a writers block for quite some time, but 2 weeks ago I started writing again."

"Can you sing a bit for us?" Jimin is really excited and it is hard to say no to him, but this song isn't really cheerful

"No~ but if you want you can read the lyrics" They all nod and I hand them my notebook out of my bag and hand them the lyrics. 

"Please only read these pages..." They nod and Jimin stands up and it seems that he is going to read them out loud. 


"This is a story that I've never told
I gotta get this off my chest to let it go
I need to take back the light inside you stole
You're a criminal
And you steal like you're a pro

All the pain and the truth
I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed so confused, I was broken and bruised

Now I'm a warrior
Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I’ve ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can’t get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me again

Out of the ashes, I’m burning like a fire
You can save your apologies, you're nothing but a liar
I've got shame, I've got scars
That I’ll never show
I'm a survivor
I'm always and you know

Cause all the pain and the truth
I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed so confused, I'm not broken, or bruised

Now I'm a warrior
Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I’m a warrior
And you can never hurt me again

There's a part of me I can't get back
A little girl grew up too fast
All it took was once, I'll never be the same
Now I take it back my life today
Nothing left that you can say
Cause you were never gonna take the blame anyway

Now I'm a warrior
Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me again

Nooo oooh yeaaah yeaah

You can never hurt me again"


"You wrote this?"

"I did" I smile at them shyly and Jungkook wraps his arms around me

"Everything will be okay..."


Hyukjae POV

"Hyukjae someone on the phone for you" I take the phone and rub my eyes, I was just dreaming away

"Who is it?"

"It is me Hyukjae"

"Jungsoo! How are you? Did something happen? "

"No nothing happened she is all right. I am good, how are you?"

"I am good, good, I am happy to hear that both of you are doing good" We talk for a bit, but I can hear in his voice that there is something he wants to tells me and my guts tells me that I won't like it.

"Spill it, count to three and spit it out. One..Two....Thr-"

"She is dating Jungkook." I go quite and I freeze up. Jungsoo keeps on talking, but I can't hear him....."Hyukjae, Hyukjae! "

"Deh...Aahh...Arasso....Is she happy?"

"She looks happy..."

"That is all that matters." I try to keep it cool and breathe out slowly, I really don't want to cry....

"That is not all I want to tell you. They are announcing it. I don't know when yet, but both agencies already met."

"Ahh...Arasso." I breathe out in a sigh and I... I don't know how to feel.

"And also. When we were by her parents she....She asked about you, she tried to remember about a person she keeps on dreaming from. She doesn't know who you are, but she knows that she loved the person deeply."

"Really? That is amazing...What did you say? "

"Nothing....She kept on clamping on her head and it looked like she was going to pass out any moment."

"Good, just let her remember on her own terms, the only thing I want it for her to be happy." 


Me and Jungsoo talked for some time and I am now looking at the moon....I smile and start to think back

"Jagiya what are you writing?"  I walk up to her and she looks up from her note book

"I am writing about today..." She smiles at me and I melt, everything she smiles my heart just explodes.

"About today? Is this like your dairy?"  I wrap my arms around her and I just want to hold her tight...


"Yes it is like my dairy, I write her about every moment."

"Every moment with me?" I and she chuckles

"Also, mostly, but also about other things that happened." 

"Why? " She turn to face me and wrap her arms around my neck

"I don't want to forget....I don't want to forget any second we spend together and if I ever where to forget I will have my notebooks to remember everything. That way I will never lose or forget you"  

Hearing those words from her...It just made me love her more and more. 

"Jagi, I know you don't remember, but we promised each other to talk to the moon and that way we would be talking to each other. So I hope that you are watching and maybe you will feel my love. "  I take out the picture of me and her, she is stunning...Ooh..

"I want you to be happy, if Jungkook makes you happy then.." I don't finish my sentence and wipe away my tear "Of course I hope that you will remember me, so please don't give up on remembering....I need you...There are so many things I can't talk to anyone about, they won't understand....I...I am nothing without you...So please don't give up, take your time and remember me, us...I love you.



Yaejin POV

I take out my notebook and Jungsoo walks in and takes my notebook. He walks back into the living room and I follow him

"Yaa Give it back!"

"Hyung you shouldn't so much" I see that Heechul and Kyuhyun are here and I hug them both on the same time

"Ooohh I have missed you guys"

"Aahh we have missed you too" He chuckle and Heechul goes with his hand through my hair. 

"Did you write another song?"

"I did." I start to blush and I can see that Jungsoo is preparing to read it out loud

"Can I read it?" I nod and he stands up to read it. The doorbell goes and Ryeowook, Yesung  and Kangin also have arrived

"You guys are just in time, I am going to read Ji's new song."

"Ji? I like that nickname" The all go quite and Jungsoo starts reading 

"I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know

Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon " 



They all go quite and I can see that Jungsoo is trying not to cry, I look to the other boys and they are all sad. I don't really understand, my song isn't that sad.

"Why~" I walk to Jungsoo and give him a hug

"Why did you write this song?"

"Well I always talk to the moon" I start to think of last night

"I know I shouldn't read the bad comments but I can't help it...I really can't... They are so mean, it really hurts to read what they are all saying, I didn't mean to lie. I should have told them sooner, I really should have done that. " I look to the moon, it really looks pretty today.

"You know I don't really know why I keep talking to you, the beautiful moon... Something about..." I look at the moon in silence... "It is like we have a silence promise between me and you..." I smile at the moon and start writing."

"And I just did what you told me Jungsoo ,just close your eyes and let it out."

"What is it called?"

"Talking to the moon" I smile at them and they all smile back

"I hope that you  will keep talking to the moon...." Jungsoo takes my hand and squishes it

"I will..."   


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semmie #1
Chapter 5: Dear Readers,
In Chapter 5 I added some links, this is the link to the song.
I am planning on doing that trough the whole story, some songs will be sung by males, or groups, but it is about the lyrics.
I hope you guys like it, let me know what you think of it.

Thank you for reading my story! I really appreciate it.
Right now I have my finals, but when they are over I will update more often ^^
Let me know what you think ^^