the offer


The two men were sitting in the café opposite of each other waiting for their drinks to cool down.
Taejun had coffee and Kibum had a hot chocolate since he never had coffee before. 
Taejun chuckled “Kibum how old do you even think I am?”
“I don’t know you guessed you must be in you thirties.” Kibum said dumfounded “why?”
“I’m only 21 year old” the man replied with a smile on his face. “Do I really look that old?”
Obviously finding the situation humours. 
“No just that suit made me think you were older. You look a bit like those overstressed business man.” Kibum said trying to fix his mistake, blushing out of embarrassment.  
“how old are you then?” the lather asked the blushing boy.  
“I turned 19 about two months ago” the younger said. 

“Well I don’t think someone like you should stay out on the streets.” Taejun started.
“maybe I could help you, I mean I have a free room where you could stay until you have found a place for yourself. See it’s a big house and I’m pretty lonely in there. I would love to have your company with me. And I may have a job for you. But only if you want to.” Taejun offered the younger. On the inside he was praying for Kibum to say yes to his offer. More than he was showing on the outside. He wanted the younger to stay with him more for himself then for the other. The two had talk and Kibum had explained he only recently lost him home and was still looking for work and a new place to stay. Until then he was forced to live on the streets because there was no where he could stay. 

The younger was thinking about the older his offer. It was unbelievable that someone was offering his something like this. It was an truly amazing offer. But he didn’t know the man and so didn’t know if he could trust him. Sure the man looked trustworthy but he was still a stranger to him. 
But he couldn’t just stay in the streets not with the upcoming winter. He would freeze to death. 
And he would accept anything just not to have to sleep outside for one more night. So he decided to accept the offer and be out as soon as was possible. 
“Sure” was the only thing the younger said. 

Taejun had to do his best not to jump in joy after hearing the youngers answer.  
“that’s great, I mean it would be nice to have your company. I have been alone for a long time.”
Taejun said expressing his happiness.  
“Wait you’re 21 and you’re already live by yourself?” the younger asked surprised. 

“Yes my father thought I was old enough to live one my own when I was 19 years old.” A bit surprised by the youngers question. Not realizing it was anything strange that he was living by himself.  After chatting on a bit more they realized that there drinks where getting cold. They quickly finished there drinks but not too fast. The two got up and made there why outside. Taejun went home taking he younger with him. 


“Mister Moon Sir? May I uhm ask you something?” a shy Kibum asked his eyes pointed downwards to his feet. 
“Yes, of course you can. What do you want to know?”

“You said you may had I job for me uhm what type of work would that be?” He tried to be a formal as he could be for the man that invited him in his house out of the cold of the early winter. 
“Well right now I’m in need of someone to join me on special occasions like business diners or party’s
Like a date. And I think you would do well on that.”  

“So you just pick up a random guy from the street to pretend to be your boyfriend. Why not get a fine young lady to accompany you?” Kibum Asked 
“Well at first I’m not interested in the female gender. And secondly with a new wardrobe and some training in proper  etiquette nobody will notice.”  Taejun replied to the boys question. 
“Since I know you have only recently ended up on the streets. I am will to offer you time and money to find yourself a new place to settle. Only asking in return for you to accompany me.”
After Taejun told him this Kibum was still not satisfied with what was told to him and it was clearly to be seen in the expression on his face. 
“But why me?” he asked the question that was burning on his mind. 
The latter cleared his trout giving himself time to put his words in the right order. 
“I chose you since that when I saw you for the first time I believed that you would be an interesting person.”
“Interesting?” Kibum asked confused by this answer.
“Yes, interesting”  the latter said he seemed satisfied with the answer he gave the other. 
Continuing his way the front door opening the door of his mansion for the boy and welcomed him inside.  Once he arrived inside Kibum was met with a warmth he hadn’t felt in days.

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MissLocket #1
Chapter 13: I like Kibum's determination to make Taejun accepts his feelings. The cold was a helpful circunstance in this case. I love the story. Please keep writing.
MissLocket #2
Chapter 1: Oh, this is a pretty refreshing plot. It's good to read something different from the classical otp, even if I love Jongkey and Minkey. Please keep updating. I already like Taejun.