heart to heart


It’s was it. Kibum was nervous. Heck he was nervous. He could feel his knees shacking. He never felt this nervous in his live as right now. Not even when he came home drunk after sneaking out to a party’s. he took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves a bit.   
“Well here goes nothing.” He mumbled to himself before ringing the bell.

Only a few seconds later the door was opened and he was greeted with the face he knew as his mother’s. He saw worry writhen on her face with soon was replaced with relief.   
“Kibum you’re here, how have you been, we were so worried about you, you look good.” She stared examining him a bit pulling him inside. “come in, come in. your father will be home soon. Do you want anything. Go sit down I will make you some tea.” She motioned him to sit down which he obediently did. While she was boiling water for her son. Kibum must say he was surprised at his mother’s reaction. Sure this was nothing new for him this was how his mother acted when she was worried or nervous about something. He just never expected this to happen after that horrible day. But it was really happening his mother was smiling at him like she always did. Like nothing ever happened. 
“So how have you been doing?” She asked him after giving him his cup of tea and calming down a little.  
“I have been fine.” He said warming his hand on the warm mug. his hand had been cold from walking in the cold November air. 
“We had been really worried about you the past two weeks. We just had no idea where you could have gone. And we were so glad you called us.” The older woman confessed. 
“I have been fine. I stayed at a friend’s place. He had a free room and he was nice enough to let me stay there.” He tried to take her worries away. he could understand he she was feeling he would feel the same way if his only child had run of after a fight. But there was nothing to worry about anymore. He never got hurt or anything. 

“Oh, that’s really nice of him. Not a lot of people do that.”

“I know he is just a really kind person he helped me a lot the past days.” He said smiling at his mother. 
It was silent for a little till the door opened followed with an ‘I’m home’ from a voice that could only belong to his father. Kibum greeted him with the same “Hey dad’ as he always used to do but this time it felt more awkward than ever before. There was no reply form the other side and the room was soon filled with an awkward silence.
“I should start making dinner.” His mother said breaking the silence. 

While his mother was making dinner. The only thing Kibum could find to do was to play with his fingers. The atmosphere was still pretty awkward and he did his best to think of something to talk about. There were lots of ideas what to talk about but no idea how to start to conversation. 

It was only when his mother was finished making dinner he noticed how much time passed. 
“It’s nice eating together again.” His mother was still trying to lift op the mood. 
“It is.” Kibum smiled. It indeed was nice to be with his parents again. 

“You said there was something you wanted to talk about.”

"well... I, I just wanted to talk about what happened, about that fight. I just well. I want to be your son. I don't want to be disowned. I, I love you. You mean so much to me. I know I can't change my preferences but I don't want to lose you over this. I just hoped maybe we could just I don't know talk this out or something." it was hard for Kibum to say but it was how he felt. He needed to tell them.
 His mother let out a deep breath. "Well Kibum I personally regret that day I never wanted to disown you. In my heart I never did and you always will be my little boy." she ended with a smile taking Kibum's hand in hers. 
Now it was his father's turn to talk. He slowly turned to look at the older man.
 "Kibum I'm sorry for what I said to you I was, my mind was just not working and when I had realized what I had done it was already too late. You were gone and we didn't even know if you were ever going to come back. I was so worried about you. I, I don't want to lose you either over something silly like this. I should have never said what I said. I love you and you will always be my son." He got up and pulled his son in his arms. He softly patted the boys back how was letting out soft sobs into his father’s shoulder. He knew right then things were going to get better. Of course everything couldn’t be fixed right away but this was a start.   

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MissLocket #1
Chapter 13: I like Kibum's determination to make Taejun accepts his feelings. The cold was a helpful circunstance in this case. I love the story. Please keep writing.
MissLocket #2
Chapter 1: Oh, this is a pretty refreshing plot. It's good to read something different from the classical otp, even if I love Jongkey and Minkey. Please keep updating. I already like Taejun.